home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 900 if a=0 then a=1:load "mobster.mc",8,1
- 1000 dimjo(3,4):gosub1280
- 1010 a$(1)="protection racket":a$(2)="drugs ring":a$(3)="operation"
- 1020 a$(4)="head quarters":sys16656:print"[159]<fire>":b$="[159]<fire>"
- 1030 gosub2960:da=0:ho=3:ca=1:mo=500:sh=3:sg=0:mm=5
- 1040 hh=0:cc=0:ss=0:gg=0:he=15:wa=20
- 1050 ifx>24andx<36thengoto1600
- 1060 sys16835:goto1600
- 1070 print"[154][146][192][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][194][192][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][194][192][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][194]"
- 1080 print"[195]view orders[196][195]view jobs[196][195]information[196]"
- 1090 print"[197][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][199][197][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][199][197][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][199]":return
- 1100 sys16835:gosub1070
- 1110 print"[159]information:-"
- 1120 print"@@@@@@@@@@@@@[154]"
- 1130 print"current wealth","$";mo
- 1140 print"wage per hood","$";wa
- 1150 print"gangs morale"," ";int(mm)
- 1160 print"drug supply"," ";he
- 1170 print"gang members"," ";ho+hh
- 1180 print"limousines"," ";ca+cc
- 1190 print"submachine guns"," ";sg+gg
- 1200 print"shotguns "," ";sh+ss
- 1210 print"[159][146]"
- 1220 print"item ","at h.q.","on job"
- 1230 print"@@@@ ","@@@@@@@","@@@@@@[154]"
- 1240 print"submachine guns",sg,gg
- 1250 print"shotguns ",sh,ss
- 1260 print"gang members",ho,hh
- 1270 print"limousines",ca,cc:return
- 1280 forx=0to3
- 1290 jo(x,2)=int(rnd(1)*30)+5
- 1300 z=int(rnd(1)*3)+1:jo(x,3)=z
- 1310 z=int(rnd(1)*4)+1:jo(x,4)=z
- 1320 jo(x,1)=int(rnd(1)*6)+44
- 1330 p=((jo(x,3)*3)*jo(x,2)*18)
- 1340 jo(x,0)=int(p):next:return
- 1350 sys16835:print"[159]view jobs:":print"@@@@@@@@@@[154]":fort=0to3
- 1360 print"[159]job #";t+1;":-[154]":z=int(rnd(1)*3)+1
- 1370 ifz=1thenprint"take out a";
- 1380 ifz=2thenprint"take control of a";
- 1390 ifz=3thenprint"finish off a";
- 1400 ifjo(t,2)<12thenprint" small";:goto1440
- 1410 ifjo(t,2)<20thenprint" minor";:goto1440
- 1420 ifjo(t,2)<30thenprint" large";:goto1440
- 1430 print" major";
- 1440 ifjo(t,3)=3thenprint" mafia"
- 1450 ifjo(t,3)=2thenprint" police"
- 1460 ifjo(t,3)=1thenprint" civilian"
- 1470 printa$(jo(t,4));" on";jo(t,1);"th street"
- 1480 print"for $";jo(t,0)
- 1490 nextt:print:printb$:gosub2960:return
- 1500 sys16835:print"[159]view orders :-[154]"
- 1510 print"take job #1":print"take job #2":print"take job #3"
- 1520 print"take job #4"
- 1530 print"wait a turn"
- 1540 print"buy an item"
- 1550 print"push drugs"
- 1560 print"use drugs"
- 1570 print"adjust wage"
- 1580 print" quit game "
- 1590 print"main menu":return
- 1600 gosub1100
- 1610 mm=mm*10:mm=int(mm):mm=mm/10
- 1620 sys 16865
- 1630 sys 16925
- 1640 x=peek(679):y=peek(680)
- 1650 ify<>1then1630
- 1660 ifx>0andx<12thengoto1690
- 1670 ifx>13andx<23thengosub1350:goto1600
- 1680 ifx>24andx<36thengoto1600
- 1690 gosub1500
- 1700 sys16865
- 1710 sys16925:x=peek(679):y=peek(680)
- 1720 ifx>10thengoto1710
- 1730 ify=22thengoto1600
- 1740 ify=20thenclr:goto1000
- 1750 ify=18thengoto1860
- 1760 ify=16thengoto2220
- 1770 ify=14thengoto2280
- 1780 ify=12thengoto2360
- 1790 ify=10thengoto1850
- 1800 ify=08thenv=3:goto2580
- 1810 ify=06thenv=2:goto2580
- 1820 ify=04thenv=1:goto2580
- 1830 ify=02thenv=0:goto2580
- 1840 goto1710
- 1850 ho=ho+hh:hh=0:ca=ca+cc:cc=0:sh=sh+ss:ss=0:sg=sg+gg:gg=0:goto1910
- 1860 sys16835:print"[159][147]you have";ho+hh;"gang members."
