home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 30 l$=""
- 40 gosub 1000:goto 1500
- 50 dim num(45),tn(nn),pf(nn):c=0:b=0
- 70 print "[147]":poke 53280,6:poke 53281,1
- 80 print left$(l$,2)tab(8)"[151][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 90 print left$(l$,3)tab(8)"[194] [194]"
- 100 print left$(l$,4)tab(8)"[194] lucky lotto menu[151] [194]"
- 120 print left$(l$,5)tab(8)"[194] [194]"
- 125 print left$(l$,6)tab(8)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 130 print left$(l$,10)tab(8)"[1][146] -load number file"
- 140 print left$(l$,11)tab(8)"[2][146] -enter current numbers"
- 150 print left$(l$,12)tab(8)"[3][146] -display all numbers"
- 160 print left$(l$,13)tab(8)"[4][146] -6 most common numbers"
- 170 print left$(l$,14)tab(8)"[5][146] -end session"
- 175 print left$(l$,20)tab(10)"your choice ? [1-5][146]"
- 180 get an$:if an$="" then180
- 190 an=val(an$)
- 200 on an gosub 730,220,310,420,660
- 210 rem =========================
- 211 rem **** input numbers ****
- 212 rem =========================
- 220 print "[147]":poke 53280,12:poke 53281,1
- 230 print tab(4)"[213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]"
- 240 print tab(4)" enter this weeks lotto numbers "
- 250 print tab(4)"[145][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 260 print left$(l$,8):t=6
- 270 for a=1 to 6:print tab(10)"number ";a;:input n(a)
- 280 for s=1 to nn:if n(a)=s then630
- 290 next:next
- 301 goto70
- 304 rem =========================
- 305 rem **** display numbers ****
- 306 rem =========================
- 310 print "[147]":poke 53280,3:poke 53281,1:t=4
- 320 print tab(6)"[145] current lotto number list "
- 330 for s=1 to nn:if s=23 thenprint "":t=24
- 350 if s>9 then370
- 360 print ""tab(t);s" "tn(s):goto380
- 370 print ""tab(t-1);s" "tn(s)
- 380 next
- 390 printleft$(l$,25)"[151] press f1 [146] for 6 most common numbers";
- 400 get an$:if an$="" then400
- 410 if an$<>"[133]" then400
- 414 rem ========================
- 415 rem **** common numbers ****
- 416 rem ========================
- 420 for i=1 to nn:if tn(i)>b thenb=tn(i)
- 430 next
- 445 print"[147]":poke 53280,6:poke 53281,1
- 450 print left$(l$,1)tab(8)" 6 most common numbers "
- 460 print left$(l$,3)tab(12)"number";tab(22)"times"
- 470 for e=1 to 6:sw=0
- 480 if b<=0 then540
- 490 for i=1 to nn:t=14
- 495 if i>9 then t=13
- 500 if tn(i)=b then print tab(t);i;spc(7);tn(i):sw=1
- 510 next
- 520 if sw=0 thenb=b-1:goto480
- 530 b=b-1
- 540 next e
- 550 printleft$(l$,22)tab(5)"press [144]f1[146] to enter more numbers"
- 560 print tab(5)"press [144]f3[146] to view all numbers"
- 570 print tab(5)"press [144]f5[146] for main menu";
- 580 get a$:if a$="" then580
- 590 if a$="[133]" then220
- 600 if a$="[134]" then310
- 610 if a$="[135]" then 70
- 620 if a$<>"[133]" or a$<>"[134]" or <>"[135]" then580
- 630 tn(s)=tn(s)+1:goto290
- 640 rem ========================
- 650 rem **** write routine ****
- 660 rem ========================
- 670 open 2,8,2,"@0:"+nf$+",s,w"
- 680 for s=1 to nn
- 690 print#2,tn(s)
- 700 next
- 710 close 2:end
- 715 rem ========================
- 720 rem **** read routine ****
- 725 rem ========================
- 730 print"[147]":poke 53280,6:poke 53281,6
- 735 print left$(l$,10)tab(10)"loading number file..."
