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- 10 print"structured version"
- 15 poke53280,0:poke53281,7
- 20 print"copyright 1985 cheryl peterson"
- 30 print"hit any key to continue"
- 31 get z$:if z$=""then 31
- 100 print"[147][149]"
- 130 print"using my microwave's automatic timer and pre-programmed"
- 131 print"cooking cycles disturbs me"
- 132 gosub 10001
- 145 gosub 5000
- 146 if a%<0ora%>4 then 130
- 150 gosub 10100
- 230 print"using the automatic recording features of a vcr bothers me"
- 232 gosub 10001
- 245 gosub 5000
- 246 if a%<0ora%>4 then 230
- 260 gosub 10100
- 330 print"watching a television set or monitor for hours"
- 331 print"1) gives me a headache, so i don't do it."
- 332 print"2) makes my eyes hurt, so i don't do it."
- 333 print"3) keeps me pleasantly occupied."
- 334 input"4) is a way of life.";a%
- 340 gosub 5000
- 350 if a%<0ora%>4 then 330
- 360 gosub 10200
- 430 print"a remote control device for a television is "
- 431 gosub 10050
- 440 gosub 5000
- 450 if a%<0ora%>4 then 430
- 460 gosub 10200
- 530 print"automatic teller machines are"
- 531 gosub 10050
- 540 gosub 5000
- 550 if a%<0ora%>4 then 530
- 560 gosub 10200
- 630 print"i find using a self correcting typewriter"
- 631 print"1) frightening."
- 632 print"2) confusing."
- 633 print"3) better than using a manual."
- 634 input"4) a royal pain compared to using a word processor.";a%
- 640 gosub 5000
- 650 if a%<0ora%>4 then 630
- 660 gosub 10200
- 730 print"setting the auto-dialing feature on a phone is"
- 731 print"1) beyond me."
- 732 print"2) too much bother."
- 733 print"3) worth it in convenience."
- 734 input"4) easy, but i let my computer do all my dialing.";a%
- 740 gosub 5000
- 750 if a%<0ora%>4 then 730
- 760 gosub 10200
- 830 print"if my car's dashboard looked like the cockpit of the space shuttle"
- 831 print"1) i'd sell it"
- 832 print"2) i'd ignore it."
- 833 print"3) eventually i'd figure everything out."
- 834 input"4) i'd be figuring out how to get computer mapping system running";a%
- 840 gosub 5000
- 850 if a%<0ora%>4 then 830
- 860 gosub 10200
- 930 print"i'd like to have a computer because"
- 931 print"1) it's a great status symbol."
- 932 print"2) my kids will need one."
- 933 print"3) there must be something i can do with one."
- 934 input"4) i can think of at least a dozen things to do with one";a%
- 940 gosub 5000
- 950 if a%<0ora%>4 then 930
- 960 gosub 10200
- 1030 print"i wouldn't go through the rides at epcot center because"
- 1031 print"1) i don't trust those computer run contraptions."
- 1032 print"2) who cares about all that techno-mumble anyway."
- 1033 print"3) i'd be too busy eating!"
- 1034 input"4) i've already ridden on all of them";a%
- 1040 gosub 5000
- 1050 if a%<0ora%>4 then 1030
- 1060 gosub 10200
- 1100 input "how many computers do you own";a%
- 1105 if a%>10 then print"try a number less than 11"
- 1110 if a%>10 then goto 1100
- 1120 if t>10 or t=10 then t=t-a%
- 1300 if t>10 then 1400
- 1310 print"your score is a measly";t;"which means you are at home with"
- 1320 print"the coming computer revolution. if you aren't already actively"
- 1330 print"involved with the beasties, you should be."
- 1340 end
- 1400 if t>20 then 1500
- 1405 print"your score is";t;"."
- 1410 print"with a very slight attitude adjustment, you could be"
- 1420 print"happily enjoying the benefits of a computer companion."
- 1440 end
- 1500 if t>25 then 1599
- 1505 print"your score is";t;"."
- 1510 print"getting you into communion with a computer will take a"
- 1520 print"miracle. but stranger things have happened. good luck!"
- 1540 end
- 1599 print"your score is";t;"!"
- 1600 print"forget it! it's hopeless. a classic case of compuphobia."
- 1610 print"how did you survive taking this test?!"
- 2000 end
- 5000 if a%>0anda%<5then return
- 5005 print"[147]"
- 5010 print"try choosing an integer between 1 and 4"
- 10001 print"1) none"
- 10002 print"2) a little"
- 10003 print"3) some"
- 10004 input"4) very much";a%
- 10005 return
- 10050 print"1) a nuisance."
- 10055 print"2) a waste of time."
- 10060 print"3) sometimes convenient."
- 10065 input"4) wonderful.";a%
- 10070 return
- 10100 if a%=1thent=t+0
- 10110 if a%=2thent=t+1
- 10120 if a%=3thent=t+2
- 10130 if a%=4thent=t+3
- 10140 print"[147]"
- 10150 return
- 10200 if a%=1thent=t+3
- 10210 if a%=2thent=t+2
- 10220 if a%=3thent=t+1
- 10230 if a%=4thent=t+0
- 10240 print"[147]"
- 10250 return