- 1870 print"you have $";mo;"."
- 1880 print"input the wage per gang member":print"$ ";
- 1890 x1=0:x2=9999:gosub2820:aa=va
- 1900 mx=(wa-aa):wa=aa:goto1600
- 1910 h1=ho:mm=mm-mx:ifmm<3thenho=ho-1
- 1920 ifmm<2thenho=ho-1
- 1930 ifmm<1thenho=ho-2
- 1940 ifho<0thenho=0
- 1950 da=da+1:gosub1280:sys16835
- 1960 print"[159]day";da:print"@@@@@@@[154]"
- 1970 print"previous wealth",mo
- 1980 print"total wages",wa*(ho+hh)
- 1990 mo=mo-(wa*(ho+hh))
- 2000 if(ho+hh)>0thengoto2020
- 2010 print"no men left !":goto2070
- 2020 ifmo<0thengoto2050
- 2030 ifmm>10thenmm=10
- 2040 print"current wealth",mo:goto2080
- 2050 print"current wealth",0
- 2060 print"the gang got no wages this turn, so theyfilled you with lead."
- 2070 goto2170
- 2080 xy=0.1*da:ifxy>0.4thenxy=0.4
- 2090 mm=mm-xy:a$="morale is high.":ifmm<7thena$=""
- 2100 ifmm<4thena$="morale is low."
- 2110 ifmm<3thena$="the gang is angry."
- 2120 ifmm<2thena$="the gang is very angry."
- 2130 ifmm<1thena$=""
- 2140 print"";a$
- 2150 ifmm>=1thengoto2180
- 2160 print"morale was so low, the gang shot you."
- 2170 printtab(15)"[159]game over.":goto2200
- 2180 printb$
- 2190 mx=0:gosub2960:goto1600
- 2200 printb$
- 2210 gosub2960:clr:goto1000
- 2220 sys 16835:print"[159]use drugs :-[154]":print"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
- 2230 print"you have";he;" drugs."
- 2240 print"you have";ho+hh;" members."
- 2250 print"how much will you use.":x1=0:x2=he:print"";:gosub2820
- 2260 h1=va:he=he-h1:m2=(h1/(ho+hh)):ifm2<1thenm2=1
- 2270 mx=mx-m2:goto1850
- 2280 sys16835:print"[159]push drugs :":print"@@@@@@@@@@@@@[154]"
- 2290 print"you have";he;" drugs."
- 2300 print"how much will you push.":x1=0:x2=he:print"";:gosub2820
- 2310 h2=va:he=he-h2
- 2320 h3=40+int(rnd(1)*20)+1:print
- 2330 print"you gained $";h3;" per go.":pr=(h2*h3)
- 2340 print"so you made $";pr;"cash.":mo=mo+pr
- 2350 print"you now have $";mo:printb$:gosub2960:goto1850
- 2360 print"[147][159]buy item :-":print"@@@@@@@@@@@[154]":sys16865
- 2370 print"you have $";mo:print"select item"
- 2380 print"drugs (approx. $ 60)"
- 2390 print"shotgun (approx. $1000)"
- 2400 print"submachine gun (approx. $4000)"
- 2410 print"limousine (approx. $9000)"
- 2420 print" *** return to main menu. ***":sys16925:x=peek(679):y=peek(680)
- 2430 ifx>29thengoto2360
- 2440 ify=15thengoto1600
- 2450 ify<>7andy<>9andy<>11andy<>13then2360
- 2460 print"[159]how many >[154] ";:x1=0:x2=9999:gosub2820:h1=va
- 2470 ify=7thenpr=60
- 2480 ify=9thenpr=1000
- 2490 ify=11thenpr=4000
- 2500 ify=13thenpr=9000
- 2510 pp=(pr/10):pr=pr-pp:pp=pp*2:pr=pr+int(rnd(1)*pp)+1:pr=int(pr):pr=pr*h1
- 2520 ifpr>mothenprint"[159]can't afford it.":printb$:gosub2960:goto2360
- 2530 mo=mo-pr:ify=7thenhe=he+h1
- 2540 ify=9thensh=sh+h1
- 2550 ify=11thensg=sg+h1
- 2560 ify=13thenca=ca+h1
- 2570 goto1850
- 2580 sys16835:nn=0:n3=0:n4=0
- 2590 print"[159]you have opted to undertake job";v+1
- 2600 print"for the fee of $";jo(v,0)
- 2610 print"[154]shotguns ";sh
- 2620 print"submachine guns ";sg
- 2630 print"gang members ";ho
- 2640 print"limousines ";ca
- 2650 print"[159]how many limos ";
- 2660 x1=0:x2=ca:gosub2820:y1=va
