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- 10 print"[147]":poke53280,6:poke53281,1:poke646,0
- 20 rem the integrator
- 30 rem rupert report #32
- 40 rem
- 50 false=0 : true=not false
- 60 c128=false :if ds$<>"" then c128=true
- 70 n=5 :rem initial number of intervals
- 80 gosub 190 :rem define function and specify limits
- 90 rem = = = = = main loop = = = = =
- 100 if c128 then gosub 260 :rem plot function - (c128 only)
- 110 gosub 350 :rem integrate function
- 120 gosub 480 :rem show results
- 130 gosub 530 :rem get # of intervals
- 140 if not fini then 100
- 150 rem - change next line for desired default graphics mode -
- 160 if c128 then (NULL) 5
- 170 end
- 180 rem = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- 190 rem = define function & limits =
- 200 def fna(x) = sqr(r*r-x*x)
- 210 r=150 : rem circle of radius 150
- 220 x0=0 : x1=r :rem integration limits
- 230 ss=1 :rem graph step size
- 240 dx=(x1-x0)/n :rem interval size
- 250 return
- 260 rem = set up & draw function =
- 270 (NULL) 2,1,22
- 280 (NULL) 1,10,0 to 10,170 to 320,170 : rem draw axes
- 290 for x=x0 to x1 step ss
- 300 y=fna(x)
- 310 xp=10+x : yp=170-y
- 320 (NULL) 1,xp,yp
- 330 next
- 340 return
- 350 rem = integrate function =
- 360 s0=sum : sum=0
- 370 for kk=.5 to n
- 380 x=x0+dx*kk
- 390 y=fna(x)
- 400 area=y*dx
- 410 sum=sum+area
- 420 if not c128 then 460
- 430 xu=12+x-dx/2 : yu=170-y
- 440 xl=10+x+dx/2 : yl=170
- 450 (NULL) 1,xu,yu,xl,yl,0,1
- 460 next
- 470 return
- 480 rem = show results =
- 490 if n0=0 or not c128 then 510
- 500 print"intervals :" n0 " area :" s0
- 510 print"intervals :" n " area :" sum
- 520 return
- 530 rem = update number of intervals =
- 540 n0=n
- 550 input"how many intervals (0 to stop)";n
- 560 if n<1 then fini=true : goto 580
- 570 dx=(x1-x0)/n
- 580 return
- 590 rem =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
- 600 rem high-res c128 graphics screen dump to epson mx-80 printer
- 610 rem (when program is done, type run 1000)
- 1000 e$=chr$(27) : n1=200 : n2=0
- 1010 open222,4 : print#222,e$"a"chr$(8)
- 1020 for col=0 to 39
- 1030 for row=24 to 0 step -1
- 1040 m=8192+8*col+320*row
- 1050 for lne=7 to 0 step -1
- 1060 a$=a$+chr$(peek(m+lne))
- 1070 next lne : next row
- 1080 print#222,e$"k"chr$(n1)chr$(n2)a$
- 1090 a$="" : next col
- 1100 print#222 : close222 :end