home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 poke 52,112:poke 56,112:clr
- 110 (NULL) "[201]nit"
- 120 (NULL) "[197]xec"
- 130 (NULL) "[211]hut[196]own"
- 140 end
- 150 :
- 160 (NULL) "[201]nit"
- 170 (NULL)
- 180 d=0
- 190 p=2
- 200 dv=8
- 210 (NULL) 1,clr
- 220 (NULL) (NULL) 1,clr
- 230 (NULL) 1 def 40,1,16+6
- 240 (NULL) 2 def 21,15,6+1
- 250 (NULL) 4 def 30,6,16+2
- 260 (NULL) def 1,1
- 270 (NULL) (NULL) 100,100
- 280 (NULL) (NULL) d,p
- 290 (NULL) 4,0
- 300 (NULL) def 256,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 310 cg=0
- 320 dim ac(15),sp(8),ch(8,8)
- 330 restore
- 340 for i=0 to 15
- 350 read ac(i)
- 360 next
- 370 bc=5:fc=144
- 380 (NULL) "[211]pr[196]ef"
- 390 return
- 400 data 144,5,28,159,156,30,31,158,129,149,150,151,152,153,154,155
- 410 :
- 420 (NULL) "[197]xec"
- 430 (NULL) 1 open 0,0
- 440 (NULL) (NULL) 1,1
- 450 print "[147][196]esign [211]ystem";
- 460 te=0:se=0
- 470 (NULL)
- 480 : (NULL) se<>0 then (NULL) 1 (NULL):print "[147][196]esign [211]ystem";
- 490 : (NULL):(NULL) (NULL)(1)
- 500 : px=int((NULL)(0)/8)
- 510 : (NULL) px<=6 then (NULL) "[196]esign[211]ervice"
- 520 : (NULL) px>=8 and px<=13 then (NULL) "[211]ys[211]ervice"
- 530 (NULL) te<>0
- 540 (NULL) (NULL) 0
- 550 (NULL) 1 close
- 560 return
- 570 :
- 580 (NULL) "[211]hut[196]own"
- 590 (NULL) (NULL) 0
- 600 (NULL) 4 clr
- 610 (NULL) 2 clr
- 620 (NULL) 1 clr
- 630 (NULL) (NULL) 0
- 640 (NULL) 0
- 650 (NULL)
- 660 print chr$(142);"program finished"
- 670 return
- 680 :
- 690 (NULL) "[196]esign[211]ervice"
- 700 (NULL) 3 def 18,1,16+6
- 710 (NULL) 3 open 0,1
- 720 print "[196]esign [195]haracters";
- 730 (NULL) "[205][211]elect"
- 740 (NULL) se (NULL) "[195]har[196]es"
- 750 (NULL) se=0 then (NULL) 3 close:(NULL) 3 clr
- 760 return
- 770 :
- 780 (NULL) "[211]ys[211]ervice"
- 790 (NULL) 3 def 22,1,16+6
- 800 (NULL) 3 open 8,1
- 810 print "[197]xit to [194]asic [211]ystem";
- 820 (NULL) "[205][211]elect"
- 830 b=0
- 840 (NULL) se<>0 then op$="[197]xit to [194]asic [211]ystem":(NULL) "[195]onfirm"
- 850 te=b
- 860 (NULL) 3 close
- 870 (NULL) 3 clr
- 880 return
- 890 :
- 900 (NULL) "[205][211]elect"
- 910 se=0
- 920 (NULL)
- 930 (NULL) (NULL)(3) and ((NULL)(p)=128 or (NULL)(p)=16) then se=int((NULL)(1)/8)+1
- 940 (NULL) (NULL) se=0 and ((NULL)(3) or (NULL)(1))
- 950 return
- 960 :
- 970 (NULL) "[195]onfirm"
- 980 ow=(NULL)(0)
- 990 (NULL) 4 open 5,9
- 1000 print " ![211][212][207][208]!"