- 2670 print"[159]how many members ";
- 2680 x1=0:x2=ca*6:ifho<x2thenx2=ho
- 2690 gosub2820:y2=va
- 2700 print"[159]how many shotguns ";
- 2710 x1=0:x2=sh:ify2<shthenx2=y2
- 2720 gosub2820:y3=va
- 2730 print"[159]how many machine guns ";
- 2740 x1=0:x2=(y2-y3):ifsg<x2thenx2=sg
- 2750 gosub2820:y4=va
- 2760 r1=y1:r2=y2:r3=y3:r4=y4:r5=mm
- 2770 ca=ca-y1:ho=ho-y2:sh=sh-y3:sg=sg-y4:sp=jo(v,3):no=jo(v,2)
- 2780 ifsp=3thensp=14
- 2790 ifsp=2thensp=20
- 2800 ifsp=1thensp=30
- 2810 poke722,no:goto2990
- 2820 va=0
- 2830 va$=str$(va):va$=right$(va$,len(va$)-1):ifva$=""thenva$="0"
- 2840 iflen(va$)<4thenva$=" "+va$:goto2840
- 2850 print"[157][157][157][157]";va$;
- 2860 in=peek(56320):di=(inand15):fi=(inand16):iffi=0then2930
- 2870 ifdi=11thenva=va-1:goto2900
- 2880 ifdi=7thenva=va+1:goto2900
- 2890 goto2860
- 2900 ifva<x1thenva=x1
- 2910 ifva>x2thenva=x2
- 2920 goto2830
- 2930 print
- 2940 if(peek(56320)and16)=0then2940
- 2950 return
- 2960 if(peek(56320)and16)=16then2960
- 2970 if(peek(56320)and16)=0then2970
- 2980 return
- 2990 sys16835:print"[147][159][146]"
- 3000 print"shoot out :":print"@@@@@@@@@@@":print"[154]you sent in :[154]"
- 3010 printy1;"limousines,"
- 3020 printy2;"gang members,"
- 3030 printy3;"shotguns, and"
- 3040 printy4;"submachine guns."
- 3050 print"[159]you now have :[154]"
- 3060 printr2;"gang members,"
- 3070 printr3;"shotguns, and"
- 3080 printr4;"submachine guns."
- 3090 print"snipers shot :";nn
- 3100 print"[154][192][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][194][192][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][194]"
- 3110 print"[195] [196][195] [196]"
- 3120 print"[195] [159]attack[154] [196][195] [159]retreat[154] [196]"
- 3130 print"[195] [196][195] [196]"
- 3140 print"[197][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][199][197][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][199]":sys16865
- 3150 sys16925:x=peek(679):y=peek(680)
- 3160 ify=0ory>3then3150
- 3170 ifx>0andx<9thengoto3200
- 3180 ifx>10andx<20thengoto4140
- 3190 goto3150
- 3200 ifr4=0andr3=0then4160
- 3210 ifr2=0then4170
- 3220 ifr4=0thenn1=0:r3=r3-1:goto3380
- 3230 ifr3=0thenn1=255:r4=r4-1:goto3380
- 3240 print"[147][154][192][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][193][194]"
- 3250 print"[195] [196]"
- 3260 print"[195] [159] shotgun or [154] [196]"
- 3270 print"[195] [196]"
- 3280 print"[195] [159]submachine gun[154] [196]"
- 3290 print"[195] [196]"
- 3300 print"[197][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][198][199]"
- 3310 sys16865
- 3320 sys16925:x=peek(679):y=peek(680)
- 3330 ify=2andx>3andx<11thengoto3360
- 3340 ify=4andx>1andx<16thengoto3370
- 3350 goto3320
- 3360 n1=0:r3=r3-1:goto3380
- 3370 n1=255:r4=r4-1
- 3380 print"[147]":poke717,n1:r2=r2-1
- 3390 poke707,0:poke688,255:poke687,3:poke709,sp
- 3400 poke702,1:poke703,0:poke708,255:poke716,0
- 3410 ifn1=0thenpoke723,30
- 3420 ifn1=255thenpoke723,250
- 3430 poke725,sp:poke728,50:poke689,200+(mm*4)
- 3440 sys16656:sys17165:sys17390:sys18420:sys19600:sys18890
- 3450 n2=peek(716):nn=no-peek(722)
- 3460 ifnn<0thennn=0
- 3470 ifn2<>01thengoto3600
- 3480 print"aaaargh !!!"
