home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 dimsc$(255),qt(254),qs(254):goto60000
- 1 poketx,11:pokety,0:sys828:printtr"[157] ";
- 2 poketx,25:pokety,0:sys828:printsc"[157] ";
- 3 print"";
- 4 forx=0to255:printsc$(peek(base+x));:next
- 5 return
- 6 pokecb+lp+40,5:pokecb+ps+40,1
- 7 num=peek(base+ps):poketx,13:pokety,10:sys828:print" [157][157][157][157][157][157]";ps
- 8 poketx,13:pokety,11:sys828:print" [157][157][157][157][157]";sc$(num)
- 9 poketx,13:pokety,12:sys828:print" [157][157][157][157][157]";mid$(hx$,(int(num/16))+1,1);
- 10 printmid$(hx$,num-16*(int(num/16))+1,1)
- 12 poketx,13:pokety,13:sys828:print" [157][157][157][157][157]";num
- 15 return
- 16 ifa$<>"[145]"anda$<>""anda$<>""anda$<>"[157]"thengoto32
- 17 ifa$=""thenlp=ps:ps=ps+1:ifps>255thenps=0:gosub6:goto30
- 18 ifa$="[157]"thenlp=ps:ps=ps-1:ifps<0thenps=255:gosub6:goto30
- 19 ifa$="[157]"ora$=""thengosub6:goto30
- 20 ifa$="[145]"andps>39thenlp=ps:ps=ps-40:gosub6:goto30
- 21 ifa$=""andps<216thenlp=ps:ps=ps+40:gosub6:goto30
- 23 ifa$="[145]"andps>15thenlp=ps:ps=ps+200:gosub6:goto30
- 24 ifa$="[145]"andps<16thenlp=ps:ps=ps+240:gosub6:goto30
- 25 ifa$=""andps<240thenlp=ps:ps=ps-200:gosub6:goto30
- 26 ifa$=""andps>239thenlp=ps:ps=ps-240:gosub6:goto30
- 28 gosub59000:gosub50000:gosub1:gosub6
- 30 geta$:ifa$=""then30
- 31 goto16
- 32 ifa$="+"thengosub52500:gosub50000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 33 ifa$="-"thengosub52600:gosub50000:gosub1:gosub6::goto30
- 34 ifa$="$"thengosub52000:goto28
- 35 ifa$="@"thengosub54000:goto28
- 36 ifa$="n"thengosub52700:gosub50000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 37 ifa$="j"thengosub52800:gosub50000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 38 ifa$=" "thengosub50000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 39 ifa$="*"thengosub59000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 41 ifa$="r"thengosub54500:gosub50000:gosub59000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 42 ifa$="w"thengosub54596:gosub51000:gosub59000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 43 ifa$="s"thengosub45900:gosub59000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 44 ifa$="c"thengosub53000:gosub59000:gosub1:gosub6:goto30
- 45 ifa$="?"thengosub42000:goto30
- 46 ifa$="[209]"thenprint"[147] [207][203]. [210]eady":end
- 99 goto30
- 100 in$=""
- 101 print" [146][157]";
- 102 geta$:ifa$=""then102
- 103 if(a$="[157]"ora$=chr$(20))andlen(in$)=0then102
- 104 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":return
- 105 ifa$="[157]"ora$=chr$(20)thenprint" [157] [157][157] [146][157]";:in$=mid$(in$,1,len(in$)-1):goto102
- 106 ifa$<chr$(32)ora$>"[218]"then102
- 107 in$=in$+a$
- 120 print" [157]";a$;" [146][157]";
- 121 goto102
- 199 stop
- 39999 end
- 42000 open3,4,7
- 42001 print#3,"[194]lock [196]ump of [212]rack# ";tr;" [211]ector# ";sc
- 42002 forx=0to255
- 42003 ifx/80=int(x/80)thenprint#3,
- 42004 print#3,sc$(peek(base+x));
- 42005 next
- 42020 forx=0to255
- 42021 ifx/26=int(x/26)thenprint#3,
- 42022 nx=peek(base+x):b1$=mid$(hx$,int(nx/16)+1,1)
- 42023 b2$=mid$(hx$,nx-(16*int(nx/16))+1,1)
- 42024 print#3,b1$b2$" ";
- 42030 next
- 42035 print#3," [197][206][196] [207][198][160][196][213][205][208]":print#3
- 42066 close3:return
- 45900 print"[147][196]o you want [206][146]ormal text"
- 45901 print " or [213][146]nstripped text?"
