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- 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke828,1
- 20 print"[147]"tab(13)"power squares"
- 30 printtab(93)"by john fedor"
- 40 gosub680:gosub960:print" how many players (d, 1 or 2) ? ";
- 50 poke198,0
- 60 geta$:if(a$<"1"ora$>"2")anda$<>"d"then60
- 70 printa$
- 80 pl=val(a$)
- 90 dim a(5,5):rem the grid
- 100 z=1:pokev,100:pokev+1,76
- 110 fory=1to5:forx=1to5
- 120 ifx=3andy=3then140
- 130 a(x,y)=z+1
- 140 z=1-z:nextx,y
- 150 print"[147]":tu=1
- 151 print""tab(32)"[159][172][162][162][162][162][162][187]"
- 152 printtab(32)"[161] [146][159][161]"
- 153 printtab(32)"[161] [146][159][161]"
- 154 printtab(32)"[161] [146][159][161]"
- 155 printtab(32)"[161] [146][159][161]"
- 156 printtab(32)"[161] [146][159][161]"
- 157 printtab(32)"[188][162][162][162][162][162][146][190]"
- 158 print""
- 160 printtab(11)"[159] [146]"
- 170 fory=1to15
- 180 printtab(11)" "
- 190 nexty
- 200 printtab(11)"[159] [146]"
- 210 c$(1)="":c$(2)="":c$(0)="[144]":wi=0
- 220 print""tab(12);:fory=1to5:forx=1to5
- 230 printc$(a(x,y))" [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [145][145]";
- 240 nextx:print""chr$(13)tab(12):nexty
- 245 ifwi<>0then800
- 250 t$(1)="blue":t$(2)="red"
- 260 print""t$(tu)"'s turn ":pokev+21,1
- 270 iftu=2andpl=1orpl=0then750
- 280 if(peek(56322-tu)and16)<>16then280
- 290 x=(peek(v)-100)/24+1
- 300 y=(peek(v+1)-76)/24+1
- 310 j=(peek(56322-tu)and15)
- 320 if(jand1)=1theny=y+1
- 330 if(jand2)=2theny=y-1
- 340 if(jand4)=4thenx=x+1
- 350 if(jand8)=8thenx=x-1
- 360 ifx=0thenx=1
- 370 ifx=6thenx=5
- 380 ify=0theny=1
- 390 ify=6theny=5
- 400 pokev,100+(x-1)*24:pokev+1,76+(y-1)*24
- 410 if(peek(56322-tu)and16)=16then290
- 420 ifa(x,y)<>tuthen290
- 422 rem compare to see if on same x / y
- 430 fori=-5to5:ifx+i<1orx+i>5then443
- 432 ifa(x+i,y)<>0 then 443
- 435 k=sgn(i):for i1= i to 0 step-k
- 437 if x+i1-k<1 or x+i1-k>5then440
- 438 a(x+i1,y)=a(x+i1-k,y)
- 440 nexti1:goto480
- 443 nexti
- 445 fori=-5to5:ify+i<1ory+i>5then455
- 446 ifa(x,y+i)<>0 then 455
- 447 k=sgn(i):for i1=i to 0 step-k
- 448 if y+i1-k<1 or y+i1-k>5then451
- 450 a(x,y+i1)=a(x,y+i1-k)
- 451 nexti1:goto480
- 455 nexti
- 470 goto270
- 480 a(x,y)=0
- 490 tu=tu+1:iftu=3thentu=1
- 500 fory1=-5to5:forx1=-5to5
- 510 ifx1<>0 and y1<>0then550
- 520 ify+y1<1ory+y1>5orx+x1<1orx+x1>5then550
- 530 ifa(x+x1,y+y1)<>tuthen550
- 540 fory1=1to1:forx1=1to1:nextx1,y1:goto560
- 550 nextx1,y1:goto490
- 560 fory=1to2:forx=1to5:ifa(x,y)=1thennextx,y:ifa(1,3)=1anda(2,3)=1thenwi=1
- 570 fory=4to5:forx=1to5:ifa(x,y)=2thennextx,y:ifa(4,3)=2anda(5,3)=2thenwi=2
- 580 goto220
- 600 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 610 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 620 data0,0,0,0,0,0,127,252
- 630 data0,127,252,0,96,12,0,96
- 640 data12,0,96,12,0,96,12,0
- 650 data96,12,0,96,12,0,96,12
- 660 data0,96,12,0,127,252,0,127
- 670 data252,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 680 fori=0to63:reada:poke832+i,a:nexti
- 685 fori=49152to49206:reada:pokei,a:next:sys49152
- 690 v=53248
- 700 pokev+21,0:pokev+23,1:pokev+29,1
- 710 pokev+28,0:pokev+39,1
- 720 poke2040,13
- 730 pokev,148:pokev+1,124
- 740 return
- 750 rem computer's turn
- 755 y1=int(rnd(1)*5)+1
- 760 x1=int(rnd(1)*5)+1
- 764 ift4(tu)=x1+(y1)*6then755
- 766 t4(tu)=x+(y)*6
- 767 pokev,76+(x1)*24:pokev+1,52+(y1)*24
- 770 ifa(x1,y1)<>tuthen755
- 780 x=x1:y=y1:goto420
- 800 rem end of game
- 810 pokev+21,0
- 820 forx=0to255:poke53281,x:poke53280,255-x:nextx
- 830 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 840 x1=2:ifwi=1thenx1=6
- 850 poke53280,x1
- 860 print"[147]"t$(wi)" won!!!"
- 870 printtab(6)"press <return> to play again"
- 875 printtab(7)"or press either firebutton"
- 880 poke198,0
- 890 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)and(peek(56321)and16)=16and(peek(56320)and16)=16then890
- 895 poke198,0:run
- 900 data120,169,13,141,20,3,169,192
- 910 data141,21,3,88,96,172,60,3,136
- 920 data140,60,3,208,24,160,5,140,60
- 930 data3,174,61,3,189,49,192,141,39
- 940 data208,232,224,6,208,2,162,0,142
- 950 data61,3,76,49,234,1,3,14,6,14,3
- 960 print""tab(17)" "
- 962 forx=1to3
- 965 printtab(17)" "
- 970 nextx
- 975 printtab(17)" [146]"
- 980 print""
- 990 pokev,149:pokev+1,164:pokev+21,1
- 995 return