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- 10 rem * terminal program for c-128 *
- 20 rem * copyright 1985 jeff lih *
- 30 (NULL)13
- 40 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:printchr$(14)+"":poke808,107
- 50 if peek(12288)=32goto130
- 60 print"[147][193] [200] [207] [217] ! [212] [197] [210] [205] 1 2 8"
- 70 print"[145][145][145][145][145][196]esigned by: [202]eff [204]ih"
- 80 print"[201]nitializing - [215]ait......"
- 90 load"term.ml",8,1
- 100 rem
- 110 rem * * default values
- 120 rem
- 130 open 5,2,2,chr$(0)+chr$(0)+chr$(65)+chr$(1):poke12294,25:rem 1200 baud
- 140 open 2,0,0:rem keyboard
- 150 open 3,3,0:rem screen
- 160 open 4,4,7:rem printer
- 170 ni$="":no$=""
- 180 print" [208]lease enter [213][208][204][207][193][196] file name [207][210]"
- 190 input" carriage return for [196][197][198][193][213][204][212] ";ni$
- 200 gosub 1790
- 210 rem n$="555-1212":goto860
- 220 fora=1to999:next:print"[147]"+chr$(14)+""
- 230 print" [205][193][201][206] [205][197][206][213] [146]"
- 240 print" [212] [212]erminal [205]ode"
- 250 print" [205] [205]odem [195]ommands"
- 260 print" - [196]ial"
- 270 print" - [200]ang [213]p/[210]eset [194][193][213][196]"
- 280 print" - [193]nswer [205]ode"
- 290 print" [198] [198]ile [195]ommands"
- 300 print" - [195]hange [213][208]/[196][207][215][206] [204]oad [206]ames"
- 310 print" - [197]xamine/[208]rint [198]iles"
- 320 print" - [210]ename [198]iles"
- 330 print" - [211]cratch [198]iles"
- 340 print" [209] [209]uit [208]rogram"
- 350 print" [210][197][208][204][217] > [146][157]";
- 360 get#2,a$:if a$=""then360
- 370 printa$;
- 380 ifa$="t"ora$="[212]"thensys12288:no$="":gosub1930:goto220
- 390 ifa$="m"ora$="[205]"thengoto440
- 400 ifa$="f"ora$="[198]"thengoto1170
- 410 ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thengoto1720
- 420 print" huh ??"
- 430 for a=1to999:nexta:goto220
- 440 rem modem section
- 450 print"[147]"
- 460 print" [205][207][196][197][205] [205][197][206][213] [146]"
- 470 print" [196] [196][201][193][204]"
- 480 print" [200] [200]ang [213]p/[210]eset [194][193][213][196]"
- 490 print" [193] [193]nswer [205]ode"
- 500 print" [210] [210]epeat [204]ast [205]odem [195]ommand"
- 510 print" (useful for redial)"
- 520 print" [204] [204]ocal [197]cho"
- 530 print" [216] [197][216][201][212] - [210]eturn to [205][193][201][206] [205][197][206][213]"
- 540 print" [210][197][208][204][217] > [146][157]";
- 550 get#2,a$:if a$=""then550
- 560 printa$
- 570 ifa$="d"ora$="[196]"goto650
- 580 ifa$="h"ora$="[200]"goto1020
- 590 ifa$="a"ora$="[193]"goto1160
- 600 ifa$="r"ora$="[210]"goto960
- 610 ifa$="x"ora$="[216]"goto220
- 620 ifa$="[204]"ora$="l"goto970
- 630 print" huh ??"
- 640 for a=1to999:next:goto450
- 650 print" [212]elephone [206]umber "
- 660 print" [206][213][205][194][197][210] > [146][157]";
- 670 n$=""
- 680 get#2,a$:if a$=""then680
- 690 ifa$=chr$(13)thengoto860
- 700 ifa$="1"thengoto850
- 710 ifa$="2"thengoto850
- 720 ifa$="3"thengoto850
- 730 ifa$="4"thengoto850
- 740 ifa$="5"thengoto850
- 750 ifa$="6"thengoto850
- 760 ifa$="7"thengoto850
- 770 ifa$="8"thengoto850
- 780 ifa$="9"thengoto850
- 790 ifa$="0"thengoto850
- 800 ifa$=","thengoto850
- 810 ifa$="#"thengoto850
- 820 ifa$="*"thengoto850
- 830 ifa$="-"thengoto850
- 840 goto680
- 850 n$=n$+a$:printa$+" [146][157]";:goto680
- 860 print" "
- 870 print" [207]kay to [196][201][193][204] - "n$" ?"