- 1010 print (NULL)((30-len(op$))/2,32);op$
- 1020 print " [208]ress [194]utton [212]o [195]onfirm"
- 1030 print " [200]it [210]eturn to [195]ancel"
- 1040 (NULL) "[203]ey[211]witch"
- 1050 (NULL) 4 close
- 1060 (NULL) ow (NULL)
- 1070 return
- 1080 :
- 1090 (NULL) "[203]ey[211]witch"
- 1100 (NULL)
- 1110 a=(NULL)(0)
- 1120 b=(NULL)(p):c=(NULL)(p):(NULL) c=16 then b=128
- 1130 (NULL) a=13 or b=128
- 1140 return
- 1150 :
- 1160 (NULL) "[195]har[196]es"
- 1170 (NULL) 3 close
- 1180 (NULL) 3 clr
- 1190 (NULL) 1 (NULL)
- 1200 print "[147][207]ptions [195]haracters";
- 1210 (NULL) "[195]har[199]rid"
- 1220 tc=0
- 1230 (NULL)
- 1240 (NULL) not((NULL)(2)) then (NULL) 4,0
- 1250 (NULL) (NULL)(2) then (NULL) "[195]heck[199]rid"
- 1260 (NULL) (NULL)(1) then (NULL) "[195]heck[200]eader"
- 1270 (NULL) (NULL) tc
- 1280 (NULL) 2 close
- 1290 return
- 1300 :
- 1310 (NULL) "[195]har[199]rid"
- 1320 (NULL) 2 open 10,5
- 1330 (NULL) 1,0:(NULL) 2,1:(NULL)
- 1340 (NULL) "[195]lr[199]rid"
- 1350 (NULL) 11,3:print "[195]har =";
- 1360 (NULL) 11,4:print "[193]scii=";cd%;
- 1370 (NULL) 11,5:print "[210]ev = ";rv$;
- 1380 (NULL) 11,6:print "[211]et =";se%;
- 1390 (NULL) 1,13:print "[156][198]ile:[146]";
- 1400 return
- 1410 :
- 1420 (NULL) "[195]heck[199]rid"
- 1430 px=int((NULL)(0)/8):py=int((NULL)(1)/8)
- 1440 (NULL) px<2 or px>9 or py<2 or py>9 then (NULL) 4,6:return
- 1450 (NULL) 4,4
- 1460 (NULL) ((NULL)(p)<>128 and (NULL)(p)<>16) then return
- 1470 ax=px-1:ay=py-1
- 1480 m=2^(8-ax)
- 1490 fg=not(ch(ax,ay))
- 1500 (NULL) fg then sp(ay)=sp(ay)or m
- 1510 (NULL) not(fg) then sp(ay)=sp(ay) and (255-m)
- 1520 ch(ax,ay)=fg
- 1530 ch$="[207]"
- 1540 (NULL) ch(px-1,py-1) then ch$=" [146]"
- 1550 (NULL) px,py:print chr$(142);"[144]";ch$;"";
- 1560 (NULL) "[213]p[196]ate"
- 1570 return
- 1580 :
- 1590 (NULL) "[195]heck[200]eader"
- 1600 px=int((NULL)(0)/8)
- 1610 (NULL) px>=0 and px<=6 then (NULL) "[196]o[207]ption"
- 1620 (NULL) px>=11 and px<=20 then (NULL) "[196]o[195]haracter"
- 1630 return
- 1640 :
- 1650 (NULL) "[196]o[195]haracter"
- 1660 ow=(NULL)(0)
- 1670 (NULL) 3 def 10,6,22
- 1680 (NULL) 3 open 11,1
- 1690 print "[211]elect [198]lip [210]everse [195]lear [195]olour [213]pdate";
- 1700 (NULL) "[205][211]elect"
- 1710 (NULL) 3 close
- 1720 (NULL) 3 clr
- 1730 (NULL) ow (NULL)
- 1740 (NULL) se<>5 and se<>0 then (NULL) "[194]usy"
- 1750 (NULL) se (NULL) "[211]el[195]har","[198]lip","[210]everse","[195]lear[195]","[195]olour","[211]ave[195][195]"
- 1760 (NULL) se<>5 and se<>0 then (NULL) "[206]ot[194]usy"
- 1770 return
- 1780 :
- 1790 (NULL) "[196]o[207]ption"
- 1800 ow=(NULL)(0)
- 1810 (NULL) 3 def 20,3,22
