home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 ;**********************************
- 15 ;* data compression *
- 20 ;*--------------------------------*
- 25 ;* n.higgins 1989 *
- 30 ;*--------------------------------*
- 35 ;* method: run length encoding *
- 40 ;* using : marker(count,char) *
- 45 ;**********************************
- 50 ;* first call the routines at:- *
- 55 ;* *
- 60 ;* compress - sys $c000 *
- 65 ;* decomper - sys $c0b8 *
- 70 ;* *
- 75 ;* now enter the monitor and use *
- 80 ;* the command (mc110 c170) to *
- 85 ;* see the results. *
- 90 ;**********************************
- 95 ;
- 100 ;
- 105 ;
- 110 ;
- 115 ;--------------------------------
- 120 ;pointer to the end of the data
- 125 ;to be compressed.
- 130 ;--------------------------------
- 135 ;
- 140 textend=text+16
- 145 ;
- 150 marker=$ef
- 155 datpnt=$fb
- 160 stopnt=$fd
- 165 ;
- 170 ;
- 175 *=49152
- 180 ;
- 185 ;
- 190 ;--------------------------------
- 195 ;set pointer to data to be
- 200 ;compressed (text)
- 205 ;set pointer to store the
- 210 ;compressed data (storage)
- 215 ;--------------------------------
- 220 ;
- 225 compress lda #<text
- 230 sta datpnt
- 235 lda #>text
- 240 sta datpnt+1
- 245 lda #<storage
- 250 sta stopnt
- 255 lda #>storage
- 260 sta stopnt+1
- 265 ;
- 270 ;
- 275 ;---------------------------------
- 280 ;set (endflag) to zero
- 285 ;set (count) to 1
- 290 ;get byte/is carry set?
- 295 ;yes:goto [e]
- 300 ;store byte
- 305 ;[a] get next byte/is carry set?
- 310 ;yes:goto [e]
- 315 ;is byte same as previous?
- 320 ;no :goto [c]
- 325 ;yes:increment (count)
- 330 ;is (count) =0
- 335 ;yes:output marker($ff,char)
- 340 ;set (count)=1/goto [a]
- 345 ;no :goto [a]
- 350 ;---------------------------------
- 355 ;
- 360 ldy #0
- 365 sty endflag
- 370 lda #1
- 375 sta count
- 380 jsr getbyte
- 385 bcs finish
- 390 sta character
- 395 ;
- 400 again jsr getbyte
- 405 bcs loop
- 410 cmp character
- 415 bne loop2
- 420 continue inc count
- 425 bne again
- 430 lda #marker
- 435 jsr putbyte
- 440 lda #$ff
- 445 jsr putbyte
- 450 lda character
- 455 jsr putbyte
- 460 jmp continue
- 465 ;
- 470 ;
- 475 ;--------------------------------
- 480 ;[c] store byte
- 485 ;get previous byte/is it a marker?
- 490 ;yes:goto [f]
- 495 ;no :is (count) <4
- 500 ;yes:goto [g]
- 505 ;no :goto [f]
- 510 ;--------------------------------
- 515 ;
- 520 loop2 sta store
- 525 loop lda character
- 530 cmp #marker
- 535 beq loop9
- 540 lda count
- 545 cmp #4
- 550 bcc loop5
- 555 ;
- 560 ;
- 565 ;--------------------------------
- 570 ;[f] output marker(count,char)
- 575 ;--------------------------------
- 580 ;
- 585 loop9 lda #marker
- 590 jsr putbyte
- 595 lda count
- 600 jsr putbyte
- 605 lda character
- 610 jsr putbyte
- 615 ;
- 620 ;
- 625 ;--------------------------------
- 630 ;[d] check flag/is it set?
- 635 ;yes:goto [e]
- 640 ;no :get stored byte
- 645 ;set (count) to 1/goto [a]
- 650 ;--------------------------------
- 655 ;
- 660 loop6 lda endflag
- 665 bmi finish
- 670 lda store
- 675 sta character
- 680 lda #1
- 685 sta count
- 690 jmp again
- 695 ;
- 700 ;
- 705 ;--------------------------------
- 710 ;[g] output char
- 715 ;decrement (count)
- 720 ;is (count)=0
- 725 ;yes:goto [d]
- 730 ;no :goto [g]
- 735 ;--------------------------------
- 740 ;
- 745 loop5 lda character
- 750 jsr putbyte
- 755 dec count
- 760 beq loop6
- 765 jmp loop5
- 770 ;
- 775 ;
- 780 ;--------------------------------
- 785 ;[e] when finished we store the
- 790 ;end address+1 of the compacted
- 795 ;data for the decompress routine.