- 45902 geta$:ifa$<>"n"anda$<>"u"then45902
- 45903 sb=0:ifa$="u"thensb=128
- 45904 print"[197]nter the text string on the next line"
- 45905 gosub100
- 45906 ifps+len(in$)>=256thenin$=mid$(in$,1,256-ps)
- 45910 forx=1tolen(in$)
- 45911 vl=asc(mid$(in$,x,1))
- 45912 pokebase+ps+x-1,vlor sb
- 45913 next
- 45914 return
- 49599 stop
- 49999 stop
- 50000 open15,8,15:input#15,x:ifx<>0andx<>73then62000
- 50001 open2,8,2,"#"
- 50002 print#15,"u1";2;0;tr;sc
- 50003 sys49152
- 50004 close2
- 50005 close15
- 50006 sys65511
- 50007 return
- 51000 ifd$<>"[217]"andd$<>"y"thenreturn
- 51001 open15,8,15:input#15,rx:ifrx<>0andrx<>73then62000
- 51002 open2,8,2,"#"
- 51003 print#15,"b-p";2;0
- 51004 sys49175
- 51005 print#15,"u2";2;0;tr;sc
- 51006 close2
- 51007 close15
- 51009 return
- 52000 print"[147] [196]irectory[146]":open2,8,0,"$0":get#2,a$,a$
- 52001 get#2,a$,a$
- 52002 get#2,a$,b$:sz=asc(a$+z$)+256*asc(b$+z$):ifsz=0thenprinttab(7);"";
- 52003 ifsz>0thenprintsz;:printtab(7);
- 52004 getg$:ifg$<>""then52101
- 52005 get#2,a$:ifst<>0then52100
- 52006 ifa$<>q$then52005
- 52007 get#2,a$:ifa$<>q$thenprinta$;:goto52007
- 52008 printtab(29);
- 52009 get#2,a$:ifa$=sp$then52008
- 52010 printa$;
- 52011 get#2,a$:ifa$<>""thenprinta$;:goto52011
- 52012 print:ifst=0then52001
- 52100 print"[157][157][157] [194]locks free."
- 52101 close2:print
- 52102 print" [208][210][197][211][211] [193][206][217] [203][197][217] [212][207] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] [146]"
- 52103 geta$:ifa$=""then52103
- 52104 return
- 52500 sc=sc+1
- 52510 ifsc>16andtr>30thentr=tr+1:sc=0:goto52550
- 52520 ifsc>17andtr>24thentr=tr+1:sc=0:return
- 52530 ifsc>18andtr>17thentr=tr+1:sc=0:return
- 52540 ifsc>20thentr=tr+1:sc=0:return
- 52550 iftr>35thentr=1:return
- 52560 return
- 52600 sc=sc-1
- 52610 ifsc>=0thenreturn
- 52620 tr=tr-1:iftr<18andtr>0thensc=20:return
- 52625 iftr<1thentr=35:goto52650
- 52630 iftr<25thensc=18:return
- 52640 iftr<31thensc=17:return
- 52650 sc=16:return
- 52700 ot=tr:os=sc:e=0
- 52710 tr=peek(base):sc=peek(base+1)
- 52720 iftr<1ortr>35thene=1
- 52730 iftr>30andsc>16thene=1:goto52770
- 52740 iftr>24andsc>17thene=1:goto52770
- 52750 iftr>17andsc>18thene=1:goto52770
- 52760 ifsc>20thene=1
- 52770 ife=0thenreturn
- 52780 print"[147] [197]rror. [212]he block you attempted to "
- 52781 print" read was at track"tr" sector"sc"
- 52782 [153]" does not exist. right$t is an illegal"
- 52783 [153]" track-sector reference."
