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- 1 rem solve the mansion murder--display
- 2 rem
- 7 rem
- 8 rem relocate basic variable storage
- 9 rem
- 10 poke 32766,peek(45):poke 32767,peek(46):poke 45,0:poke 46,128
- 12 rem
- 13 rem has screen been loaded?
- 14 rem
- 15 if peek(31744)=26 and peek(31748)=152 then 20
- 16 poke 47,0:poke 48,128:poke 49,0:poke 50,128:gosub 50000
- 20 gosub 1000
- 27 rem
- 28 rem move video memory to mansion
- 29 rem
- 30 wq=peek(56578):xq=peek(56576):poke 56578,wq or 3:poke 56576,xq and 272 or vm
- 35 poke vr,dm(0):poke br,db(0):p=0:t=0
- 40 gosub 450
- 45 gosub 400:i=fre(9)
- 97 rem
- 98 rem movement loop
- 99 rem
- 100 vd=vm(peek(197)):hd=hm(peek(653)):if hd=0 and vd=0 then 100
- 102 rem
- 103 rem special command handler
- 104 rem
- 105 if vd=2 then t=75:goto 180
- 106 if vd=3 then 800
- 107 rem
- 108 rem check where figure will be
- 109 rem
- 110 v(p)=v(p)+vd:h(p)=h(p)+hd
- 111 xc(p)=peek(da(pw(p))+h(p)+40*v(p))-128
- 112 rem
- 113 rem is it a secret passage?
- 114 rem
- 115 if xc(p)>85 then 600
- 117 rem
- 118 rem is it a stair-end?
- 119 rem
- 120 if (xc(p)=62 or xc(p)=63) and pr(p)=1 then 300
- 122 rem
- 123 rem can object be moved through?
- 124 rem
- 125 if xc(p)>61 or xc(p)=0 then v(p)=xv(p):h(p)=xh(p):xc(p)=pr(p):goto 100
- 126 if v(p)>22 or v(p)<1 then 250
- 127 rem
- 128 rem moving off the edge?
- 129 rem
- 130 if h(p)>38 or h(p)<1 then 200
- 131 if v(p)>22 or v(p)<1 then 250
- 137 rem
- 138 rem put back old floor,get new
- 139 rem
- 140 print v$(xv(p))tab(xh(p))xc$(p);:xc$(p)=ch$(xc(p))
- 142 rem
- 143 rem put figure in new spot
- 144 rem
- 145 print v$(v(p))tab(h(p))pf$(p);
- 167 rem
- 168 rem if new room, print name
- 169 rem
- 170 if pr(p)<>xc(p) then gosub 460
- 177 rem
- 178 rem is player's turn over?
- 179 rem
- 180 t=t+1:if t>75 then gosub 500
- 190 xh(p)=h(p):xv(p)=v(p):goto 100
- 197 rem
- 198 rem horizontal move to new screen
- 199 rem
- 200 pq=3:if h(p)<1 then pq=4
- 205 if pw(p)=w(pw(p),pq) then h(p)=xh(p):v(p)=xv(p):goto 100
- 210 if h(p)<1 and pw(p)=4 then v(p)=6
- 211 if h(p)>38 and pw(p)=5 then v(p)=16
- 215 if h(p)<1 then h(p)=38:goto 270
- 220 h(p)=1:goto 270
- 247 rem
- 248 rem vertical move to new screen
- 249 rem
- 250 pq=2:if v(p)<1 then pq=1
- 255 if pw(p)=w(pw(p),pq) then h(p)=xh(p):v(p)=xv(p):goto 100
- 260 if v(p)<1 then v(p)=22:goto 270
- 265 v(p)=1:goto 270
- 267 rem
- 268 rem get new screen number
- 269 rem
- 270 pw(p)=w(pw(p),pq)
- 277 rem
- 278 rem go initialize screen
