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- 0 rem << rr25-1 >>
- 30000 rem -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- 30001 rem - rs-232 receiver -
- 30002 rem rupert report #25
- 30003 rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- 30004 rem receive an ascii program from
- 30005 rem the rs-232 port into memory
- 30006 rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- 30030 print chr$(147);
- 30040 open 2,2,0,chr$(8)+chr$(0)
- 30050 rem - get up to 80 characters -
- 30060 gosub 30120
- 30070 print l$
- 30080 print "run 30000"
- 30090 poke 631,19 : poke 632,13 : poke 633,13 : poke 198,3 :rem fill kbd buffer
- 30100 close 2 : end
- 30110 rem == get up to 80 characters ==
- 30120 get#2,c$ : if c$="" then 30120
- 30130 if c$=chr$(13) then 30160
- 30140 if c$=chr$(26) then print#2 : close 2 : goto 30180
- 30150 l$=l$+c$ : goto 30120
- 30160 l$=left$(l$,79)
- 30170 return
- 30180 rem delete lines of this program
- 30190 for n=30000 to 30200 step 10 :print n : next
- 30200 print"press <home> and 21 <returns> to delete these lines";