home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 60 clr:gosub4000
- 80 dim p$(25),in$(25,5):gosub5000
- 100 poke53280,2:poke53281,0:printchr$(14):gosub2500:gosub5900
- 120 gosub800
- 140 h=1:g=0:l=8:lc=55590:p=8
- 150 fori=8to19:g=g+1:printleft$(l$,i)tab(14)"[154]"p$(g):next
- 204 f=len(p$(h)):fori=0tof:pokelc+i,7:next:gosub1000
- 205 printleft$(l$,p)tab(10)pt$
- 206 getan$:ifan$=""then206
- 208 ifan$=chr$(17)then1250
- 210 ifan$=chr$(145)then1300
- 215 ifan$=chr$(13)then2000
- 220 ifan$=chr$(32)andg=>22thengosub3000:goto140
- 222 ifan$=chr$(32)thengosub3000:h=13:lc=55590:p=8:goto150
- 225 goto204
- 230 print"[147]";:poke53280,0:poke53281,6
- 235 print"[158][204]oading...";chr$(34);p$(h)chr$(34);""
- 240 print "load";chr$(34);p$(h);chr$(34);",8,1"
- 250 print "run":print "[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 260 poke 631,13:poke 632,13:poke 198,2:end
- 800 print"[147]":printleft$(l$,2)tab(2)"[158][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 810 printleft$(l$,3)tab(2)"[158][221] [154][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174][158] [221]"
- 820 fori=1to16:printtab(2)"[221] [154][221] [221][158] [221]":next
- 830 printleft$(l$,20)tab(2)"[221] [154][173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189][158] [221]"
- 835 printleft$(l$,21)tab(2)"[158][173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 840 printleft$(l$,22)tab(1)"[155][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 850 printleft$(l$,23)tab(1)"[221] [158][195]rsr[155]=[211]elect [211]pc[155]=[205]ore [195]/[210][155]=[197]xecute [221]"
- 860 printleft$(l$,24)tab(1)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 870 printleft$(l$,4)tab(10)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 880 printtab(10)"[221] [205] [193] [201] [206] [205] [197] [206] [213] [221]"
- 890 printtab(10)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 900 return
- 1000 s=54272:pokes+23,0:pokes+24,15
- 1010 pokes+6,0:pokes+5,12:pokes+1,70:pokes+3,40
- 1020 pokes+4,0:pokes+4,65:ford=1to100:next:pokes+4,0:return
- 1250 printleft$(l$,p)tab(10)"[154] ":fori=0tof:pokelc+i,14:next
- 1260 h=h+1:ifh>gthenh=h-12
- 1262 p=p+1:ifp>19thenp=8
- 1265 lc=lc+40:iflc>56030thenlc=55590
- 1270 goto204
- 1300 printleft$(l$,p)tab(10)"[154] ":fori=0tof:pokelc+i,14:next
- 1310 h=h-1:ifh<g-11thenh=h+12
- 1312 p=p-1:ifp<8thenp=19
- 1315 lc=lc-40:iflc<55590thenlc=56030
- 1320 goto204
- 1550 sys828
- 1560 printleft$(l$,13)tab(4)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 1570 printleft$(l$,14)tab(4)"[221] [212]his is a 128 [208]rogram.[201]t may [221]"
- 1580 printleft$(l$,15)tab(4)"[221] not be loaded in the 64 mode.[221]"
- 1590 printleft$(l$,16)tab(4)"[221] [217]ou must switch to the 128 [221]"
- 1600 printleft$(l$,17)tab(4)"[221] mode in order to load this [221]"
- 1610 printleft$(l$,18)tab(4)"[221] program successfully. [213]se the[221]"