- 279 rem
- 280 gosub 900
- 290 goto 190
- 297 rem
- 298 rem stairway handler
- 299 rem
- 300 if pw(p)=11 then pw(p)=6:v(p)=7:h(p)=17:gosub 900:goto 190
- 310 if pw(p)=8 and xh(p)>12 then pw(p)=0:v(p)=14:h(p)=16:gosub 900:goto 190
- 315 if pw(p)=8 then pw(p)=2:v(p)=21:h(p)=9:gosub 900:goto 190
- 320 if pw(p)=7 then pw(p)=1:v(p)=3:h(p)=23:gosub 900:goto 190
- 330 if pw(p)=6 then pw(p)=11:v(p)=19:h(p)=16:gosub 900:goto 190
- 340 if pw(p)=5 then pw(p)=1:v(p)=15:h(p)=23:gosub 900:goto 190
- 350 if pw(p)=4 then pw(p)=2:v(p)=20:h(p)=16:gosub 900:goto 190
- 360 if pw(p)=2 and xh(p)>12 then pw(p)=4:v(p)=10:h(p)=15:gosub 900:goto 190
- 365 if pw(p)=2 then pw(p)=8:v(p)=21:h(p)=7:gosub 900:goto 190
- 370 if pw(p)=1 and xv(p)>9 then pw(p)=5:v(p)=3:h(p)=23:gosub 900:goto 190
- 375 if pw(p)=1 then pw(p)=7:v(p)=16:h(p)=23:gosub 900:goto 190
- 380 if pw(p)=0 then pw(p)=8:v(p)=20:h(p)=16:gosub 900:goto 190
- 390 h(p)=xh(p):v(p)=xv(p):goto 100
- 397 rem
- 398 rem un-link screen lines
- 399 rem
- 400 for i=217 to 242:poke i,peek(i)or 128:next:return
- 447 rem
- 448 rem re-print figures on screen
- 449 rem
- 450 for i=0 to np:if pw(i)=pw(p) then print v$(v(i))tab(h(i))pf$(i);
- 455 next
- 460 pr(p)=xc(p):print "[146]"v$(24)bl$v$(24)nm$(pr(p))v$(24)tab(27)"player "p+1"";
- 465 return
- 497 rem
- 498 rem change players
- 499 rem
- 500 t=0:p=p+1:if p>np then p=0
- 505 poke br,yq:print "[147]":gosub 400
- 510 poke br,db(pw(p)):poke vr,dm(pw(p)):print v$(24)bl$;
- 520 print v$(24)"[146]"nm$(pr(p))v$(24)tab(28)"player "p+1"";
- 530 for i=0 to 2000:next:poke 197,64:poke 653,0
- 540 gosub 450:return
- 597 rem
- 598 rem move through secret passages
- 599 rem
- 600 if pw(p)=3 then pw(p)=10:v(p)=5:h(p)=14:gosub 900:goto 190
- 601 if pw(p)=10 and h(p)<18 then pw(p)=3:v(p)=22:h(p)=29:gosub 900:goto 190
- 602 if pw(p)=6 then pw(p)=5:v(p)=10:h(p)=20:gosub 900:goto 190
- 603 if pw(p)=5 and xh(p)<22 then pw(p)=6:v(p)=3:h(p)=14:gosub 900:goto 190
- 604 if pw(p)=5 and v(p)<4 then pw(p)=8:v(p)=7:h(p)=5:gosub 900:goto 190
- 605 if pw(p)=8 and xv(p)=6 then pw(p)=5:v(p)=2:h(p)=37:gosub 900:goto 190
- 610 on sp goto 620,670,720
- 615 v(p)=xv(p):h(p)=xh(p):goto 100
- 620 if pw(p)=11 and pr(p)=52 then pw(p)=8:v(p)=22:h(p)=3:gosub 900:goto 190
- 621 if pw(p)=11 then pw(p)=11:h(p)=21:gosub 900:goto 190
- 622 if pw(p)=9 and pr(p)=4 then pw(p)=4:v(p)=8:h(p)=2:gosub 900:goto 190
- 623 if pw(p)=10 and pr(p)=4 then pw(p)=1:v(p)=13:h(p)=28:gosub 900:goto 190
