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- 10 rem ---------------------------------
- 11 rem amazement
- 12 rem rupert report #47
- 13 rem
- 14 rem c-128 / c-64
- 15 rem c-64 users see notes at line 2000
- 16 rem
- 17 rem ---------------------------------
- 20 rem ================ initialization =
- 30 print"[147]"
- 40 false=0 : true=not false
- 50 nc=100 :rem # cells
- 60 sq=int(sqr(nc)+.5) :rem width of square
- 70 dim mv(nc,1),ms(nc,4) :rem moves and maze structure
- 80 dim x(nc),y(nc) :rem screen positions
- 90 gosub 1320 :rem get maze structure
- 100 gosub 1500 :rem get screen positions
- 110 gosub 1700 :rem draw screen
- 120 dly=100 :rem move delay
- 130 for n=1 to nc : if ms(n,0)=3 then c=n : n=nc
- 140 next n :rem find starting cell
- 150 if c=0 then print"no starting cell" : end
- 160 rem ==================== main loop =
- 170 gosub 300 :rem pick move
- 180 gosub 400 :rem check move
- 190 gosub 900 :rem update screen
- 200 if not xit and not nosoln then 170
- 210 a=0:b=21:ch$="":gosub 2200
- 220 if nosoln then print"no solution" : end
- 230 gosub 3010 :rem retrace solution
- 240 a=0:b=21:ch$="":gosub 2200
- 250 end
- 260 rem ================================
- 300 rem -------------------- pick move -
- 310 gdmove=true :rem assume good
- 320 mv(c,0)=mv(c,0)+1 :rem increment move direction; c=current cell
- 330 dir=mv(c,0) :rem current direction
- 340 return
- 350 rem
- 400 rem ------------------- check move -
- 410 bkup=false :rem assume no backup
- 420 if dir>4 then gosub 800 : goto 490 : rem must back up
- 430 nxtcell=ms(c,dir) :rem next cell #
- 440 cs=ms(nxtcell,0) :rem cell status
- 450 rem cs=0,2,3 invalid move
- 460 rem cs=1 valid move
- 470 rem cs=4 end of maze
- 480 on cs+1 gosub 600,500,600,600,700
- 490 return :rem to main loop
- 500 rem ------------------- valid move -
- 510 mv(c,0)=dir :rem set fwd link
- 520 mv(nxtcell,1)=c :rem set back link
- 530 ms(nxtcell,0)=2 :rem status=used
- 540 c=nxtcell :rem current cell
- 550 return
- 600 rem ----------------- invalid move -
- 610 gdmove=false
- 620 if ms(c,0)=3 and mv(c,0)=4 then nosoln=true
- 630 return
- 700 rem ------------------------- done -
- 710 mv(c,0)=dir :rem set fwd link
- 720 mv(nxtcell,1)=c :rem set back link
- 730 c=nxtcell
- 740 xit=true
- 750 return
- 800 rem ----------------------- backup -
- 810 restart=false :rem assume no restart
- 820 nxtcell=mv(c,1) :rem use back link
- 830 mv(c,0)=0 :rem restore fwd link
- 840 ms(c,0)=1 :rem set status to available
- 850 c0=c :rem save old cell #
- 860 c=nxtcell
- 870 bkup=true
- 880 if ms(c,0)=3 then restart=true : if mv(c,0)=4 then nosoln=true
- 890 return
- 900 rem ---------------- screen update -
- 910 c$="o"
- 920 if not gdmove then goto 1060
- 930 if xit then c$="e" : goto 1000
- 940 if not bkup then goto 1000
- 950 if nosoln or restart then c$="s"
- 960 rem restore cell c0 to unused
- 970 a=x(c0):b=y(c0):ch$=" ":gosub 2200
- 980 a=x(c0):b=y(c0):ch$="*":gosub 2200
- 990 rem move cursor to cell c
- 1000 for n=1 to 2
