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- 62990 a=peek(61)+256*peek(62)+3:poke786,int(a/256):poke785,a-256*peek(786)
- 62995 iferthenpokea-2,0:pokea-1,0:poke45,peek(785):poke46,peek(786):clr:end
- 63000 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,1
- 63009 printchr$(147)
- 63010 print "this program will turn text basic files into run basic programs";
- 63020 print "using the commodore datasette or disk drive."
- 63030 printchr$(17)"the program will delete any line"
- 63040 print"of the file in case it is not a program line."chr$(147)
- 63043 input"name of file to be converted";f$
- 63045 print " "chr$(18)"t"chr$(146)"ape or "chr$(18)"d"chr$(146)"isk?"
- 63046 geta$:ifa$=""then63046
- 63047 ifa$="t"thend=1:sa=0:n=1:goto63080
- 63048 ifa$<>"d"then63046
- 63050 d=8:sa=3:n=3
- 63080 print "hit a key when ready!"
- 63085 geta$:if a$=""then63085
- 63090 printchr$(147)
- 63097 open3,d,sa,f$:print"reading file, please be patient!":forx=1to1000:next
- 63099 poke152,3:t$=""
- 63100 get#3,a$:if a$=""then63100
- 63105 if st=64then63250
- 63106 if a$=chr$(13)then63130
- 63110 t$=t$+a$
- 63115 a$="":goto63100
- 63130 iflen(t$)<3thent$="":goto63100
- 63140 ifleft$(t$,1)=chr$(10)then63250
- 63142 ifval(left$(t$,1))=0thenprintt$:t$=right$(t$,(len(t$)-1)):goto63140
- 63220 printchr$(147)" translating text into basic..."
- 63225 printchr$(17)chr$(17);t$:print"goto 63099"
- 63235 poke198,2:poke631,13:poke632,13:printchr$(19):end
- 63240 ifval(left$(t$,1))=0thent$=right$(t$,(len(t$)-1)):goto63140
- 63250 printchr$(147)"conversion complete!!!":close3:print
- 63260 print"do you want this converter"
- 63262 print "deleted before you save the new program?"
- 63265 geta$:ifa$=""then63265
- 63266 ifa$="y"thener=1:goto62990
- 63270 print"all done! check it out!"
- 63280 end