- 1620 printleft$(l$,19)tab(4)"[221] prescribed method which is...[221]"
- 1630 printleft$(l$,20)tab(4)"[221] [196][204]oad ''[208]rogname'' [221]"
- 1640 printleft$(l$,21)tab(4)"[221] [158][[208]ress any [203]ey] [221]"
- 1650 printleft$(l$,22)tab(4)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 1660 printleft$(l$,23)tab(3)"[155] ":gosub1000
- 1670 getan$:ifan$=""then1670
- 1680 sys882:goto225
- 1997 rem **************************
- 1998 rem **** window routine ****
- 1999 rem **************************
- 2000 sys828
- 2010 printleft$(l$,5)tab(11)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 2030 printleft$(l$,6)tab(11)"[221][211]ee [201]nstructions[221]"
- 2040 printleft$(l$,7)tab(11)"[221][210]un [208]rogram [221]"
- 2050 printleft$(l$,8)tab(11)"[221][195]ancel [215]indow [221]"
- 2060 printleft$(l$,9)tab(11)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 2070 po=55507:x=0
- 2080 fori=1to16:pokepo+i,1:next:gosub1000
- 2090 getan$:ifan$=""then2090
- 2100 ifan$=chr$(17)thengosub2200:po=po+40:x=x+1:ifpo>55587thenpo=55507
- 2110 ifx>2thenx=0
- 2120 ifan$=chr$(13)then2140
- 2130 goto2080
- 2140 ifx=0thensys882:goto4100
- 2145 ifx=2then2160
- 2146 ifh=3 or h=12 or h=13 thensys882:goto1550
- 2159 ifx=1thensys882:goto230
- 2160 sys882:goto225
- 2200 fori=1to16:pokepo+i,5:next:return
- 2500 p$(1)="[198]lankspeed"
- 2510 p$(2)="64 [194]ug [210]ep"
- 2520 p$(3)="128 [194]ug [210]ep"
- 2530 p$(4)="[212]he [201]ntegrator"
- 2540 p$(5)="[208]rint [198]ormatter"
- 2550 p$(6)="[208]rint [198]ormatter2"
- 2560 p$(7)="[211]imple [211]croller"
- 2570 p$(8)="[205]ath [205]ystery"
- 2580 p$(9)="[205]ath [205]yster2"
- 2590 p$(10)="[197]legant [197]ncoder"
- 2600 p$(11)="[197]ncoder [195]omal"
- 2610 p$(12)="[205]akewave.128"
- 2620 p$(13)="[205]akewave2.128"
- 2630 p$(14)="[204]abels"
- 2640 p$(15)="[210]eversi"
- 2650 p$(16)="[198]lap [194]oot"
- 2660 p$(17)="[211]tep [207]n [201]t"
- 2670 p$(18)="[205]eteor [210]un [194]oot"
- 2680 p$(19)="[200]ighlight"
- 2690 p$(20)="[196]isk [195]at. [194]oot"
- 2700 p$(21)="[212]rim"
- 2710 p$(22)="[195]omal 64 [194]oot"
- 2720 rem p$(23)="[208]rogram #23"
- 2730 rem p$(24)="[208]rogram #24"
- 2740 return
- 3000 forcl=8to19:printleft$(l$,cl)tab(14)"[154] ":next
- 3010 printleft$(l$,p)tab(10)"[154] ":return
- 4000 poke657,128:rem disable shift/com key
- 4010 rem poke775,200:rem disable listing
- 4020 rem poke808,234:rem disable stop/restore
- 4030 l$="":pt$="[154]=>":return
- 4100 sys828
- 4110 printleft$(l$,8)tab(1)"[159][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 4120 fori=9to14:printleft$(l$,i)tab(1)"[221] [221]"
- 4125 next
- 4130 printleft$(l$,15)tab(1)"[221] [158][[195]/[210]=[195]ancel * [211]pc=[210]un [208]rogram][159] [221]"
- 4140 printleft$(l$,16)tab(1)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 4145 printleft$(l$,23)tab(3)"[155] ":gosub1000
- 4150 fori=1to5:printleft$(l$,8+i)tab(3)"[159]"in$(h,i):next
