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- 10 rem lost dutchman's mine
- 20 rem by cleveland m. blakemore
- 30 rem runs on all commodore computers
- 40 rem with 40 columns and petascii
- 50 rem lock in uppercase & clear screen
- 60 printchr$(8)chr$(142)chr$(147)
- 70 rem print title screen
- 80 print""tab(10)"lost dutchman's mine"
- 90 printtab(10)"* all c= computers *":printtab(14)"(c)1988 cmb"
- 100 printtab(8)"by cleveland m. blakemore"
- 110 rem initialize arrays and variables
- 120 dim v$(32),n$(20),l$(9),s$(9),d(9,6),o(9,8),i(8),d$(8),m$(4)
- 130 rem variables and flags
- 140 rem cl=current location
- 150 dim cl,wingame,weight,dead,alive,wolf,ghost,full,empty,river,mound,count
- 160 alive=1:dead=0:wolf=alive:spirit=alive
- 170 full=1:empty=0:river=empty:mound=full:count=0
- 180 rem read locations & descriptions
- 190 forx=.to9:readl$(x):next:forx=.to9:reads$(x):next
- 200 rem read in directions
- 210 forx=1to9:ford=1to6:readd(x,d):nextd,x
- 220 forx=1to32:readv$(x):next:forx=1to20:readn$(x):next
- 230 forx=.to8:readd$(x):next
- 240 readx,d:ifx=-1then260
- 250 o(x,d)=1:goto240
- 260 forx=.to4:readm$(x):next
- 270 rem wait for return key press
- 280 printtab(8)"press return to continue"
- 290 geta$:on-(a$<>chr$(13))goto290
- 300 rem start off at gas station
- 310 cl=.:gosub730
- 320 rem parser main routines
- 330 rem get command
- 340 in$="":v=.:n=.
- 350 input"command>";in$:ifin$=""thenprint"silence is golden.":goto350
- 360 rem parse verb
- 370 iflen(in$)>1then450
- 380 v=.:forx=1to7:ifin$=v$(x)thenv=x
- 390 next:ifv=.thenprint"what does that mean?":goto600
- 400 ifv=7thengosub880:goto600
- 410 on-(cl=6and(v=1orv=6)andweight>1)goto420:goto430
- 420 print"you are carrying too much to fit throughthe crack.":goto600
- 430 ifd(cl,v)thencl=d(cl,v):gosub730:goto600
- 440 print"you can't go that way!":goto600
- 450 v=.:forx=8to13:ifin$=v$(x)thenv=x
- 460 next:ifvthenv=v-7:goto410
- 470 v=.:forx=14to32:ifleft$(in$,len(v$(x)))=v$(x)thenv=x:d=len(v$(x))
- 480 next:ifv=.thenprint"i don't know that verb!":goto600
- 490 rem parse noun
- 500 x=len(in$):ifx=dthen570
- 510 ifmid$(in$,d,1)<>chr$(32)andd<xthend=d+1:goto510
- 520 ifd=xthen570
- 530 d=d+1:n=.:forx=1to20:ifmid$(in$,d,len(n$(x)))=n$(x)thenn=x
- 540 next:ifn=.thenprintv$(v)" what?!?":goto600
- 550 rem jump to appropriate subroutine
- 560 rem based on value in "v"
- 570 ifv<23thenonv-13gosub880,880,920,970,970,1030,1030,1100,1160:goto600
- 580 onv-22gosub1210,1210,1280,1310,1310,1310,1370,1370,1450,1450
- 590 rem check flags and counters
- 600 ifwingamethenx=.:goto700
- 610 ifcl=3andspirit=alivethencl=4:gosub730:print"the spirit scares you back!!"
- 620 ifcl=9andriver=emptythencl=7:gosub730:print"the room below is underwater."
- 630 ifriver=fullandcl=8andcount>0thenx=1:goto700
- 640 ifwolf=aliveandcl=7andcount>1thenx=2:goto700
- 650 ifspirit=aliveandcl=4andcount>4thenx=3:goto700
- 660 ifspirit=aliveandcl=4andcount>2thenprint"the spirit looks real angry!"
