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- 900 print "[147]
- 910 [153] " alchemist's apprentice"
- 920 [153] " copyright"
- 930 [153] " cheryl cox peterson"
- 940 [153] " 1986"
- 950 [153]:[153]:[153]:[153]
- 960 [133]"do you need instructions";x$
- 970 [139] x$[178]"n" [167] [137] 1500
- 980 [153]"load"
- 990 i[178]1
- 1000 [153]"the game's objective is to create"
- 1005 [153]"and hide as much gold as you can"
- 1010 [153]"before your master, the alchemist"
- 1015 [153]"returns from the alchemist's"
- 1020 [153]"association's annual convention."
- 1030 [153]"the boss may call to let you"
- 1035 [153]"know when he's returning."
- 1040 [153]"then again, he may not. if you"
- 1045 [153]"don't have the shop cleaned"
- 1050 [153]"before he returns, you'll get a beating."
- 1060 [141] 10100
- 1065 [153]"load"
- 1070 [153]"there are dangers involved."
- 1075 [153]"though you've learned much, even slight"
- 1080 [153]"changes in incantations or ingredients"
- 1085 [153]"can cause unpredictable results."
- 1100 [153]"once you have the right combination"
- 1103 [153] "of incantations and ingredients,"
- 1105 [153]"it can only change 10 stones at a time."
- 1200 [153]"you may use up your ingredients"
- 1203 [153]"and have to fetch more."
- 1205 [153]"even the weather can change a spell's"
- 1208 [153]"effectiveness."
- 1210 [153]"if the alchemist returns before you get your gold hidden"
- 1220 [153]"you lose your gold and get whipped."
- 1230 [153]" good luckwait."
- 1300 [141] 10100
- 1500 [143] setup
- 1550 [153]"load"
- 1560 [134] a(17), m1(17), m2(9), wt(10), r(11), rc(10)
- 1570 i[178]0
- 1900 cs[178]0:sb[178]0:y[178]0:tl[178]0:g[178]0
- 1910 [153]"load"
- 2000 [143] main routine
- 2002 [139] tl[177]0 [167] 2010
- 2005 t[178][181]([187](1)[172]10[170]1)
- 2010 r[178][181]([187](1)[172]10[170]1)
- 2015 [139] tl[177]0 [167] tl[178]tl[170]1
- 2045 [143] print"load"
- 2050 [145] r [141] 4000,4500,5000,6000,7000,7000,8000,8000,9000,6000,4000
- 3000 [143] clock routine
- 3005 [139] t[179][177]1 [167] 2000
- 3006 [139] tl[178]0 [167] tl[178]1
- 3010 [139] tl[178]60 [167] [137] 3500
- 3020 [139] tl[179][177]45 [167] 3030
- 3025 [153]"the alchemist will return in 15 minutes.
- 3030 if tl<>30 then 3040
- 3035 print"the alchemist will return in 30 minutes."
- 3040 if tl<>15 then 3050
- 3045 print"the alchemist will return in 45 minutes"
- 3050 goto 2000
- 3500 rc=int(rnd(1)*15+1)
- 3501 print"game over"
- 3510 goto 20000
- 4000 rem found it subroutine
- 4020 if y=1 then return
- 4030 print"hey wow you found it!"
- 4032 print"that's 10 pieces of gold."
- 4034 if tl>0 then tl=tl+1
- 4040 g=g+10
- 4050 gosub 10010
- 4100 rc=int(rnd(1)*15+1)
- 4110 if rc>14 then gosub 20500
- 4120 if rc>11 then goto 4200
- 4130 g=g+10:print"you changed another 10 stones."
- 4140 print "you now have ";g; "gold nuggets.":gosub 10010
- 4150 goto 4100
- 4200 print "the weather changed and"
- 4210 print "your spell no longer works. too bad."
- 4220 gosub 10010
- 4499 return
- 4500 rem partly successful subroutine
- 4600 g1=int(rnd(1)*6+1)
- 4610 print"congratulations! you managed to"
- 4620 print"change ";g1; "of the stones into gold.":g=g+g1:gosub 10010
- 4625 tl=tl+1
- 4630 print"do you want to use the s[146]ame spell"
- 4640 input"or try something d[146]ifferent";x$
- 4645 print"[147]"
- 4650 if x$="d" then return
- 4660 if x$<>"s" then 4630
- 4700 y=int(rnd(1)*15+1)
- 4710 if y>14 then goto 5000
- 4720 if y<13 then 4800
- 4740 print"too bad. the weather changed, so you're"
- 4750 print"spell isn't working any more."
