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- 0 poke53280,0:poke53281,1:poke646,6
- 1 rem before loading poke44,64:poke256*64,0:new
- 2 s0 = peek(46)*256+peek(45)
- 3 s1 = s0-210:s2 = s0-150
- 9 print:print:print"[147]""in addition to normal cursor movements,"
- 10 print"the following codes are used: f-fast"
- 11 print"scan; s-slow scan; d-draw; e-erase"
- 12 print"i-initial point of slanted line;"
- 13 print"l-line back to initial point; f1-"
- 14 print"dump screen image to printer"
- 15 print"f7-clear screen"
- 16 input "do you want to play squares";an$
- 17 sys s1
- 18 x=0:y=0:sv=0:by=8192:f=1:d=0:e=0:gosub 1000
- 19 if an$="y" then gosub 200
- 20 get m$:ifm$="" then 20
- 21 if m$=chr$(136) then 17
- 22 if m$="f" then f=5:goto 20
- 24 if m$="s" then f=1:goto 20
- 25 if m$="d" then d=not d:e=o:goto 20
- 26 if m$="e" then e=not e:d=0:goto20
- 27 if m$="i" then xi=x:yi=y:goto 20
- 28 if m$="l" then 100
- 29 if m$=chr$(133) then 1100
- 30 if m$="[145]" then y=y-f:if y<0 then y=0
- 35 if m$="" then y=y+f:if y>199 then y=199
- 40 if m$="" then x=x+f:if x>319 then x=319
- 45 if m$="[157]" then x=x-f:if x<0 then x=0
- 50 gosub 1000:goto 20
- 100 dx=x-xi : dy=y-yi
- 110 m=dy/dx : b=yi-m*xi
- 115 sp = (sgn(xi-x))*f : xf=x
- 120 for x=xf to xi step sp
- 130 y = int(m*x+b)
- 140 gosub 1000
- 150 next
- 160 d=0:goto 20
- 200 d=1:for y = 0 to 199 step 21
- 210 for x = 0 to 249 step 25
- 220 gosub 1000
- 230 nextx : nexty
- 240 x = 128 : y = 95 : gosub 1000
- 250 d=0 : return
- 1000 ch=int(x/8):ro=int(y/8):ln=yand7
- 1010 if d=0 then poke by,sv
- 1015 if e=0 then 1020
- 1017 z = sv and (2^bt):poke by,sv-z
- 1020 by=8192+ro*320+ch*8+ln:bt=7-(xand7)
- 1030 sv = peek(by)
- 1040 poke by,sv or(2^bt)
- 1050 return
- 1100 open 4,4,5:cmd4
- 1110 print chr$(27)chr$(51)chr$(16)
- 1120 poke 251,0:poke 252,32
- 1130 for i=0 to 7:poke 2048+i,2^i:next
- 1140 for l=0 to 24:print chr$(27)chr$(76)chr$(250)chr$(2);
- 1150 sys s2
- 1160 print chr$(245)chr$(10);
- 1170 next l
- 1180 print#4,chr$(27)"@":print#4,:close4
- 1190 end