- 670 if((cl>1andcl<4)orcl>5)andi(0)>-1andcount>2andrnd(0)>.5thenx=4:goto700
- 680 count=count+1
- 690 goto340
- 700 print:printm$(x):ifxthenprint"sorry, you have died..."
- 710 end
- 720 rem print location
- 730 count=0
- 740 printchr$(147);
- 750 if((cl>1andcl<4)orcl>5)andi(0)>-1thenprint"it's pitch dark in here!":return
- 760 print"you are":printl$(cl)
- 770 rem print available directions
- 780 print"directions:";
- 790 d=.:forx=1to6:ifd(cl,x)thenprintv$(7+x);",";:d=x
- 800 next:ifd=.thenprint"none."
- 810 ifdthenprint"[157]."
- 820 rem print objects at location
- 830 print"you can now see:":ifs$(cl)>""thenprints$(cl)
- 840 d=.:forx=.to8:ifo(cl,x)thenprintd$(x):d=1
- 850 next:ifd=.ands$(cl)=""thenprint"nothing."
- 860 return
- 870 rem load/inventory
- 880 print"you are carrying:":d=.:forx=.to8:ifi(x)thenprintd$(x):d=1
- 890 next:ifd=.thenprint"nothing."
- 900 return
- 910 rem gozer
- 920 ifcl=.thencl=1:goto950
- 930 ifcl=1thencl=.:goto950
- 940 print"nothing happens here.":return
- 950 gosub730:return
- 960 rem take/get
- 970 ifn=.thenprint"get what?!?":return
- 980 ifn>9thenprint"you can't get that!":return
- 990 ifi(n-1)thenprint"you already have it!":return
- 1000 ifo(cl,n-1)theni(n-1)=o(cl,n-1):o(cl,n-1)=.:print"ok,taken.":goto1070
- 1010 print"it's not here!":return
- 1020 rem drop/put
- 1030 ifn>9thenprint"you must be confused.":return
- 1040 ifi(n-1)=.thenprint"you don't have it!":return
- 1050 o(cl,n-1)=i(n-1):i(n-1)=0:print"okay, dropped."
- 1060 ifo(0,5)ando(0,7)ando(0,8)thenwingame=1
- 1070 weight=0:forx=.to8:ifi(x)thenweight=weight+1
- 1080 next:return
- 1090 rem light
- 1100 ifi(1)=.thenprint"no matches.":return
- 1110 ifn<>1thenprint"you're a pyromaniac!":return
- 1120 ifi(.)=.thenprint"you don't have it!":return
- 1130 ifi(.)=-1thenprint"it's already burning.":return
- 1140 i(.)=-1:gosub730:print"okay, it's burning.":return
- 1150 rem dig
- 1160 ifcl<>9orn<>15thenprint"try it somewhere else.":return
- 1170 ifmound=emptythenprint"the mound has already been excavated.":return
- 1180 o(9,8)=1:mound=empty:gosub730
- 1190 print"okay, you have dug a deep hole...":return
- 1200 rem shoot/kill
- 1210 ifi(3)=.thenprint"you don't have the "n$(4)"ver.":return
- 1220 ifi(6)=.thenprint"you don't have the "n$(7)"ts.":return
- 1230 ifn<>13andn<>14thenprint"you're crazy.":return
- 1240 ifcl<>7thenprint"it's not here.":return
- 1250 wolf=dead:print"the revolver thunders fire and the wolf falls over dead";
- 1260 print"in mid-leap.":s$(7)="a dead timber wolf":return
- 1270 rem say
- 1280 ifn=10then920
- 1290 print"nothing happens.":return
- 1300 rem turn/rotate/twist
- 1310 ifcl<>8orn<>18thenprint"interesting concept...":return
- 1320 river=full:print"the door blasts open with a tidal wave of water!!!"
- 1330 print"the river bed quickly fills up and youare drenched."