- 4760 y=1
- 4780 gosub 10010
- 4790 return
- 4800 print"you've turned ";g1;" more of the stones to gold.":g=g+g1
- 4810 tl=tl+1:gosub 10010
- 4820 goto 4630
- 5000 rem early subroutine
- 5010 if tl<20 then return
- 5100 goto 20510
- 6000 rem counterspell routine
- 6010 if cs=1 then return
- 6100 print"you stumble across a counterspell"
- 6110 print"that reverses the last spell made."
- 6120 print"it must be repeated exactly as written"
- 6130 print"in the book in order to work."
- 6140 print"you memorize it!":cs=1
- 6150 gosub 10010
- 6999 return
- 7000 rem wasted time subroutine
- 7010 wt=int(rnd(1)*9+1):if y=3 then return
- 7020 on wt gosub 7100,7200,7300,7400,7500,7600,7700,7800,7900,7960
- 7030 gosub 10010
- 7040 return
- 7100 if sb=1 then return
- 7110 print"you found the alchemist's spell book,"
- 7120 print"but the spell you want isn't in it."
- 7130 print"you wasted 20 minutes looking for it!"
- 7135 print"tough luck!"
- 7140 if tl>40 then gosub 20010
- 7150 tl=tl+20:sb=1:return
- 7200 print"you can't seem to find that"
- 7210 print"ingredient you want."
- 7220 print"you waste 6 minutes looking for it."
- 7250 tl=tl+6:return
- 7300 print"a friend calls you up. you waste 10"
- 7310 print"minutes trying to get rid of him."
- 7320 tl=tl+10
- 7350 tl=tl+10:return
- 7400 print"delivery man brings supplies."
- 7410 print"you waste 7 minutes checking contents"
- 7420 print"and signing for it."
- 7450 tl=tl+7:return
- 7500 print"you misplaced the mortar and pestle,"
- 7510 print"and you need to grind some ingredients."
- 7520 print"you spend 3 minutes locating them."
- 7550 tl=tl+3:return
- 7600 print"there's never a lighter when you"
- 7610 print"need one. you spend 2 minutes looking."
- 7650 tl=tl+2:return
- 7700 print"everything is so confusing."
- 7710 print"take a minute to stop and think."
- 7750 tl=tl+1:return
- 7800 print"you remember something the alchemist"
- 7810 print"wanted you to do."
- 7820 print"you take 5 minutes to do it."
- 7850 tl=tl+5:return
- 7900 print"you need some more distilled water."
- 7910 print"you spend 4 minutes setting it up."
- 7950 tl=tl+4:return
- 7960 print"you'll need more stones soon."
- 7970 print"collecting more takes you 8 minutes."
- 7980 tl=tl+8:return
- 7999 return
- 8000 rem monster subroutine
- 8010 m1=int(rnd(1)*9+1)
- 8100 print"oh no! you created a ";
- 8200 on m1 gosub 8310,8320,8330,8340,8350,8360,8370,8380,8390
- 8300 goto 8400
- 8310 print"small dragon ":return
- 8320 print"chimera ":return
- 8330 print"hydra ":return
- 8340 print"lion ":return
- 8350 print"bear ":return
- 8360 print"tiger ":return
- 8370 print"harpy ":return
- 8380 print"wolf ":return
- 8390 print"alligator":return
- 8400 print"and it looks hungry!"
- 8410 print"do something quick!"
- 8415 gosub 10100
- 8420 if cs=0 goto 8600
- 8430 print"use the counterspell."
- 8435 gosub 10100
- 8440 gosub 10010
- 8450 return
- 8600 m2=int(rnd(1)*09+1)
- 8610 on m2 gosub 8650,8700,8750,8700,8850,8700,8750,8700,8650,8800
- 8620 return
- 8650 print"oh no! you made another one!"
- 8660 print"you'd better try again."
- 8663 gosub 10100
- 8665 tl=tl+1
- 8670 goto 8600
- 8675 tl=tl+1:goto 8600
- 8700 print"would you be more careful?"