- 52784 [153]" (NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) atn(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)val(NULL) (NULL)(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)valwait"
- 52785 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]52785
- 52786 tr[178]ot:sc[178]os:e[178]0:[141]59000:[142]
- 52800 ot[178]tr:os[178]sc:e[178]0
- 52810 tr[178][194](base[170]ps):sc[178][194](base[170]ps[170]1)
- 52820 [139]tr[179]1[176]tr[177]35[167]e[178]1
- 52830 [139]tr[177]30[175]sc[177]16[167]e[178]1:[137]52870
- 52840 [139]tr[177]24[175]sc[177]17[167]e[178]1:[137]52870
- 52850 [139]tr[177]17[175]sc[177]18[167]e[178]1:[137]52870
- 52860 [139]sc[177]20[167]e[178]1
- 52870 [139]e[178]0[167][142]
- 52880 [153]"load valrror. (NULL)he block you attempted to "
- 52881 [153]" read was at track"tr" sector"sc"
- 52882 print" does not exist. [201]t is an illegal"
- 52883 print" track-sector reference."
- 52884 print" [208][210][197][211][211] [193][206][217] [203][197][217] [212][207] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197][146]"
- 52885 geta$:ifa$=""then52885
- 52886 tr=ot:sc=os:e=0:gosub59000:return
- 53000 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53001 print" ";
- 53002 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53003 print" [200][146]ex or [196][146]ecimal ? ([200]/[196])"
- 53004 geta$:ifa$<>"d"anda$<>"h"then53004
- 53005 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53006 print" ";
- 53007 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53008 ifa$="d"then53100
- 53009 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53010 hb$=mid$(hx$,int(num/16)+1,1)+mid$(hx$,num-16*int(num/16)+1,1)
- 53011 print" [197]nter new [200][197][216] value ==>"hb$"<==[157][157][157][157]"
- 53019 poketx,24:pokety,22:sys828
- 53020 poke204,0:poke207,0:geta$:ifa$=""then53020
- 53021 ifa$<"a"anda$>"9"thenpoke53281,1:poke53281,0:goto53020
- 53022 ifa$>"f"ora$<"0"thenpoke53281,1:poke53281,0:goto53020
- 53024 poketx,24:pokety,22:h1$=a$:sys828
- 53025 ifa$>":"thenhn=16*(9+asc(a$)-64):printchr$(128+asc(a$));:goto53030
- 53026 hn=16*val(a$):printa$;
- 53030 poke204,0:poke207,0:geta$:ifa$=""then53030
- 53040 ifa$=chr$(20)ora$=chr$(157)thenpoke207,1:poke204,0:goto53007
- 53041 ifa$<"a"anda$>"9"thenpoke53281,1:poke53281,0:goto53030
- 53042 ifa$>"f"ora$<"0"thenpoke53281,1:poke53281,0:goto53030
- 53044 poke204,1:poketx,25:pokety,22:h2$=a$:sys828
- 53045 ifa$>":"thenln=(9+asc(a$)-64):printchr$(128+asc(a$));:goto53050
- 53046 ln=val(a$):printa$;
- 53050 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53051 print" ";
- 53099 pokebase+ps,hn+ln:return
- 53100 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53101 print" ";
- 53102 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53103 print" [197]nter [196][197][195][201][205][193][204] value ==> "num
- 53110 poketx,24:pokety,22:sys828
- 53111 inputa$
- 53112 ifval(a$)>255ormid$(a$,1,1)>"9"ormid$(a$,1,1)<"0"then53100
- 53198 poketx,0:pokety,22:sys828
- 53199 print" ";
- 53200 num=val(a$)
- 53201 pokebase+ps,num:return
- 54000 pokety,22:poketx,0:sys828
- 54001 print" "
- 54002 pokety,22:poketx,0:sys828
- 54010 print" [197]nter the [196][207][211] command>";
- 54011 gosub100:l$=mid$(in$,1,1):a$=in$
- 54012 iflen(a$)<1thengoto54097
- 54013 ifa$="$"thengosub52000:goto54036
- 54014 ifa$="@"then54036
- 54015 ifl$="u"orl$="m"orl$="b"then54000
- 54016 ifl$<>"n"then54020
- 54017 print"[196]o you [210][197][193][204][204][217] want to [206][197][215] this disk?"