- 1820 (NULL) 3 open 0,1
- 1830 print "[204]oad [195]haracter [198]ile [211]ave [195]haracter [198]ile[197]xit";
- 1840 (NULL) "[205][211]elect"
- 1850 (NULL) 3 close
- 1860 (NULL) 3 clr
- 1870 (NULL) ow (NULL)
- 1880 (NULL) se (NULL) "[204]oad[195][211]et","[211]ave[195][211]et","[195][197]xit"
- 1890 return
- 1900 :
- 1910 (NULL) "[195][197]xit"
- 1920 (NULL) "[211]ave[195][195]"
- 1930 tc=-1
- 1940 return
- 1950 :
- 1960 (NULL) "[213]p[196]ate"
- 1970 (NULL) def 256,sp(1),sp(2),sp(3),sp(4),sp(5),sp(6),sp(7),sp(8)
- 1980 (NULL) 18,3:printchr$(1);chr$(bc);chr$(fc);"@";
- 1990 return
- 2000 :
- 2010 (NULL) "[199][213]p[196]ate"
- 2020 (NULL) "[195]lr[199]rid"
- 2030 for y=1 to 8
- 2040 for x=1 to 8
- 2050 ch(x,y)=0
- 2060 (NULL) (sp(y) and 2^(8-x))<>0 then ch(x,y)=-1:(NULL) 1+x,1+y:print "[144] [146]";
- 2070 next x,y
- 2080 return
- 2090 :
- 2100 (NULL) "[198]lip"
- 2110 for y=1 to 4
- 2120 tp=sp(y)
- 2130 sp(y)=sp(9-y)
- 2140 sp(9-y)=tp
- 2150 next
- 2160 (NULL) "[199][213]p[196]ate"
- 2170 (NULL) "[213]p[196]ate"
- 2180 return
- 2190 :
- 2200 (NULL) "[195]lr[199]rid"
- 2210 print chr$(142);"[144]";
- 2220 for y=0 to 7
- 2230 (NULL) 2,2+y
- 2240 print "[207][207][207][207][207][207][207][207][180]"
- 2250 next
- 2260 print "[183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 2270 return
- 2280 :
- 2290 (NULL) "[210]everse"
- 2300 for y=1 to 8
- 2310 sp(y)=255-sp(y)
- 2320 next y
- 2330 (NULL) "[199][213]p[196]ate"
- 2340 (NULL) "[213]p[196]ate"
- 2350 return
- 2360 :
- 2370 (NULL) "[195]lear[195]"
- 2380 for y=1 to 8
- 2390 sp(y)=0
- 2400 next y
- 2410 (NULL) "[199][213]p[196]ate"
- 2420 (NULL) "[213]p[196]ate"
- 2430 return
- 2440 :
- 2450 (NULL) "[195]olour"
- 2460 (NULL) 4 open 5,15
- 2470 (NULL) 2,6:(NULL)
- 2480 (NULL) 6,1
- 2490 print "[144] [159] [156] [158] [129] [149] [150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [146]";
- 2500 cx=0:cc=0
- 2510 (NULL) "[194]col"
- 2520 (NULL)
- 2530 (NULL) (NULL)(4) and ((NULL)(p)=128 or (NULL)(p)=16) then (NULL) "[211]el[195]olour"
- 2540 (NULL) 6,4:print chr$(fc);" [146]";
- 2550 (NULL) 18,4:print chr$(bc);" [146]";
- 2560 (NULL) (NULL) cx<>0
- 2570 (NULL) 4 close
- 2580 (NULL) 2 (NULL)
- 2590 (NULL) 18,3:printchr$(1);chr$(bc);chr$(fc);"@";
- 2600 return
- 2610 :
- 2620 (NULL) "[211]el[195]olour"
- 2630 px=int((NULL)(0)/8):py=int((NULL)(1)/8)
- 2640 (NULL) py=3 and px>=2 and px<=11 then cc=1:(NULL) "[194]col":return
- 2650 (NULL) py=3 and px>=14 and px<=23 then cc=2:(NULL) "[194]col":return
- 2660 (NULL) py=3 and (px=26 or px=27) then cx=-1:return
- 2670 (NULL) py=1 and px>=6 and px<=20 then sc=px-6