- 624 if pw(p)=4 then pw(p)=11:v(p)=8:h(p)=3:gosub 900:goto 190
- 625 if pw(p)=9 then pw(p)=5:v(p)=9:h(p)=36:gosub 900:goto 190
- 626 if pw(p)=7 then pw(p)=10:v(p)=6:h(p)=38:gosub 900:goto 190
- 627 if pw(p)=10 then pw(p)=11:v(p)=6:h(p)=31:gosub 900:goto 190
- 628 if pw(p)=5 and xh(p)>32 then pw(p)=7:v(p)=6:h(p)=8:gosub 900:goto 190
- 629 if pw(p)=1 then pw(p)=9:v(p)=16:h(p)=25:gosub 900:goto 190
- 630 if pw(p)=8 and pr(p)=41 then pw(p)=3:v(p)=5:h(p)=7:gosub 900:goto 190
- 650 v(p)=xv(p):h(p)=xh(p):goto 100
- 670 if pw(p)=11 and pr(p)=52 then pw(p)=9:v(p)=2:h(p)=2:gosub 900:goto 190
- 671 if pw(p)=11 then pw(p)=11:h(p)=21:gosub 900:goto 190
- 672 if pw(p)=9 and pr(p)=4 then v(p)=13:gosub 900:goto 190
- 673 if pw(p)=10 and pr(p)=4 then pw(p)=5:v(p)=9:h(p)=37:gosub 900:goto 190
- 674 if pw(p)=4 then pw(p)=10:v(p)=17:h(p)=12:gosub 900:goto 190
- 675 if pw(p)=9 then pw(p)=0:v(p)=5:h(p)=16:gosub 900:goto 190
- 676 if pw(p)=7 then pw(p)=1:v(p)=12:h(p)=27:gosub 900:goto 190
- 677 if pw(p)=10 then pw(p)=8:v(p)=17:h(p)=2:gosub 900:goto 190
- 678 if pw(p)=5 and xh(p)>32 then pw(p)=11:v(p)=22:h(p)=27:gosub 900:goto 190
- 679 if pw(p)=1 then pw(p)=7:v(p)=6:h(p)=12:gosub 900:goto 190
- 680 if pw(p)=8 and pr(p)=41 then pw(p)=7:v(p)=2:h(p)=27:gosub 900:goto 190
- 700 v(p)=xv(p):h(p)=xh(p):goto 100
- 720 if pw(p)=11 and pr(p)=52 then pw(p)=5:v(p)=9:h(p)=37:gosub 900:goto 190
- 721 if pw(p)=11 then pw(p)=11:h(p)=21:gosub 900:goto 190
- 722 if pw(p)=9 and pr(p)=4 then pw(p)=7:v(p)=6:h(p)=12:gosub 900:goto 190
- 723 if pw(p)=10 and pr(p)=4 then v(p)=6:gosub 900:goto 190
- 724 if pw(p)=4 then pw(p)=9:v(p)=2:h(p)=27:gosub 900:goto 190
- 725 if pw(p)=9 then pw(p)=8:v(p)=10:h(p)=15:gosub 900:goto 190
- 726 if pw(p)=7 then pw(p)=10:v(p)=2:h(p)=12:gosub 900:goto 190
- 727 if pw(p)=10 then pw(p)=9:v(p)=17:h(p)=2:gosub 900:goto 190
- 728 if pw(p)=5 and xh(p)>32 then pw(p)=8:v(p)=18:h(p)=3:gosub 900:goto 190
- 729 if pw(p)=1 then pw(p)=4:v(p)=7:h(p)=2:gosub 900:goto 190
- 730 if pw(p)=8 and pr(p)=41 then pw(p)=11:v(p)=22:h(p)=21:gosub 900:goto 190
- 750 v(p)=xv(p):h(p)=xh(p):goto 100
- 797 rem
- 798 rem ending routine
- 799 rem
- 800 poke br,yq:print "[147]do you want to end this game? (y or n)"
- 805 poke vr,zq:poke 56578,peek(56578)or 3:poke 56576,xq
- 810 for i=0 to 2000:next:poke 198,0:poke 197,64
- 820 vd=peek(197):if vd=64 then 820
- 825 if vd=25 then 850
- 830 wq=peek(56578):xq=peek(56576):poke 56578,wq or 3:poke 56576,xq and 272 or vm
- 835 poke vr,dm(pw(p)):poke br,db(pw(p))
- 840 gosub 450