- 800 ;--------------------------------
- 805 ;
- 810 finish lda stopnt
- 815 sta compend
- 820 lda stopnt+1
- 825 sta compend+1
- 830 rts
- 835 ;
- 840 ;
- 845 ;--------------------------------
- 850 ;check if reached the end of data
- 855 ;no :get next byte/clr carry/return
- 860 ;yes:set (endflag)/set carry/return
- 865 ;--------------------------------
- 870 ;
- 875 getbyte lda datpnt
- 880 cmp #<textend
- 885 bne loop12
- 890 lda datpnt+1
- 895 cmp #>textend
- 900 bne loop12
- 905 lda #$ff
- 910 sta endflag
- 915 sec
- 920 rts
- 925 ;
- 930 loop12 lda (datpnt),y
- 935 inc datpnt
- 940 bne loop14
- 945 inc datpnt+1
- 950 loop14 clc
- 955 rts
- 960 ;
- 965 ;
- 970 ;---------------------------------
- 975 ;output byte
- 980 ;---------------------------------
- 985 ;
- 990 putbyte sta (stopnt),y
- 995 inc stopnt
- 1000 bne loop15
- 1005 inc stopnt+1
- 1010 loop15 rts
- 1015 ;
- 1020 ;
- 1025 ;
- 1030 ;*********************************
- 1035 ;* decompress routine *
- 1040 ;*********************************
- 1045 ;* this must be called after the *
- 1050 ;* compression routine,it will *
- 1055 ;* restore the compressed data *
- 1060 ;* at 'storage' back to its *
- 1065 ;* original values and place it *
- 1070 ;* at 'newtext'. *
- 1075 ;*********************************
- 1080 ;* you can then compare both *
- 1085 ;* 'text' & 'newtext' to see *
- 1090 ;* that they match. *
- 1095 ;*********************************
- 1100 ;
- 1105 ;
- 1110 ;-------------------------------
- 1115 ;set pointers to start of
- 1120 ;compressed data (storage) &
- 1125 ;decompressed data (newtext)
- 1130 ;-------------------------------
- 1135 ;
- 1140 decomper lda #<storage
- 1145 sta datpnt
- 1150 lda #>storage
- 1155 sta datpnt+1
- 1160 lda #<newtext
- 1165 sta stopnt
- 1170 lda #>newtext
- 1175 sta stopnt+1
- 1180 ;
- 1185 ;-------------------------------
- 1190 ;get compressed data
- 1195 ;is it a marker?
- 1200 ;no:output it/increment (newtext)
- 1205 ;increment pointer (storage)
- 1210 ;is it end of comp.data?
- 1215 ;no:go back get next byte
- 1220 ;yes:exit
- 1225 ;-------------------------------
- 1230 ;
- 1235 ldy #0
- 1240 reloop lda (datpnt),y
- 1245 cmp #marker
- 1250 beq loop40
- 1255 sta (stopnt),y
- 1260 jsr pnt1
- 1265 loop50 jsr pnt2
- 1270 lda datpnt
- 1275 cmp compend
- 1280 bne reloop
- 1285 lda datpnt+1
- 1290 cmp compend+1
- 1295 bne reloop
- 1300 rts
- 1305 ;
- 1310 ;-------------------------------
- 1315 ;if a marker is found then
- 1320 ;put (count) in x
- 1325 ;put (char) in a
- 1330 ;output (char) until x=0
- 1335 ;-------------------------------
- 1340 ;
- 1345 loop40 jsr pnt2
- 1350 lda (datpnt),y
- 1355 tax
- 1360 jsr pnt2
- 1365 lda (datpnt),y
- 1370 loop42 sta (stopnt),y
- 1375 jsr pnt1
- 1380 dex
- 1385 bne loop42
- 1390 beq loop50
- 1395 ;
- 1400 ;
- 1405 ;-----------------------------
- 1410 ;increment pointers
- 1415 ;-----------------------------
- 1420 ;
- 1425 pnt1 inc stopnt
- 1430 bne loop43
- 1435 inc stopnt+1
- 1440 loop43 rts
- 1445 ;
- 1450 pnt2 inc datpnt
- 1455 bne loop44
- 1460 inc datpnt+1
- 1465 loop44 rts
- 1470 ;
- 1475 ;
- 1480 ;
- 1485 ;
- 1490 ;
- 1495 compend byt 0,0
- 1500 store byt 0
- 1505 count byt 0
- 1510 character byt 0
- 1515 endflag byt 0
- 1520 ;
- 1525 ;--------------------------------
- 1530 ;these are the bytes to be
- 1535 ;compressed...you can use your
- 1540 ;own instead but if you extend
- 1545 ;its size then make sure you
- 1550 ;alter the other storage area's
- 1555 ;and pointers accordingly...
- 1560 ;--------------------------------
- 1565 ;
- 1570 text ;
- 1575 ;
- 1580 byt $01,$01,$01,$01
- 1585 byt $01,$01,$01,$01
- 1590 byt $01,$01,$01,$01
- 1595 byt $01,$01,$ef,$01
- 1600 ;
- 1605 ;--------------------------------
- 1610 ;the bytes above are compressed
- 1615 ;and stored here..............
- 1620 ;(3 bytes/for every 1 in text)
- 1625 ;--------------------------------
- 1630 storage ;
- 1635 ;
- 1640 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1645 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1650 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1655 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1660 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1665 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1670 ;
- 1675 ;--------------------------------
- 1680 ;the compressed data in 'storage'
- 1685 ;is decompressed & placed here...
- 1690 ;--------------------------------
- 1695 ;
- 1700 newtext ;
- 1705 ;
- 1710 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1715 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1720 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1725 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1730 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1735 byt 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1740 ;
- 1745 ;