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- 0 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,5:poke646,1
- 1 rem sound effects
- 2 rem sawing wood
- 10 gosub 900:goto 100
- 20 for i=1 to 2:poke ad(i),0 :poke sr(i),243:next
- 25 poke ad(0),64:poke sr(0),66
- 30 poke fh(1),255:poke fh(2),12 :poke fh(0),200
- 35 poke vl,15:print "."
- 40 poke gt(1),129:poke gt(2),129:poke gt(0),21
- 45 for i=0 to 7:poke vl,5:poke vl,15:for x=0 to int(4*rnd(9)):next:next
- 50 for i=15 to 0 step-1:poke vl,i:next
- 55 for i=1 to 15:poke vl,i:for x=0 to 3:next:next
- 60 for i=0 to 2:poke gt(i),0:next
- 90 return
- 99 rem routine to play sounds when shift is pressed
- 100 print "press shift to hear sound";
- 110 if peek(653)=0 then 110
- 120 gosub 20:goto 100
- 898 rem routine to set up variables
- 899 rem set up sound control addresses
- 900 fl(0)=54272:fh(0)=54273:gt(0)=54276:ad(0)=54277:sr(0)=54278
- 905 for i=1 to 2:x=i*7:fl(i)=fl(0)+x:fh(i)=fh(0)+x:gt(i)=gt(0)+x:ad(i)=ad(0)+x
- 906 sr(i)=sr(0)+x:next
- 909 rem set volume address
- 910 vl=54296
- 990 return