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- 1 a=a+1:ifa=1thenpoke53265,11:load"de.code",8,1
- 2 poke53280,5:poke53281,11:print"[147] [193] disk directory may look something"
- 3 print" like the one below but what does it"
- 4 print" all mean?":print" [208]ress any key to continue":dw$="[155]"
- 5 dimh$(15):fori=0to15:readh$(i):h$(i)=h$(i)+"[145][145]":next:ky=49235:l=49152
- 6 print"[155] 0 "chr$(34)"[212][197][211][212][160][196][201][210][197][195][212][207][210][217] "chr$(34)" [196][197] 2[193]":fori=1to11
- 7 reada,b$,c$:printatab(6)chr$(34)b$chr$(34)tab(25)c$:next
- 8 print" 472 [194][204][207][195][203][211] [198][210][197][197].":poke53265,27:sysky
- 9 fori=1to7:print:next:print" "
- 10 sysl,0,163,0:sysl,163,181,1:sysl,181,684,0
- 11 print"[155] [212]his is the disk header, mainly":print" for the user's convenience..."
- 12 sysky:sysl,163,181,0:print" ...and this is the identification code"
- 13 print" ":sysl,182,187,1:sysky
- 14 sysl,0,160,11:sysl,181,187,0:sysl,465,468,1
- 15 print"",,,"[157][212]hese tell":print,,,"[157]the drive":print,,,"[157](and the
- 16 [153],,,"cmduser) what":[153],,,"cmdtype the":[153],,,"cmdfile is":[158]ky
- 17 [158]l,465,468,0:[129]i[178]0[164]5:[158]l,389[170]i[172]40,399[170]i[172]40,11
- 18 [130]:[158]l,320,323,1:[153]"(NULL)hese are the number
- 19 print"of sectors occupied":print"by each file on":print"the disk. "
- 20 sysky:sysl,320,323,0:print" [144]"chr$(34)"[215][208] [212][197][216][212]"chr$(34)" "
- 21 print" "chr$(34)"[194][207][210][196][197][210] [211][208][210][201][212][197]"chr$(34)" "
- 22 print" "chr$(34)"[203][211] [195][207][213][210][211][197][211]"chr$(34)" "
- 23 print" "chr$(34)"[196][201][206][199][207] [196][193][210][197][211]"chr$(34)
- 24 sysl,268,269,1:print"",,,"[155][211]ignifies[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]that file";
- 25 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]cannot be[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]scratched":sysky
- 26 sysl,265,269,0:fori=1to4:sysl,190+i*40,199+i*40,11:next
- 27 sysl,361,362,1:sysl,384,389,1
- 28 print"",,,"[157][155][200]ere, the[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]file has[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]not been";
- 29 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]closed (or[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]saved)[157][157][157][157][157][157]correctly":sysky:sysl,361,389,0
- 30 fori=0to5:sysl,349+i*40,360+i*40,11:next:sysl,640,660,1
- 31 printdw$"[145] [193]s it says. [212]here are 472
- 32 [153]" blocks (or sectors) still":[153]" available for use on the":[153]" disk."