- 4160 getan$:ifan$=""then4160
- 4170 ifan$=chr$(13)thensys882:goto204
- 4180 ifh=3orh=12orh=13thensys882:goto1550
- 4190 ifan$=chr$(32)thensys882:goto230
- 4200 goto4160
- 5000 fori=828to935:reada:pokei,a:next:return
- 5010 data 160,0,185,0,4,153,0,192
- 5020 data 185,0,216,153,240,195,185,250
- 5030 data 4,153,250,192,185,250,216,153
- 5040 data 234,196,185,244,5,153,244,193
- 5050 data 185,244,217,153,228,197,185,238
- 5060 data 6,153,238,194,185,238,218,153
- 5070 data 222,198,200,208,205,96,160,0
- 5080 data 185,0,192,153,0,4,185,240
- 5090 data 195,153,0,216,185,250,192,153
- 5100 data 250,4,185,234,196,153,250,216
- 5110 data 185,244,193,153,244,5,185,228
- 5120 data 197,153,244,217,185,238,194,153
- 5130 data 238,6,185,222,198,153,238,218
- 5140 data 200,208,205,96
- 5799 rem ---------------------------
- 5800 rem ** max of 33 chrs in length **
- 5801 rem ---------------------------
- 5900 fori=1to24:forx=1to5:readin$(i,x):next:next:return
- 5999 rem program #1
- 6000 data "[212]his is [193]hoy!'s machine language "
- 6001 data "entry program for our adventurous"
- 6002 data "readers who like to type in the"
- 6003 data "programs from our magazine."
- 6004 data " "
- 6009 rem program #2
- 6010 data "[212]his is [193]hoy!'s checksum program."
- 6011 data "[213]se it for mistake proof typing"
- 6012 data "of [193]hoy! magazine basic programs."
- 6013 data " "
- 6014 data " "
- 6019 rem program #3
- 6020 data "[212]his is [193]hoy!'s checksum program"
- 6021 data "for the c-128 computer. [213]se it "
- 6022 data "for mistake-proof magazine basic"
- 6023 data "program entry. "
- 6024 data " "
- 6029 rem program #4
- 6030 data "[212]he [201]ntegrator is from [210]upert's"
- 6031 data "[210]eport. [201]n the 64 mode, it will"
- 6032 data "calculate a sine wave. [201]n the 128"
- 6033 data "mode, it draws the sine wave and"
- 6034 data "calculates the answer."
- 6039 rem program #5
- 6040 data "[208]rint [198]ormatter is from [196]ale"
- 6041 data "[210]upert's [195]ommodares. [201]t shows how"
- 6042 data "to print dollars and cents from"
- 6043 data "any integer. "
- 6044 data " "
- 6049 rem program #6
- 6050 data "[208]rint [198]ormatter2 is also from"
- 6051 data "[196]ale [210]upert's [195]ommodares. [201]t is"
- 6052 data "another version of printing "
- 6053 data "dollars and cents. "
- 6054 data " "
- 6059 rem program #7
- 6060 data "[211]imple [211]croller is another of "
- 6061 data "[196]ale's commodares. [201]t shows how"
- 6062 data "to scroll text across the screen"
- 6063 data "with the shortest amount of code."
- 6064 data " "
- 6069 rem program #8
- 6070 data "[193]nother of [196]ale's commodares."
- 6071 data "[212]his program generates 7 digit"
- 6072 data "numbers that are divisable by 11"
- 6073 data "contain no zeros and have no two"
- 6074 data "numbers alike. "
- 6079 rem program #9
- 6080 data "[193]nother of [196]ale's commodares."