- 54018 getp$:ifp$=""then54018
- 54019 ifp$<>"[217]"andp$<>"y"then54097
- 54020 open15,8,15,a$
- 54021 close15
- 54036 pokety,22:poketx,0:sys828
- 54037 print" "
- 54038 pokety,22:poketx,0:sys828
- 54040 open15,8,15
- 54041 input#15,a,a$,et,es
- 54042 print" [211]tatus# ="a"-"a$" "et","es
- 54046 close15
- 54047 print"[208]ress any key to continue"
- 54048 geta$:ifa$=""then54048
- 54096 pokety,22:poketx,0:sys828
- 54097 print" "
- 54098 print" "
- 54099 return
- 54500 ot=tr:os=sc:print"[147] [212]rack ="tr" [211]ector="sc:print"[210]ead from track=>"
- 54501 poketx,17:pokety,3:sys828:gosub100
- 54502 ifval(in$)=0then54501
- 54503 tr=val(in$)
- 54504 print:print" and sector=>"
- 54505 poketx,13:pokety,5:sys828:gosub100
- 54506 sc=val(in$)
- 54510 goto52720
- 54596 print"[147] [196][207] [217][207][213][160][210][197][193][204][204][217] [215][193][206][212] [212][207][160][215][210][201][212][197] [212][207] [196][201][211][203]?"
- 54597 geta$:ifa$=""then54597
- 54598 d$=a$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"[217]"thenreturn
- 54600 ot=tr:os=sc:print"[147] [212]rack ="tr" [211]ector="sc:print"[215]rite to track=>"
- 54601 poketx,16:pokety,3:sys828:gosub100
- 54602 ifval(in$)=0then54601
- 54603 tr=val(in$)
- 54604 print:print" and sector=>"
- 54605 poketx,13:pokety,5:sys828:gosub100
- 54606 sc=val(in$)
- 54610 goto52720
- 59000 print"[147][158] [212]rack= [211]ector= [146]"
- 59001 print" [158] [146]";
- 59002 print"[158] [146]";
- 59003 print" [208]osition=>"
- 59004 print" [193][211][195][201][201]=>"
- 59005 print" [200][197][216]$=>"
- 59006 print" [196]ecimal=>"
- 59007 print" [210]ead [194]lock [215]rite [194]lock [146]"
- 59008 print" +[206]ext [194]lock -[208]revious [194]lock[146]"
- 59009 print" [206]ext [198]-[204]ink [202]ump crsr-link [146]"
- 59010 print" [195]hange [194][217][212][197] [210]e-[210]ead block [146]"
- 59011 print" *[206]ew [211]creen ?[208]rint [194]lock [146]"
- 59012 print" $[196]irectory @[196][207][211] [195]ommand [146]"
- 59013 print" [211]tring [197]ntry [209]uit [208]rogram [146]"
- 59999 return
- 60000 poke53281,0:poke53280,4:print"[147]"
- 60001 gosub63000
- 60002 forx=0to45:ready:poke49152+x,y:next
- 60003 data162,2,32,198,255,162,0,32,207,255,134,253,234,234,234,234,157,80,195
- 60004 data232,208,241,96,162,2,32,201,255,162,0,189,80,195,134,253,234,234,234
- 60005 data234,32,210,255,232,208,241,96
- 60006 forx=0to255:sc$(x)=chr$(x):next
- 60007 sc$(0)="@[146]":forx=1to31:sc$(x)=chr$(x+64):next
- 60008 forx=129to159:sc$(x)=chr$(x-64):next
- 60009 sc$(128)="@[146]":sc$(34)="'":sc$(32)=" [146]"
- 60010 forx=828to835:ready:pokex,y:next
- 60011 data160,00,162,00,32,240,255,96
- 60012 tx=829:ty=831
- 60013 hx$="0123456789[193][194][195][196][197][198]"
- 60014 sp$=" ":z$=chr$(0):q$=chr$(34)
- 60015 base=50000:cb=55296:lp=0:ps=lp
- 60016 sc=00:tr=18
- 61999 goto28
- 62000 close2:close15:print"[158][196][201][211][203][146][159] [207]peration aborted."
- 62001 print"[197][210][210][207][210] #";x:end
- 63000 print" [208]lease wait about five"
- 63001 print" seconds while [201] perform the "
- 63002 print" necessary preliminary"
- 63003 print" functions. "
- 63199 return