- 33 [158]ky:[158]l,640,660,0:[153]"onononon (NULL)et's take a closer look at the first"
- 34 [153]" eight files on the disk. right$nformation
- 35 print" about each will be stored on [212][210][193][195][203] 18,"
- 36 print" [211][197][195][212][207][210] 1.":fori=0to7:sysl,200+i*40,229+i*40,1:next:sysky:print"[147][212]:18, [211]:1"
- 37 print"[155]";:fori=0to7:reada$:fork=0to1:forj=1to16:b$=mid$(a$,j*2-1+k*32,2)
- 38 poke199,abs(abs(i/2=int(i/2))-abs(j/2=int(j/2)))
- 39 printb$;:next:print:print" ";:nextk,i
- 40 print"[155][206]ot very easy to identify what the"
- 41 print" data shows, but there are 256 bytes
- 42 [153]" and each set of 32 represents one
- 43 print" entry in the directory.":fort=1to2500:next:restore:fori=1to16:reada$
- 44 next:fori=0to7:ifithensysl,40+i*80,120+i*80,0
- 45 reada,b$,c$:print""tab(14)a"[157] "tab(18)chr$(34)b$chr$(34);
- 46 printleft$(" ",15-len(b$))tab(35)" "left$(c$+" ",4)
- 47 sysl,120+i*80,200+i*80,1:sysl,200+i*80,761,0
- 48 fort=1to500:nextt,i:sysl,680,760,0:sysl,120,200,1:c$="[208][210][199]"
- 49 a=79:b$="[197][216][208][197][210][201][205][197][206][212] [195][193][205][208]":print""tab(14)atab(19)b$chr$(34)" "c$
- 50 printdw$" [206]ow let's zoom in even closer and take
- 51 [153]" a look at just one of the entries in
- 52 print" detail. [208]ress any key to continue "
- 53 sysky:print"[147][155][212][210][193][195][203] 18, [211][197][195][212][207][210] 1 ([194]ytes 0-31)":fori=1to17:reada$:next
- 54 print"";:fori=0to3:forj=0to7:reada:printh$(a);:reada:printh$(a)" ";:next
- 55 print:print:print:next
- 56 print"";:fori=1to4:printchr$(148)chr$(141)chr$(148)chr$(141)chr$(141);
- 57 next:print" [210]emember, each entry in the directory":print" consists of 32 bytes";
- 58 print" of data. [193]ll of":print" the above is in hexadecimal notation."
- 59 print" [208]ress any key to continue.":poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0
- 60 sys49152,760,959,11
- 61 print"[144] 79 "chr$(34)"[197][216][208][197][210][201][205][197][206][212] [195][193][205][208]"chr$(34)" [208][210][199] [155][206]o.1-2"
- 62 sysl,120,720,0:fori=3to6:sysl,i*40,10+i*40,1:next
- 63 printdw$" [212]he most important part of any sector
- 64 [153]" on the disk. right$t tells the drive which
- 65 print" track and sector should be read next.
- 66 [153]" right$f the track pointer is a $00 then the
- 67 print" end of the file has been reached.":sysky
- 68 fori=3to6:sysl,i*40,10+i*40,0:sysl,11+i*40,15+i*40,1
- 69 next:sysl,720,960,11
- 70 print"[145][145][145][145][145] [212]he file type. [193]n $81 represents a"
- 71 print" sequential file, $82 program file, $83"
- 72 print" user file, $84 relative file. [212]o":print" protect a file from";
- 73 print" accidental erasure":print" simply add $40 to it..."
- 74 print""tab(26)"[208][210][199][155]2 "
- 75 sysky:sysl,720,960,11:print""tab(11)h$(12)h$(2)
- 77 print""tab(29)"<"dw$" [217]ou will notice that a less than (<)
- 78 [153]" sign should appear next to the file
- 79 print" type in the directory. [[201]f a file has
- 80 [153]" been scratched, the file type byte
- 81 print" will be a $00]":sysky:sysl,720,960,11
- 82 fori=3to6:sysl,11+i*40,15+i*40,0:sysl,16+i*40,25+i*40,1
- 83 next:print""tab(26)"[144][208][210][199]<[155]3-4
- 84 [153]dw$" peekytes three and four are the track and
- 85 print" sector numbers of the start of the
- 86 [153]" file. (NULL)ou can then read this sector to
- 87 print" examine the file in detail.":sysky
- 88 sysl,720,960,11:fori=3to6:sysl,16+i*40,25+i*40,0
- 89 sysl,26+i*40,40+i*40,1:next:sysl,280,465,1:fori=12to13:sysl,i*40,25+i*40,1:next
- 90 print""chr$(34)"[197][216][208][197][210][201][205][197][206][212] [195][193][205][208]"chr$(34)tab(35)"[155]5-20
- 91 [153]dw$" (NULL)hese represent the atn(NULL)lenright$right$ values for
- 92 print" each character in the file name. [212]he
- 93 [153]" $atn0 byte is added by the computer
- 94 print" to pad out the name to 16 characters.