- 3490 poke53281,0:poke53282,11:poke53283,12:poke53269,0:fort=1to100:nextt
- 3500 gosub2960:sys16835:print"[147][154]"
- 3510 print"your hood was shot by an enemy sniper."
- 3520 print"he was carrying a ";
- 3530 ifn1=0thenprint"shotgun";
- 3540 ifn1=255thenprint"submachine gun";
- 3550 print",":print"which is beyond recovery."
- 3560 print"this reduced morale."
- 3570 ifn1=0theny6=y6+.75:n4=n4+1
- 3580 ifn1=255theny6=y6+1.25:n3=n3+1
- 3590 printb$:gosub2960:goto2990
- 3600 ifn2<>02thengoto3700
- 3610 sys16835:print"[147][154][146]"
- 3620 print"your man ran out of ammo, and was shot"
- 3630 print"by an enemy sniper."
- 3640 print"his weapon is in the open, so you can't recover it."
- 3650 print"this isn't gonna improve morale !"
- 3660 print:printb$
- 3670 ifn1=0theny6=y6+.75:n4=n4+1
- 3680 ifn1=255theny6=y6+1.25:n3=n3+1
- 3690 fort=1to200:nextt:gosub2960:goto2990
- 3700 sys16835:print"[147][154][146]"
- 3710 print"well done, the defending snipers have high-tailed it out of ";
- 3720 print"there !"
- 3730 print"you collect your pay of $";jo(v,0);"and":print"split."
- 3740 mo=mo+jo(v,0):y5=y5+(nn*0.2):n5=int(no/10)
- 3750 ifn1=0thenr3=r3+1
- 3760 ifn1=255thenr4=r4+1
- 3770 r2=r2+1
- 3780 x=int(rnd(1)*10)+1
- 3790 ifx<4thengoto4030
- 3800 onjo(v,4)goto3820,3850,3890,3980
- 3810 goto4030
- 3820 x=(int(rnd(1)*70)+1)*jo(v,3):x=x*6
- 3830 print"we also managed to bust the safe, and found $";x;"!"
- 3840 mo=mo+x:y5=y5+int(x/550):goto4030
- 3850 x=jo(v,2):x=int(y*0.5)
- 3870 print"on the way out, we spotted their stash of";x;"drugs,which we took."
- 3880 he=he+x:y5=y5+int(x/7):goto4030
- 3890 rb=(jo(v,3)*jo(v,2)):rb=int(rb/11)
- 3895 x=int(rnd(1)*rb):r3=r3+x:y5=y5+x*0.5
- 3900 y=int(rnd(1)*rb/2):r4=r4+y:y5=y5+y*1
- 3910 ifx=0andy=0thengoto4030
- 3920 print"we also recovered";
- 3930 ifx=0thengotoprinty;:goto3970
- 3940 printx;"shotguns";
- 3950 ify=0thenprint".":goto4030
- 3960 print" and":printy;
- 3970 print"submachine guns.":goto4030
- 3980 x=int(rnd(1)*(jo(v,2)/7))+2
- 3990 print"we also found";x;"hoods, who decided"
- 4000 print"they would rather join our gang than"
- 4010 print"have their heads blown off.":print"a wise decision !"
- 4020 r2=r2+x:y5=y5+(x*0.25)
- 4030 printb$:gosub2960
- 4040 ifr2=>r1thenpq=1:goto4100
- 4050 ifr2=>r1thenn5=r1:pq=0:goto4100
- 4060 print"there weren't enough men to drive all":print"the limos.":n5=r1
- 4070 ifn5=<r2thengoto4090
- 4080 n5=n5-1:goto4070
- 4090 print"we returned with only";n5;", leaving":printr1-n5;"behind.":r1=n5
- 4100 y6=y6+(r1*2):mm=mm+y5-y6:hh=hh+r2:cc=cc+r1:ss=ss+r3:gg=gg+r4
- 4110 ifpq=1then1910
- 4120 printb$:gosub2960:print"[147]"
- 4130 goto1910
- 4140 y6=y6+1:print"[147][154]your gang beats a hasty retreat back to"
- 4150 print"their own turf.":goto4050
- 4160 print"[147]you don't have enough weapons to fight.":y6=y6+1:goto4050
- 4170 print"all the gang members you sent have been shot !":y6=y6+1
- 4180 y6=y6+r1*2:y6=y6+r3=.5:y6=y6+r4:printb$:gosub2960:print"[147]":goto4050