- 845 goto 190
- 850 print "do you want to start a new game? (y or n)"
- 855 for i=0 to np:poke br,db(pw(i)):print v$(xv(i))tab(xh(i))""xc$(i);:next
- 860 poke br,yq
- 865 for i=0 to 2000:next:poke 198,0:poke 197,64
- 870 vd=peek(197):if vd=64 or (vd<>25 and vd<>39) then 870
- 875 if vd=25 then gosub 1120:goto 30
- 890 poke 31744,uq:poke 31748,vq:poke 45,peek(31744):poke 46,peek(31748)
- 895 poke 792,71:poke 808,237:print "[147]thanks for playing!":clr:end
- 897 rem
- 898 rem initialize new screen
- 899 rem
- 900 print v$(xv(p))tab(xh(p))xc$(p);
- 902 rem
- 903 rem reset color memory
- 904 rem
- 905 poke br,yq:print "[147]":gosub 400
- 907 rem
- 908 rem get to new screen
- 909 rem
- 910 poke vr,dm(pw(p)):poke br,db(pw(p))
- 912 rem
- 913 rem get new floor
- 914 rem
- 915 xc(p)=peek(da(pw(p))+h(p)+40*v(p))-128:if xc(p)>0 and xc(p)<62 then 930
- 920 h(p)=h(p)+1+38*(h(p)>37):v(p)=v(p)+1+22*(v(p)>21):goto 915
- 930 xc$(p)=ch$(xc(p)):gosub 450:return
- 997 rem
- 998 rem set up tables
- 999 rem
- 1000 dim w(11,6),hm(7),vm(64),mt(2,2),v$(24),ch$(63),nm$(63)
- 1005 dim v(5),sh(5),h(5),xh(5),xv(5),pw(5),xc(5),pr(5),pf$(5),xc$(5)
- 1007 rem
- 1008 rem vertical keystroke table
- 1009 rem
- 1010 for i=0 to 64:vm(i)=0:next:vm(6)=-1:vm(3)=1:vm(1)=3:vm(60)=2
- 1017 rem
- 1018 rem horizontal keystroke table
- 1019 rem
- 1020 for i=0 to 7:hm(i)=0:next:hm(1)=1:hm(2)=-1:hm(3)=-1
- 1027 rem
- 1028 rem vertical print table
- 1029 rem
- 1030 v$(0)="":for i=1 to 24:v$(i)=v$(i-1)+"":next
- 1047 rem
- 1048 rem wing table
- 1049 rem
- 1050 for i=0 to 11:for k=0 to 4:read a:w(i,k)=a:next:next
- 1060 data 0,2,0,0,1
- 1061 data 1,3,1,0,1
- 1062 data 2,2,0,2,3
- 1063 data 3,3,1,2,3
- 1064 data 4,4,4,4,5
- 1065 data 5,5,5,4,5
- 1066 data 6,8,6,6,7
- 1067 data 7,7,7,6,7
- 1068 data 8,8,6,8,8
- 1069 data 9,11,9,9,10
- 1070 data 10,10,10,9,10
- 1071 data 11,11,9,11,11
- 1072 rem
- 1073 rem screen code/ascii conversion
- 1074 rem
- 1075 for i=0 to 31:ch$(i)=chr$(i+64):next:for i=32 to 63:ch$(i)=chr$(i):next
- 1076 for i=0 to 63:ch$(i)=""+ch$(i)+"[146]":next
- 1077 rem
- 1078 rem room name table
- 1079 rem
- 1080 for i=1 to 52:read a$:nm$(i)=a$:next:for i=53 to 61:nm$(i)="doorway":next
- 1081 nm$(62)=nm$(1):nm$(63)=nm$(1)
- 1082 data "stairway","water closet","closet","crawl space","portico","porch"
- 1083 data "lawn","balcony","hallway","parlor","dining room","conservatory"
- 1084 data "kitchen","laundry","pantry","family parlor","ball room","study"