- 95 [153]" lenhanging these changes the file's name
- 96 sysky:print" ";:fori=1to8:reada,b:printh$(a)h$(b)" ";:next
- 97 print"";:fori=1to4:reada,b:printh$(a)h$(b)" ";:next
- 98 print""chr$(34)"[197][216][208]'[205][197][206][212][160][195][193][205][208]"chr$(34)" ":sysl,720,960,11
- 99 printdw$" [210]emember... the $[193]0 bytes are added
- 100 [153]" automatically by the computer and do
- 101 print" not show up when the directory is":print" listed.":sysky
- 102 print"[144]"chr$(34)"[197][216][208]'[205][197][206][212][160][195][193][205][208]"chr$(34)"[155]21-29
- 103 [158]l,120,560,0:[158]l,720,960,11:[129]i[178]11[164]13:[158]l,25[170]i[172]40,40[170]i[172]40,1
- 104 [158]l,160[170]i[172]40,190[170]i[172]40,1:[130]
- 105 [153]dw$" (NULL)hese bytes are not used by the drive"
- 106 [153]" but need not be wasted. (NULL)ou may want a
- 107 print" program to only list files saved by "
- 108 print" that program. [193]lter these bytes during
- 109 [153]" the save, check them during the load.":[158]ky:[158]l,720,960,11:[129]i[178]11[164]13
- 110 [158]l,160[170]i[172]40,190[170]i[172]40,0:[158]l,25[170]i[172]40,40[170]i[172]40,0:[130]
- 111 [153]"79"[163]35)"list30-31":[129]i[178]11[164]13:[158]l,190[170]i[172]40,200[170]i[172]40,1:[130]
- 112 [153]dw$" (NULL)he total number of blocks(or sectors)
- 113 print" used by the file is indicated by bytes
- 114 [153]" 30 and 31. right$t is the usual low byte/
- 115 print" high byte format. $4[198]=79, 0x256+79= 79":sysky
- 116 print""tab(32)" ":sysl,0,720,0:sysl,720,960,11
- 117 fori=3to6:sysl,16+i*40,25+i*40,1:next
- 118 printdw$" [211]o, let's read track 17 ($11),
- 119 [153]" sector 0 into the buffer.
- 120 print" [212]his is the start location of the file"
- 121 print" on the disk.":sysky
- 122 print"[147][155] [212][210][195][203] 17, [211][197][195][212] 0 ([198]irst 32 bytes only)[144]"
- 123 print"";:fori=0to3:forj=0to7:reada:printh$(a);:reada:printh$(a)" ";:next:print:print:print:next
- 124 print"";:fori=1to4:printchr$(148)chr$(141)chr$(148)chr$(141)chr$(141);:next
- 125 print"[155] [210]emember, the first two bytes of any"
- 126 print" sector on the disk are pointers to the"
- 127 print" next sector to be read.":fori=3to6:sysl,i*40,10+i*40,1
- 128 next:sysky:sysl,720,960,11:fori=3to6:sysl,i*40,10+i*40,0:sysl,10+i*40,21+i*40,1
- 129 next:print"[145][145][145] [212]hese two bytes represent the address
- 130 [153]" to which the program will be loaded.