- 6081 data "[212]his program generates 7 digit"
- 6082 data "numbers that are divisable by 11"
- 6083 data "contain no zeros and have no two"
- 6084 data "numbers alike. "
- 6089 rem program #10
- 6090 data"[197]legant [197]ncoder is another [210]upert"
- 6091 data"commodare. [201]t changes text into"
- 6092 data"commodore upper case graphics"
- 6093 data"character codes. "
- 6094 data" "
- 6099 rem program #11
- 6100 data"[197]ncoder [195]omal changes text into"
- 6101 data"commodore upper case graphics"
- 6102 data"characters. [201]t must be loaded from"
- 6103 data"the comal enviroment only. "
- 6104 data" "
- 6109 rem program #12
- 6110 data"[205]akewave is from [205]ark [193]ndrews"
- 6111 data"column. [212]his program is written"
- 6112 data"in basic and draws a sine wave"
- 6113 data"very slowly. [210]un this program then"
- 6114 data"run [205]akewave2 and compare speeds."
- 6119 rem program #13
- 6120 data"[205]akewave2is from [205]ark [193]ndrews"
- 6121 data"column. [212]his is written in basic"
- 6122 data"with the help of machine language"
- 6123 data"subroutine. [206]otice the speed "
- 6124 data"difference from [205]akewave"
- 6129 rem program #14
- 6130 data"[204]abels is from the [193]hoy! [195]adet"
- 6131 data"[195]olumn by [195]heryl [208]eterson. [201]t"
- 6132 data"demonstrates how to write a program"
- 6133 data"that stores names and addresses"
- 6134 data"and prints out labels."
- 6139 rem program #15
- 6140 data"[210]eversi is a computer version of"
- 6141 data"[207]thello. [208]lace your color chips at"
- 6142 data"both ends of any line to make all"
- 6143 data"the chips the same color. [212]he one"
- 6144 data"with the most colors wins."
- 6149 rem program #16
- 6150 data"[198]lap! is an arcade game simalar to"
- 6151 data"[202]oust. [210]apidly press the fire "
- 6152 data"button to keep your bird in flight"
- 6153 data"and land on the lines that light"
- 6154 data"up while avoiding the other birds."
- 6159 rem program #17
- 6160 data"[211]tep on it is a fast action game"
- 6161 data"for the [195]-64. [217]ou must move your"
- 6162 data"boot in any diagonal direction and"
- 6163 data"step on the squares before the"
- 6164 data"computer operated monster gets you"
- 6169 rem program #18
- 6170 data"[205]eteor [210]un is a fast paced arcade"
- 6171 data"type game. [198]ly your ship through"
- 6172 data"the outer reaches of space but"
- 6173 data"avoid those meteors. [217]ou can also"
- 6174 data"shoot them with your laser."
- 6179 rem program #19
- 6180 data"[200]ighlight is a [195]-64 [213]tility which"
- 6181 data"when activated will highlight all"
- 6182 data"program lines in a basic program"
- 6183 data"when listed to the screen. "
- 6184 data"[201]t makes for easier reading."
- 6189 rem program #20
- 6190 data"[196]isk [195]ataloger is an [205][204] utility"
- 6191 data"that will catalog all your programs"
- 6192 data"so you'll be able to find them"
- 6193 data"a little easier."
- 6194 data" "
- 6199 rem program #21
- 6200 data"[212]rim is a [195]-64 [213]tility that will"
- 6201 data"eliminate all rems and spaces in"
- 6202 data"your basic program for faster"
- 6203 data"operation. "
- 6204 data" "
- 6209 rem program #22
- 6210 data" [212]his program loads "
- 6211 data" the [195]omal operating "
- 6212 data" system so you can "
- 6213 data" load and enjoy the "
- 6214 data" comal programs. "
- 6219 rem program #23
- 6220 data" "
- 6221 data" "
- 6222 data" [212]here are no programs here"
- 6223 data" "
- 6224 data" "
- 6229 rem program #24
- 6230 data" "
- 6231 data" "
- 6232 data" [212]here are no programs here"
- 6233 data" "
- 6234 data" "