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- 1000 *=$c300
- 1010 ! --------------------------------
- 1020 ! c64 sample kit - sample player
- 1030 ! source file for mikro & 6510+.
- 1040 !
- 1050 ! written by ian (NULL)ffe 1990
- 1060 ! for commodore disk user.
- 1070 !
- 1080 ! memory requirements:-
- 1090 !
- 1100 ! sample:- $2000-$a000
- 1110 ! split data:- $c000-$c100
- 1120 ! tune:- $c100-$c300
- 1130 !
- 1140 !
- 1150 !
- 1160 sample=$2000
- 1170 splits=$c000
- 1180 tune=$c100
- 1190 !
- 1200 zero1=$fb
- 1210 !
- 1220 ! --------------------------------
- 1230 ! object code len:- $c5(197) bytes
- 1240 ! --------------------------------
- 1250 !
- 1260 lda #0
- 1270 sta 53280
- 1280 sta 53281 ! screen->black
- 1290 !
- 1300 sei ! disable for speed
- 1310 lda $d011
- 1320 and #%11101111
- 1330 sta $d011 ! blank screen
- 1340 jsr clearsid ! clear sound chip
- 1350 jsr playseq ! main player
- 1360 lda $d011
- 1370 ora #%00010000
- 1380 sta $d011 ! restore screen
- 1390 cli ! interrupts back on
- 1400 rts
- 1410 !
- 1420 !
- 1430 ! --------------------------
- 1440 clearsid ! clear sound chip
- 1450 ldx #0
- 1460 txa
- 1470 lp1 sta $d400,x
- 1480 inx
- 1490 cpx #24
- 1500 bne lp1
- 1510 rts
- 1520 ! --------------------------
- 1530 !
- 1540 !
- 1550 ! --------------------------
- 1560 ! play a single sample split.
- 1570 ! 'start' holds start hi byte.
- 1580 ! of the sample data.
- 1590 ! 'last' holds the end-hi byte
- 1600 ! address of the sample.
- 1610 ! --------------------------
- 1620 playasample ldx #0
- 1630 ldy start
- 1640 stx zero1
- 1650 sty zero1+1
- 1660 ldy #0
- 1670 play ! ! loop a page of data
- 1680 lda (zero1),y ! get sample byte
- 1690 lsr a ! get desired nibble
- 1700 lsr a
- 1710 lsr a
- 1720 lsr a
- 1730 sta $d418 ! output as volume
- 1740 ldx speed ! delay between bytes
- 1750 del2 dex
- 1760 bne del2
- 1770 iny ! next byte in page
- 1780 bne play
- 1790 inc zero1+1 ! add 256 (hi byte+1)
- 1800 lda zero1+1 ! to read next page
- 1810 cmp last ! check for last page
- 1820 bne play
- 1830 rts
- 1840 !
- 1850 start byt <sample
- 1860 last byt $a0
- 1870 speed byt 09
- 1880 !
- 1890 ! --------------------------------
- 1900 ! main player to play a "tune"
- 1910 ! of samples.
- 1920 ! --------------------------------
- 1930 playseq !
- 1940 ldx #0
- 1950 stx inseq
- 1960 rds !
- 1970 ldy tune,x ! read sample # to y
- 1980 !
- 1990 ! ------> check for flags
- 2000 !
- 2010 cpy #131 ! 131=exit/end
- 2020 beq exitseq
- 2030 !
- 2040 cpy #129 ! 129=speed change
- 2050 beq makespeed
- 2060 cpy #130 ! 130=repeat tune
- 2070 beq repeat
- 2080 cpy #128 ! 128=delay with value
- 2090 beq dowait
- 2100 !
- 2110 !
- 2120 ! now y must be a "split" to play.
- 2130 !
- 2140 ! ----> read page numbers to play
- 2150 ! from .... to ....
- 2160 ! for the 'playasample' routine.
- 2170 !
- 2180 lda splits,y
- 2190 sta start
- 2200 lda splits+128,y
- 2210 sta last
- 2220 !
- 2230 ! read # times to play this split.
- 2240 !
- 2250 lda tune+256,x
- 2260 sta loopcount
- 2270 !
- 2280 ! -----> loopcount=repeat value.
- 2290 !
- 2300 lll jsr playasample ! play split
- 2310 lda $dc01 ! exit if space
- 2320 and #%00010000 ! bar pressed.
- 2330 bne iew
- 2340 jmp exitseq
- 2350 iew !
- 2360 dec loopcount ! loop repeats
- 2370 bne lll
- 2380 nextinseq !
- 2390 inc inseq ! seq. index+1
- 2400 ldx inseq
- 2410 jmp rds ! next step
- 2420 !
- 2430 exitseq rts
- 2440 !
- 2450 inseq byt 0
- 2460 loopcount byt 0
- 2470 ! --------------------------------
- 2480 !
- 2490 ! handle the "sp" flag....
- 2500 !
- 2510 makespeed lda tune+256,x
- 2520 sta speed
- 2530 jmp nextinseq
- 2540 !
- 2550 ! "rp" flag....
- 2560 !
- 2570 repeat jmp playseq
- 2580 !
- 2590 ! "wt" flag....
- 2600 !
- 2610 dowait lda tune+256,x
- 2620 sta loopcount
- 2630 lli jsr delay
- 2640 dec loopcount
- 2650 bne lli
- 2660 jmp nextinseq
- 2670 !
- 2680 delay ldx #10
- 2690 d2 dey
- 2700 bne d2
- 2710 dex
- 2720 bne d2
- 2730 rts
- 2740 !
- 2750 !
- 2760 ! ig'1990.
- 2770 !
- 2780 !
- 2790 !