- 1340 print"you'd better leave. it's almost neckdeep in here!"
- 1350 s$(8)="bubbles coming out of your clenched lipsunderwater":count=0:return
- 1360 rem blow/whist
- 1370 ifn=.thenprint"tweet tweet tweet..."
- 1380 ifcl=4andn=.thenprint"the spirit trembles and wavers a little.":return
- 1390 ifn<>5thenprint"that's ridiculous!":return
- 1400 ifi(n-1)=.thenprint"you don't have it!":return
- 1410 ifcl<>4thenprint"nothing happens.":return
- 1420 spirit=dead:print"the spirit writhes and vanishes in acloud of smoke!"
- 1430 s$(4)="":return
- 1440 rem look/examine
- 1450 ifn=.thengosub740:return
- 1460 ifn<10thenifi(n-1)=.thenprint"you don't have it!":return
- 1470 ifn=2thenprint"gozer travel inc.'need to travel?? call gozer!!'":return
- 1480 ifcl=2andn=12thenprint"his bony claw points to the east...":return
- 1490 ifcl=0andn=19thenprint" put all the treasure on this shelf ":return
- 1500 ifn=1andi(0)=-1thenprint"it's burning.":return
- 1510 ifn=1andi(0)=1thenprint"it's out.":return
- 1520 print"you see nothing out of the ordinary.":return
- 1530 rem locations
- 1540 data in a deserted last chance gas station
- 1550 data"in a dusty adobe house with a sunbeamcoming through an east window"
- 1560 data in a long e-w mineshaft,in a sloping granite tunnel
- 1570 data in front of an old boarded up mineshaft entrance,in a deep ravine
- 1580 data inside a cool cavern with a small crack leading down to the north
- 1590 data on a spiral stone staircase
- 1600 data in a subterranean river bed running east & west
- 1610 data in an ancient indian burial ground
- 1620 rem specific observations
- 1630 data a metal plaque above a glass shelf,a skull mounted on a spear
- 1640 data a skeleton draped with cobwebs,"",a whistling evil spirit
- 1650 data "",a colossal stone sun calendar,a ravenous snarling timber wolf!
- 1660 data a circular wheel set in the middle of aniron door to the east
- 1670 data a large burial mound
- 1680 rem directions
- 1690 rem n,s,e,w,u,d
- 1700 data 4,0,0,0,0,0
- 1710 data 0,0,6,7,3,0
- 1720 data 0,0,0,0,4,2
- 1730 data 3,1,0,5,0,0
- 1740 data 0,0,4,0,0,0
- 1750 data 8,0,0,2,0,8
- 1760 data 0,0,2,0,2,9
- 1770 data 0,6,0,8,6,0
- 1780 data 0,0,0,0,7,0
- 1790 rem verbs
- 1800 data n,s,e,w,u,d,i,north,south,east,west,up,down,load,inven,gozer,take
- 1810 data get,drop,put,light,dig,shoot,kill,say,turn,rotat,twist,blow,whist
- 1820 data look,examine
- 1830 rem nouns
- 1840 data torch,match,shove,revol,bottl,diamo,bulle,ruby,nugge,gozer
- 1850 data skull,skele,wolf,timb,mound,calen,spiri,wheel,plaqu,shelf
- 1860 rem descriptions
- 1870 data a wooden torch,a matchbook,a rusty shovel
- 1880 data a pearl handled revolver,an empty 7-up bottle
- 1890 data a glowing diamond,a handful of rusty bullets,a lustrous red ruby
- 1900 data the dutchman's nugget
- 1910 rem objects & initial locations
- 1920 data 0,1,0,3,0,4,1,0,5,2,2,6,3,7,8,5,-1,-1
- 1930 rem end of game messages
- 1940 data congratulations! you've won the game!
- 1950 data you drowned in the river.,the timber wolf tears you to shreds.
- 1960 data the evil spirit sucked the breath out of you!
- 1970 data you fell down in the dark and broke your neck!