- 880 input" [193]nswer y/n ";a$
- 890 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"goto930
- 900 input" [212]ry [193]gain ?? y/n ";a$
- 910 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"goto650
- 920 goto450
- 930 print#5,"[193][212] [196][212] "n$
- 940 print" [215][193][201][212] [198][207][210] [195][193][210][210][201][197][210]"
- 950 forb=1to999:nextb:goto220
- 960 print#5,"[193]/";:goto950
- 970 print" [197]nter 1 for local echo on"
- 980 input" [197]nter 2 for local echo off";a$
- 990 ifa$="1"thenpoke12298,1:goto950
- 1000 ifa$="2"thenpoke12298,0:goto950
- 1010 goto630
- 1020 print#5,"+++";
- 1030 forb=1to999:nextb:print#5,"[214]"
- 1040 forb=1to999:nextb:close5
- 1050 print" [211]et/[210]eset [194][193][213][196] [210]ate"
- 1060 input" 300 or 1200 ";a
- 1070 ifa=300goto1100
- 1080 ifa=1200goto1130
- 1090 print" huh ?":goto1060
- 1100 close5
- 1110 open5,2,3,chr$(6):rem 300
- 1120 poke12294,60:goto640
- 1130 close5
- 1140 open5,2,2,chr$(0)+chr$(0)+chr$(65)+chr$(1):rem 1200 baud
- 1150 poke12294,25:goto640
- 1160 print#5,"[193]";:goto950
- 1170 rem files section
- 1180 print"[147]"
- 1190 print" [198][201][204][197][211] [205][197][206][213] [146]"
- 1200 print" $ [196]isplay [196][201][210][197][195][212][207][210][217]"
- 1210 print" [195] [195]hange [213][208]/[196][207][215][206] [204][207][193][196] [198]ile [206]ames"
- 1220 print" [210] [210]ename [198]ile"
- 1230 print" [211] [211]cratch [198]ile"
- 1240 print" [214] [196]isplay ([214]iew) [198]ile"
- 1250 print" [208] [208]rint [198]ile"
- 1260 print" [216] [197][216][201][212] - [210]eturn to [205][193][201][206] [205][197][206][213]"
- 1270 print" [210][197][208][204][217] > [146][157]";
- 1280 get#2,a$:ifa$=""then1280
- 1290 printa$
- 1300 ifa$="$"thengoto1390
- 1310 ifa$="c"ora$="[195]"thengoto1420
- 1320 ifa$="r"ora$="[210]"thengoto1490
- 1330 ifa$="s"ora$="[211]"thengoto1570
- 1340 ifa$="v"ora$="[214]"thengoto1600
- 1350 ifa$="p"ora$="[208]"thengoto1610
- 1360 ifa$="x"ora$="[216]"thengoto220
- 1370 print" huh ??"
- 1380 for a=1to999:next:goto1180
- 1390 close9:close8:close15
- 1400 print" [217]ou [205]ay [195][200][193][206][199][197] [196]isks [206]ow":gosub1880
- 1410 (NULL):gosub1790:gosub1880:goto1180
- 1420 close8:close9:close15
- 1430 print
- 1440 gosub 1450::goto1180
- 1450 print" [217]ou [205]ay [195][200][193][206][199][197] [196]isks [206]ow"
- 1460 input" [197]nter new [213][208][204][207][193][196] [198][201][204][197] ";ni$
- 1470 input" [197]nter new [196][207][215][206][204][207][193][196] [198][201][204][197] ";no$
- 1480 gosub1790:gosub1880:return
- 1490 close8:close9:input" [197]nter [207][204][196] [198]ile ";xn$
- 1500 input" [197]nter [206][197][215] [198]ile ";yn$
- 1510 print" [195]hanging "+xn$+" to "+yn$
- 1520 input " [208]roceed (y/n)";a$
- 1530 if a$="[217]"ora$="y"thengoto1550
- 1540 goto 1560
- 1550 print#15,"r:"+yn$+"="+xn$
- 1560 gosub1860:gosub1790:gosub1880:goto1180
- 1570 close8:close9
- 1580 input " [197]nter [198]ile to [211][195][210][193][212][195][200]";nam$
- 1590 print#15,"s0:"+nam$:goto1560
- 1600 sw$="s":goto1620
- 1610 sw$="p"
- 1620 input" [197]nter [198][201][204][197] [206]ame ";nam$
- 1630 print" [200]it [193]ny [203]ey to [211][212][207][208]"
- 1640 close8:close9
- 1650 open 7,8,7,"0:"+nam$+",s,r"
- 1660 gosub1860
- 1670 ifsw$="p"thengoto1700
- 1680 get#7,a$:ifst=0thenprinta$;:get#2,b$:ifb$=""thengoto1680
- 1690 goto1710
- 1700 get#7,a$:ifst=0thenprint#4,a$;:get#2,b$:ifb$=""thengoto1700
- 1710 print:close7:gosub1790:gosub1880:goto1180
- 1720 close9:close8:close4:print#15,"i"
- 1730 print#5,"+++";
- 1740 forb=1to999:nextb:print#5,"[214]"
- 1750 forb=1to999:nextb:close5
- 1760 close5:close15
- 1770 print"[147]":poke808,110
- 1780 end
- 1790 close15:open15,8,15:print#15,"i"
- 1800 ifni$=""thenni$="zzup":nam$=ni$:gosub1920
- 1810 ifno$=""thenno$="zzdown":nam$=no$:gosub1920
- 1820 open 8,8,8,"0:"+ni$+",s,r"
- 1830 gosub1860
- 1840 ife1$<>"00"thenclose8:open8,8,8,"@0:"+ni$+",s,w":close8:goto1820
- 1850 open 9,8,9,"@0:"+no$+",s,w":return
- 1860 input#15,e1$,e2$,e3$,e4$
- 1870 print:printe1$;" ";e2$;" ";e3$;" ";e4$:return
- 1880 print:print" [200]it any key to continue[146]":print
- 1890 get#2,a$:if a$=""then1890
- 1900 return
- 1910 ni$="zzup":no$="zzdown":print
- 1920 print" [213]sing [196][197][198][193][213][204][212] filename ";nam$:return
- 1930 print:print" [201]f you have [211][193][214][197][196] [196][207][215][206] [204][207][193][196] data "
- 1940 print" [208]lease rename zzdown[146] file immediatly"
- 1950 print" if you want to keep it"
- 1960 gosub1880:return