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- 1 rem *** windows ***
- 2 rem creates the illusion of windows using extended background color mode
- 13 rem set extended color mode
- 14 poke 53265,peek(53265)or 64
- 15 gosub 800
- 30 goto 100
- 39 rem get raw joystick value and invert it (joystick port 2)
- 40 jy=255-peek(56320)
- 41 rem get separate button value
- 42 jb=jy and 16
- 43 rem clean up joystick value and return
- 44 jy=jy and 15:return
- 49 rem read keyboard
- 50 d=0:get a$:if a$="" then return
- 51 a=asc(a$):if a<32 or a>95 then d=a:a=0:a$="":return
- 52 a=a-32:return
- 79 rem ** clear window
- 80 for i=mt(qq)-1 to mb(qq)+1:print vv$(i)tab(ml(qq)-1);
- 81 print "[146]";:if qq>1 then print "";
- 82 print left$(bl$(qq),mr(qq)-ml(qq)+2);:next:return
- 99 rem ** main keyread loop
- 100 gosub 40:gosub 50:if a$="" and d=0 and jy=0 and jb=0 then 100
- 101 if(d>132)and(d<137)then qq=d-133:goto 100
- 102 if d=137 then sys 58235
- 103 if d=147 then hp(qq)=ml(qq):vp(qq)=mt(qq):gosub 80:goto 100
- 104 if d=19 then hp(qq)=ml(qq):vp(qq)=mt(qq):goto 100
- 105 if d=17 then gosub 200
- 106 if d=145 then gosub 210
- 107 if d=29 then gosub 220
- 108 if d=157 then gosub 230
- 109 if d=13 or d=10 then gosub 200:hp(qq)=ml(qq):goto 100
- 110 print vv$(vp(qq))tab(hp(qq))fc$(qq)ch$(qq,a);:gosub 220:goto 100
- 190 goto 100
- 199 rem cursor down
- 200 vp(qq)=vp(qq)+1:if vp(qq)>mb(qq) then vp(qq)=mt(qq)
- 201 return
- 209 rem cursor up
- 210 vp(qq)=vp(qq)-1:if vp(qq)<mt(qq) then vp(qq)=mb(qq)
- 211 return
- 219 rem cursor right
- 220 hp(qq)=hp(qq)+1:if hp(qq)>mr(qq) then hp(qq)=ml(qq):gosub 200
- 221 return
- 229 rem cursor left
- 230 hp(qq)=hp(qq)-1:if hp(qq)<ml(qq) then hp(qq)=mr(qq)
- 231 return
- 800 dim vv$(24),ch$(3,63),fc$(3),bc(3),vp(3),hp(3),cb(3),mt(3),mb(3),ml(3),mr(3)
- 801 rem initial color values
- 802 for i=0 to 3:read fc$(i),bc(i),cb(i):next
- 803 data "[155][146]",2,53281,"[146]",14,53282,"[149]",7,53283,"[158]",5 ,53284
- 804 rem set margins & starting cursor positions
- 805 for i=0 to 3:read mt(i),mb(i),ml(i),mr(i):vp(i)=mt(i):hp(i)=ml(i):next
- 806 data 1,15,1,18,1,9,21,38,18,23,1,18,12,23,21,38
- 809 rem vertical placement strings
- 810 vv$(0)="":for i=1 to 24:vv$(i)=vv$(i-1)+"":next
- 819 rem set unshifted character tables
- 820 for i=0 to 63:ch$(0,i)=chr$(i+32):ch$(2,i)=ch$(0,i):next
- 821 rem set shifted character table
- 822 for i=0 to 31:ch$(1,i)=chr$(i+160):ch$(3,i)=ch$(1,i):next
- 823 for i=32 to 63:ch$(1,i)=chr$(i+64):ch$(3,i)=ch$(1,i):next
- 824 rem set unshifted blank line
- 825 bl$(0)=" ":bl$(2)=bl$(0)
- 826 rem set shifted blank line
- 827 bl$(1)="":for i=1 to 39:bl$(1)=bl$(1)+chr$(160):next:bl$(3)=bl$(1)
- 829 rem initialize screen
- 830 print "[147]";:for qq=0 to 3:gosub 80
- 831 rem clear window edges
- 832 for i=mt(qq)-1 to mb(qq)+1:poke 1024+i*40+mr(qq)+1,32+64*qq:next:next
- 833 qq=0
- 834 for i=0 to 3:poke cb(i),bc(i):next
- 890 return