- 2680 (NULL) cc=2 then bc=ac(sc)
- 2690 (NULL) cc=1 then fc=ac(sc)
- 2700 return
- 2710 :
- 2720 (NULL) "[194]col"
- 2730 (NULL) 2,3
- 2740 print "[198]oreground [155][194]ackground [155][207][203][146]";
- 2750 (NULL) 2,3
- 2760 (NULL) cc=1 then print "[198]oreground [155][194]ackground [155][207][203][146]";
- 2770 (NULL) cc=2 then print "[155][198]oreground [194]ackground [155][207][203][146]";
- 2780 return
- 2790 :
- 2800 (NULL) "[211]el[195]har"
- 2810 (NULL) 4 open 5,10
- 2820 print "[150][147] [195]haracter [197]dit [211]election"
- 2830 (NULL) ci% then (NULL) "[199]ot[193][195]har"
- 2840 (NULL) ci% then (NULL) 4 close:return
- 2850 (NULL)
- 2860 ba%=0
- 2870 (NULL) 2,2:input "[197]nter [193]scii (0-255): [157][157][157][157]";cd%
- 2880 (NULL) cd%<32 or (cd%>=128 and cd%<160) then ba%=-1
- 2890 (NULL) (NULL) ba%
- 2900 (NULL)
- 2910 (NULL) 2,3:input "[197]nter [211]et (1 or 2) : [157][157][157][157]";se%
- 2920 (NULL) (NULL) se%<>1 and se%<>2
- 2930 (NULL)
- 2940 (NULL) 2,4:input "[210]everse on ([217]/[206]) : [157][157][157][157]";rv$
- 2950 (NULL) (NULL) rv$<>"y" and rv$<>"n"
- 2960 (NULL) 4 close
- 2970 ci%=-1
- 2980 (NULL) 2 (NULL)
- 2990 (NULL) 11,4:print "[193]scii=";cd%;
- 3000 (NULL) 11,5:print "[210]ev = ";rv$;
- 3010 (NULL) 11,6:print "[211]et =";se%;
- 3020 (NULL) "[204]oad[213]p[195]har"
- 3030 return
- 3040 :
- 3050 (NULL) "[199]ot[193][195]har"
- 3060 (NULL) "[211]ave[195][195]"
- 3070 (NULL) 2,2:print "[217]ou are already editing"
- 3080 print " [195]haracter";cd%;"in set";se%
- 3090 print " [195]haracter has been saved"
- 3100 print " [195]lick to continue";
- 3110 (NULL) "[203]ey[211]witch"
- 3120 print "[150][147] [195]haracter [197]dit [211]election"
- 3130 ci%=0
- 3140 return
- 3150 :
- 3160 (NULL) "[194]usy"
- 3170 poke 53276,255
- 3180 (NULL) def 1,3
- 3190 (NULL) 20 (NULL) "[211]witch"
- 3200 return
- 3210 :
- 3220 (NULL) "[211]witch"
- 3230 (NULL) v% then (NULL) def 1,4
- 3240 (NULL) not(v%) then (NULL) def 1,3
- 3250 v%=not(v%)
- 3260 return
- 3270 :
- 3280 (NULL) "[206]ot[194]usy"
- 3290 (NULL) def 1,1
- 3300 (NULL) clr
- 3310 poke 53276,0
- 3320 return
- 3330 :
- 3340 (NULL) "[211]ave[195][195]"
- 3350 (NULL) ra%<(7*4096) then return
- 3360 for i=0 to 7
- 3370 poke ra%+i,sp(i+1)
- 3380 next
- 3390 return
- 3400 :
- 3410 (NULL) "[204]oad[195][211]et"
- 3420 (NULL) 4 open 5,10
- 3430 print "[147] [195]haracter [211]et [198]ile [204]oad"
- 3440 ui%=0:(NULL) "[211]ave[195][195]"
- 3450 ci%=0
- 3460 (NULL)
- 3470 (NULL) 2,2:input "[198]ile:";cf$
- 3480 (NULL) (NULL) cf$=""
- 3490 poke 780,1:poke 781,dv:poke 782,0:sys 65466
- 3500 for i=1 to len(cf$):poke 999+i,asc(mid$(cf$,i,1)):next