- 1085 data "library","tea garden","greenhouse","deck","hot tub","garage"
- 1086 data "billiard room","den","workshop","furnace room","chauffer's room"
- 1087 data "maid's room","butler's room","sauna","tapestry room"," "
- 1088 data "wyeth room","nursery","picasso room","vermeer room","dressing room"
- 1089 data "van gogh room","library balcony","computer room","train room"
- 1090 data "play room","freddy's room","cecil's room","amy's room"
- 1091 data "governess's cupboard","school room","studio","high balcony"
- 1092 data "secret room"
- 1097 rem
- 1098 rem set initial values
- 1099 rem
- 1100 for i=0 to 5:pf$(i)="@[146][149]":next:for i=0 to 5:read a$:pf$(i)=a$+pf$(i):next
- 1105 data "[129]","[151]","","[154]","","[155]"
- 1110 bl$=" "
- 1115 for i=0 to 5:read a:sh(i)=a:next
- 1116 data 5,9,13,17,21,25
- 1120 for i=0 to 5:h(i)=sh(i):v(i)=15:pw(i)=0:xh(i)=h(i):xv(i)=v(i):next
- 1125 for i=0 to 5:xc(i)=peek(da(pw(i))+h(i)+40*v(i))-128:xc$(i)=ch$(xc(i)):next
- 1127 rem
- 1128 rem get player number
- 1129 rem
- 1130 print v$(24)"how many players? (1-6) ";:poke 197,64:poke 198,0
- 1135 get a$:if a$="" then 1135
- 1140 if asc(a$)<49 or asc(a$)>54 then 1135
- 1145 np=val(a$)-1:print v$(24)bl$v$(24)np+1" players--is this right? (y or n)";
- 1150 poke 197,64:poke 198,0
- 1155 get a$:if a$="" then 1155
- 1160 if a$<>"y" then 1130
- 1170 sp=1+int(3*rnd(9)):if sp<1 or sp>3 then 170
- 1180 poke 792,193:poke 808,239
- 1185 for i=23 to 0 step-1:print v$(i)tab(39)"!";:next
- 1190 return
- 49997 rem
- 49998 rem set up display
- 49999 rem
- 50000 dim db(11),dm(11),da(11):poke 53281,7:poke 53280,11:poke 657,128
- 50005 uq=peek(32766):vq=peek(32767)
- 50007 rem
- 50008 rem set up color memory
- 50009 rem
- 50010 print "[149][147]";:for i=0 to 23:print"please find the murderer in the mansion"
- 50020 next
- 50027 rem
- 50028 rem set video mem & char mem
- 50029 rem
- 50030 vm=2:vb=16384:cm=14:cb=vb+cm*1024:for i=0 to 11:dm(i)=cm+16*(i+2):next
- 50040 vr=53272:zq=peek(vr)
- 50047 rem
- 50048 rem set basic pointers
- 50049 rem
- 50050 for i=0 to 11:db(i)=int((vb+1024*(i+2))/256):next
- 50055 for i=0 to 11:da(i)=db(i)*256:next
- 50060 br=648:yq=peek(br)
- 50067 rem
- 50068 rem get old video pointers
- 50069 rem
- 50070 wq=peek(56578):xq=peek(56576)
- 50077 rem
- 50078 rem set load flag
- 50079 rem
- 50080 q9=q8
- 50088 rem get screen display & char set
- 50089 rem
- 50090 load "display data",8,1
- 50093 rem
- 50094 rem note: loading sends program back to beginning
- 50095 rem
- 50099 rem