- 131 print" [193]gain these are in the usual low byte/
- 132 [153]" high byte format. 8x256+1= 2049, the
- 133 print" start location of [194][193][211][201][195] programs.":sysky
- 134 sysl,120,720,1:fori=3to6:sysl,i*40,21+i*40,0:next
- 135 print"[145][145][145][145][145] [212]his is simply the program code and it
- 136 [153]" continues byte after byte until the "
- 137 [153]" end of the file is reached. (NULL)o, from "
- 138 [153]" the directory you can obtain a whole "
- 139 [153]" myriad of information about each file.":[158]ky:[153]"loadreturn"[199](34);
- 140 [153]"directories explained"[199](34):[153]"by jason finchstop":[151]198,0:[162]
- 141 [131]"* cmdcmdgetgetcmdcmdsincos"," rndcmdcmdloggetcmdcmd get","new cmdcmd*coscmdcmdlogwaitrnd","new cmdcmd*coscmdcmdnewcos"
- 142 [131]" rndcmdcmdsinwaitgetcmdcmdnewwaitget","newrndcmdcmdlogwait cmdcmdnewcos","*rndcmdcmdlogwait cmdcmdsincos","newrndcmdcmd*coscmdcmdgetwait "
- 143 [131]"* cmdcmdsincoscmdcmdsincos","* cmdcmdsingetcmdcmdnewcos","* cmdcmdlogwaitgetcmdcmdgetget","new cmdcmdlogwaitcoscmdcmdlogwaitcos"
- 144 [131]"*rndcmdcmdget cmdcmdsinrnd","new cmdcmdgetgetcmdcmdlogwaitcos","newrndcmdcmdlogwait cmdcmdlogwaitrnd","newrndcmdcmdlogwait cmdcmdget "
- 145 [131]79,"val(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)right$(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) lenatn(NULL)(NULL)","(NULL)(NULL)chr$",24,"right$(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)","(NULL)(NULL)chr$<",12,"(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)","(NULL)val(NULL)"
- 146 [131]3,"peek(NULL)(NULL)str$val(NULL)close(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)val","(NULL)(NULL)chr$",,"(NULL)(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)","cmd*(NULL)(NULL)chr$",5,"str$right$(NULL)chr$(NULL) str$atn(NULL)val(NULL)","(NULL)(NULL)chr$"
- 147 [131]2,"(NULL)len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)","(NULL)val(NULL)",30,"(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)val(NULL)close(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)val","(NULL)(NULL)chr$",1,"(NULL)(NULL).chr$atn(NULL) peekright$(NULL)(NULL)","(NULL)val(NULL)"
- 148 [131]9,"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)asc","(NULL)(NULL)chr$",27,"(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)right$len","(NULL)(NULL)chr$"
- 149 [131]"12048211004558504552494str$454val542048454str$50atn00000000000000000004asc00"
- 150 [131]"0000len21301494val544552525550atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn00000000000000000001800"
- 151 [131]"000081190157502054455854atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn00000000000000000000len00"
- 152 [131]"000082190str$424asc5244455220535052495445atn0atn0atn00000000000000000000300"
- 153 [131]"0000021atn014peek5320434asc5552534553atn0atn0atn0atn0atn0atn00000000000000000000000"
- 154 [131]"000082020144494val474asc204441524553atn0atn0atn0atn0atn00000000000000000000500"
- 155 [131]"00008102055343524asc4len4len2054455854atn0atn0atn0atn0atn00000000000000000000200"
- 156 [131]"0000822103504len414val455420524asc54415445atn0atn0atn00000000000000000001val00"
- 157 [131]1,2,,4,8,2,1,1,,,4,5,5,8,5,,4,5,5,2,4,9,4,13,4,5,4,14,5,4,2,,4,8
- 158 [131]4,5,4,13,5,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,15,,
- 159 [131]2,7,4,13,4,5,4,14,5,4,2,,4,8,4,5,4,13,5,,10,,10,
- 160 [131]1,1,0,10,0,1,0,8,3,2,0,8,0,10,0,0,4,1,11,2,4,1,10,10,3,1,3,10,8,11,4,1
- 161 [131]11,2,3,1,10,7,9,7,3,5,3,3,3,2,3,6,3,5,2,12,3,1,3,1,3,10,8,9,3,2,3,0