- 3510 poke 780,len(cf$):poke 781,232:poke 782,3:sys 65469
- 3520 poke 780,0:poke 781,0:poke 782,112:sys 65493
- 3530 (NULL) dv>8 then df=val((NULL)(dv))
- 3540 (NULL) df<>0 or (st and (255-64))<>0 then (NULL) "[196]isk[204]oad[197]rr"
- 3550 (NULL) 4 close
- 3560 (NULL) 2 (NULL)
- 3570 (NULL) not ui% then (NULL) 1,13:print "[156][198]ile:[146]";cf$
- 3580 return
- 3590 :
- 3600 (NULL) "[196]isk[204]oad[197]rr"
- 3610 (NULL) 2,4:print "[208]roblem loading [198]ile. "
- 3620 (NULL) 2,5:print "[208]ress button to [195]ontinue"
- 3630 ui%=-1
- 3640 (NULL) "[203]ey[211]witch"
- 3650 return
- 3660 :
- 3670 (NULL) "[204]oad[213]p[195]har"
- 3680 ra%=cd%
- 3690 (NULL) (cd%>=64 and cd%<=95) or (cd%>=160 and cd%<=191) then ra%=cd%-64
- 3700 (NULL) (cd%>=96 and cd%<=127) then ra%=cd%-32
- 3710 (NULL) se%=2 then ra%=ra%+256
- 3720 (NULL) rv$="y" then ra%=ra%+128
- 3730 ra%=28672+ra%*8
- 3740 for i=0 to 7
- 3750 sp(i+1)=peek(ra%+i)
- 3760 next i
- 3770 (NULL) "[199][213]p[196]ate"
- 3780 (NULL) "[213]p[196]ate"
- 3790 return
- 3800 :
- 3810 (NULL) "[211]ave[195][211]et"
- 3820 (NULL) 4 open 5,10
- 3830 print "[147] [195]haracter [211]et [198]ile [211]ave"
- 3840 ui%=0
- 3850 (NULL)
- 3860 (NULL) 2,2:input "[198]ile:";cf$
- 3870 (NULL) (NULL) cf$=""
- 3880 (NULL) dv,"s0:"+cf$
- 3890 poke 780,1:poke 781,dv:poke 782,0:sys 65466
- 3900 for i=1 to len(cf$):poke 999+i,asc(mid$(cf$,i,1)):next
- 3910 poke 780,len(cf$):poke 781,232:poke 782,3:sys 65469
- 3920 poke 253,0:poke 254,112
- 3930 poke 780,253:poke 781,0:poke 782,128:sys 65496
- 3940 (NULL) dv>8 then df=val((NULL)(dv))
- 3950 (NULL) df<>0 or (st and (255-64))<>0 then (NULL) "[194]ad[211]ave"
- 3960 (NULL) 4 close
- 3970 (NULL) 2 (NULL)
- 3980 return
- 3990 :
- 4000 (NULL) "[194]ad[211]ave"
- 4010 (NULL) 2,4:print "[208]roblem saving [198]ile. "
- 4020 (NULL) 2,5:print "[208]ress button to [195]ontinue"
- 4030 (NULL) "[203]ey[211]witch"
- 4040 return
- 4050 :
- 4060 (NULL) "[211]pr[196]ef"
- 4070 for i=0 to 127
- 4080 read y
- 4090 poke 52736+i,y
- 4100 next i
- 4110 return
- 4120 data 64,0,1,16,170,4,6,170,144,10,170,160,42,170,168,41,105,104,169,235,106
- 4130 data169,235,106,169,235,106,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170
- 4140 data166,170,154,169,85,106,170,85,170,42,170,168,10,170,160,5,0,64,0,0,64
- 4150 data0,0,80,0
- 4160 data2,0,128,12,170,32,6,170,144,10,170,160,42,170,168,41,105,104,169,235,106
- 4170 data169,235,106,169,235,106,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170,170
- 4180 data 166,170,154,169,85,106,170,85,170,42,170,168,10,170,160,1,0,80,1,0,0
- 4190 data 5,0,0,0