- 1010 a=x(c):b=y(c):ch$=" ": gosub 2200
- 1020 for p=1 to dly : next
- 1030 a=x(c):b=y(c):ch$=c$ : gosub 2200
- 1040 for p=1 to dly : next
- 1050 next n
- 1060 return :rem to main
- 1070 rem ===============================
- 1100 rem maze data structure
- 1110 rem
- 1120 rem ms(c,n): c=cell #, n=0-4
- 1130 rem n=0: current cell status
- 1140 rem 0=no access,1=available,2=used
- 1150 rem 3=start, 4=end
- 1160 rem n=1-4: cell #'s in directions
- 1170 rem 1-4 from cell c;
- 1180 rem 1=up, 2=rt, 3=down, 4=left
- 1190 rem -------------------------------
- 1200 rem ms(c,0) cell status data
- 1210 data 1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1
- 1220 data 1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0
- 1230 data 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0
- 1240 data 1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0
- 1250 data 0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0
- 1260 data 1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0
- 1270 data 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1
- 1280 data 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1
- 1290 data 3,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1
- 1300 data 1,0,0,0,0,4,0,1,1,0
- 1310 rem read cell status data
- 1320 for n=1 to nc : read ms(n,0) : next
- 1330 rem calc adjacent cell #'s
- 1340 for n=1 to nc : mod%=n-sq*int(n/sq+.01)
- 1350 ms(n,1)=n-sq : if n<sq+1 then ms(n,1)=0
- 1360 ms(n,2)=n+1 : if mod%=0 then ms(n,2)=0
- 1370 ms(n,3)=n+sq : if n>nc-sq then ms(n,3)=0
- 1380 ms(n,4)=n-1 : if mod%=1 then ms(n,4)=0
- 1390 next n
- 1400 return
- 1500 rem --- get cell screen locations -
- 1510 row=1
- 1520 col=1
- 1530 for c=1 to nc step sq
- 1540 for n=c to c+sq-1
- 1550 y(n)=row
- 1560 x(n)=col : col=col+3
- 1570 next n
- 1580 row=row+2 : col=1
- 1590 next c
- 1600 return
- 1700 rem ----------------- draw screen -
- 1710 print chr$(147)
- 1720 for n=1 to nc
- 1730 c$="." : if ms(n,0)=1 then c$="*"
- 1740 if ms(n,0)=3 then c$="s"
- 1750 if ms(n,0)=4 then c$="e"
- 1760 a=x(n):b=y(n):ch$=c$ : gosub 2200
- 1770 next
- 1780 return
- 2000 rem =============================
- 2010 rem >>> notes for c-64 users:
- 2020 rem change the 'char'
- 2030 rem statements in lines 210, 240,
- 2040 rem 970, 980, 1010, 1030, & 1760
- 2100 rem to the following:
- 2110 rem 210 a=0:b=21:ch$="":gosub 2200
- 2120 rem 240 a=0:b=21:ch$="":gosub 2200
- 2130 rem 970 a=x(c0):b=y(c0):ch$=" ":gosub 2200
- 2140 rem 980 a=x(c0):b=y(c0):ch$="*":gosub 2200
- 2150 rem 1010 a=x(c):b=y(c):ch$=" ": gosub 2200
- 2160 rem 1030 a=x(c):b=y(c):ch$=c$ : gosub 2200
- 2170 rem 1760 a=x(n):b=y(n):ch$=c$ : gosub 2200
- 2180 rem =============================
- 2190 rem c-64 only >>>>>>>>
- 2200 poke 214,b-1 : print
- 2210 poke 211,a : print ch$ : return
- 2220 rem =============================
- 3000 rem --- retrace the solution ----
- 3010 c$="-"
- 3020 c=mv(c,1) :if ms(c,0)<>3 then gosub 1000 : goto 3020
- 3030 c$="+"
- 3040 c=ms(c,mv(c,0)) :if ms(c,0)<>4 then gosub 1000 : goto 3040
- 3050 return