- 736 print left$(l$,12)tab(11)"one moment please"
- 740 open 2,8,2,"@0:"+nf$+",s,r"
- 750 for s=1 to nn
- 760 input#2,tn(s)
- 770 next s
- 780 close 2:goto 70
- 990 rem ==========================
- 991 rem **** sprite movement ****
- 992 rem ==========================
- 1000 for s=50880 to 51116:read a:poke s,a:next
- 1010 data 169,255,45,0,198,240,16,169,0,141,0,198,162,21,189,0
- 1020 data 197,157,0,198,202,208,247,162,1,169,1,141,80,197,173,80
- 1030 data 197,45,0,197,240,3,76,243,198,232,232,14,80,197,208,238
- 1040 data 76,49,234
- 1050 data 169,0,29,0,197,208,3,76,97,199,169,128,61
- 1060 data 0,197,240,48,254,0,198,208,40,222,255,207,76,144,199,80
- 1070 data 197,45,16,208,208,12,173,16,208,13,80,197,141,16,208,76
- 1080 data 43,199,173,16,208,77,80,197,141,16,208,189,0,197,157,0
- 1090 data 198,76,97,199,222,0,198,208,40,254,255,207,208,29,173,80
- 1100 data 197,45,16,208,208,12,173,16,208,13,80,197,141,16,208,76
- 1110 data 91,199,173,16,208,77,80,197,141,16,208,189,0,197,157,0
- 1120 data 198,169,0,232,29,0,197,208,3,76,140,199,169,128,61,0
- 1130 data 197,240,11,254,0,198,208,20,222,255,207,76,134,199,222,0
- 1140 data 198,208,9,254,255,207,189,0,197,157,0,198,202,76,233,198
- 1150 data 169,255,221,255,207,240,3,76,43,199,173,80,197,76,17,199
- 1160 data 120,169,192,141,20,3,169,198,141,21,3,88,96
- 1170 sp=53248:ss=50433:print "[147]":poke 53280,9:poke 53281,0
- 1180 h=1:v=1
- 1190 for l=ss to ss+16 step 2
- 1200 poke l,h:poke l+1,v
- 1210 h=int(rnd(0)*247)+1:v=int(rnd(0)*3)+1:next
- 1220 poke 50688,ff
- 1230 for s=2040 to 2047
- 1240 poke s,14:next
- 1250 for s=896 to 959:read ch
- 1260 poke s,ch:next
- 1270 s=1
- 1280 for l=53287 to 53293
- 1290 poke l,s:s=s+1:next:poke 53294,14
- 1310 s=20:a=30
- 1320 for l=53248 to 53263 step 2
- 1330 poke l,s+48:poke l+1,a+40
- 1340 s=s+25:a=a+25:next
- 1350 poke 53269,255
- 1360 poke 50432,255
- 1370 sys 51104
- 1380 return
- 1384 rem ======================
- 1385 rem **** sprite data ****
- 1386 rem ======================
- 1390 data 1,129,128,63,255,252,127,255,254,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1400 data 241,129,128,241,129,128,241,129,128,255,255,252,255,255,254
- 1410 data 127,255,255,63,255,255,1,129,143,1,129,143,1,129,143,255,255,255,255
- 1420 data 255,255,127,255,254,63,255,252,1,129,128,1,129,128,0
- 1500 print:print:print tab(4)"[153]$[146] $[146]"
- 1510 print tab(4)"$[146] $[146]"
- 1520 print tab(4)"$[146] [146] [146] $[146] "
- 1530 print tab(4)"$$$[146] [146] [146] $$$[146] [146] "
- 1540 print tab(8)" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] "
- 1550 print tab(8)" [146] [146] [146] "
- 1560 print tab(12)" [146] [169] [146] [146] "
- 1570 print tab(12)" [146] [146][169] [146] "
- 1580 print tab(16)" [223][146] [146] [146] [146] "
- 1590 print tab(16)" [146][223] [146] [146] [146] [146] "
- 1600 print tab(21)" [146] [146] "
- 1610 print tab(21)" [146] "
- 1620 print:print "[175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175]"
- 1630 print "[145][149] [144] [149] "
- 1640 print "[145] double[149] [144] [149] software[149] "
- 1650 print "[145] [144] [149] "
- 1660 print "[145][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 1670 print tab(10)"[145][149]designed by..."
- 1680 print tab(19)"bob lloret"
- 1690 print:print tab(11)"press f1 to start";
- 1700 get a$:if a$="" then 1700
- 1710 if a$="[133]" then for a=sp to sp+7:poke sp+21,0:next:goto 2000
- 1720 if a$<>"[133]" then 1700
- 2000 print"[147]"
- 2010 printleft$(l$,10)" enter your file name";:input nf$
- 2015 if nf$="" then 2010
- 2020 printleft$(l$,12)" enter highest number in your lotto";:input nn
- 2025 if nn<1 then 2020
- 2030 goto50