- 8710 gosub 10010
- 8720 return
- 8750 print"that didn't work. the situation's"
- 8760 print"getting desperate. hurry!"
- 8765 gosub 10100
- 8800 print"what are you doing? turning yourself "
- 8810 print"into a chicken won't help!"
- 8820 print"change back and try again."
- 8825 gosub 10100
- 8830 tl=tl+1:goto 8600
- 8850 print"too late. at least you were tasty."
- 8855 print"you had ";g;" gold pieces when you died."
- 8860 goto 10070
- 8999 return
- 9000 rem animal subroutine
- 9100 a=int(rnd(1)*12+1)
- 9200 print"you've changed yourself into a ";
- 9210 onagosub 9310,9320,9340,9350,9360,9370,9380,9390,9400,9410,9420,9430,9440
- 9290 goto 9500
- 9310 print"dog. ":return
- 9320 print"pig. ":return
- 9330 print"cat. ":return
- 9340 print"turkey. ":return
- 9350 print"fox. ":return
- 9360 print"cow. ":return
- 9370 print"duck. ":return
- 9380 print"goat. ":return
- 9390 print"frog. ":return
- 9400 print"lizard. ":return
- 9410 print"newt":return
- 9420 print"snake. ":return
- 9430 print"turtle. ":return
- 9440 print"goldfish. ":return
- 9500 if a>12 then goto 9900
- 9510 if a>7 then goto 9700
- 9600 print"even if you know the counterspell, "
- 9610 print"you can't use it. try swishing"
- 9620 print"your tail or something."
- 9630 gosub 10100
- 9650 f=int(rnd(1)*2+1)
- 9660 if f=2 then goto 9685
- 9670 print"that did it!"
- 9675 gosub 10010
- 9680 return
- 9685 print"that didn't work. try again."
- 9690 gosub 10100
- 9695 tl=tl+1:goto 9650
- 9700 print"what a predicament! try flicking "
- 9710 print"your tongue or wiggling something."
- 9715 gosub 10100
- 9720 f=int(rnd(1)*2+1)
- 9730 if f=1 then gosub 9980
- 9740 if f=1 then goto 9720
- 9750 print"that's an improvement. at least, "
- 9760 print"you're warm-blooded."
- 9765 gosub 10100
- 9770 a=int(rnd(1)-5+12)
- 9780 goto 9200
- 9900 print"you are supposed to make gold[146], not"
- 9910 print"turn yourself into a gold[146]fish."
- 9920 print"start blowing bubbles. maybe you'll"
- 9930 print"stumble across the right pattern."
- 9935 gosub 10100
- 9940 f=int(rnd(1)*2+1)
- 9945 if f=1 then gosub 9980
- 9950 print"that's a little better."
- 9955 gosub 10100
- 9970 goto 9700
- 9980 print"that didn't work. try again. "
- 9981 gosub 10100
- 9985 tl=tl+1:return
- 9999 end
- 10010 print"do you want to start cleaning up?"
- 10020 print"the alchemist could return early."
- 10030 input"y[146] or n[146]";x$
- 10050 if x$<>"y"then 10090
- 10060 print"congratulations, you've got ";g;" gold pieces."
- 10070 print"would you like to try again?"
- 10080 input "y[146] or n[146]";d$
- 10085 if d$="y"then 1900
- 10089 end
- 10090 if tl>20 then print"[147]":return
- 10094 print"[147]"
- 10095 print"ok, let's try it again.":return
- 10100 if i=1 then goto 10110
- 10105 print"press a key to try something else.":goto 10200
- 10110 print:print"press a key to continue"
- 10200 get q$
- 10300 if q$="" then 10200
- 10400 if q$<>"" then print"[147]"
- 10500 return
- 20000 rem alchemist returns
- 20010 print"too bad. the alchemist is back"
- 20020 goto 20515
- 20500 rem alchemist returns early
- 20510 print"too bad. the alchemist returned early"
- 20515 if g<1 then goto 20525
- 20520 print"you lose all your gold"
- 20525 print"and you get a beating."
- 20530 print"better luck next time."
- 20540 print"care to try again?"
- 20545 input"y[146] or n[146]";d$
- 20550 if d$="y" then goto 1900
- 20560 if d$="n" then 9999
- 20570 goto 20540