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- 2 print"[147]"
- 4 v=53280:fort=0to30step.25:a=int(16+15*sin(t)):printtab(a);:print"biorhythm"
- 6 c=int(16*rnd(1))+1:pokev,c:next
- 8 pokev,6:pokev+1,8
- 10 print"[147]"spc(14);" biorhythm "
- 12 print""spc(9);"a program for the c-64"
- 14 print""spc(13);"by b.w.behling"
- 16 fori=0to2000:next
- 18 dimm(12):m(1)=31:m(2)=28:m(3)=31:m(4)=30:m(5)=31:m(6)=30:m(7)=31:m(8)=31
- 20 m(9)=30:m(10)=31:m(11)=30:m(12)=31:m(0)=0
- 22 print"[147] enter the birthdate in numbers."
- 24 print" example:"
- 26 print" april 9, 1963 = 04/09/1963"
- 28 input" birthdate";bi$
- 30 rem empty line for frequent dates
- 32 rem empty line for frequent dates
- 34 rem empty line for frequent dates
- 36 rem empty line for frequent dates
- 38 rem empty line for frequent dates
- 40 print"[147] enter date for biorhythm."
- 44 input" date";da$
- 45 iflen(bi$)<>10orlen(da$)<>10thengoto275
- 46 bm$=left$(bi$,2):bd$=mid$(bi$,4,2):by$=right$(bi$,4)
- 47 bm%=val(bm$)-1:bd%=val(bd$):by%=val(by$)
- 48 dm$=left$(da$,2):dd$=mid$(da$,4,2):dy$=right$(da$,4)
- 49 dm%=val(dm$)-1:dd%=val(dd$):dy%=val(dy$)
- 50 bl=by%/4:ifint(bl)=blthenbl=1:m(2)=29:goto54
- 52 bl=0:m(2)=28
- 54 bt%=bd%
- 56 fori=0tobm%:bt%=bt%+m(i):next
- 60 dl=dy%/4:ifint(dl)=dlthendl=1:m(2)=29:goto64
- 62 dl=0:m(2)=28
- 64 dt%=dd%
- 66 fori=0todm%:dt%=dt%+m(i):next
- 70 ifby%=dy%thentd%=dt%-bt%:goto90
- 72 ifbl=1thentd%=366-bt%:goto76
- 74 td%=365-bt%
- 76 yt%=(dy%-by%)-1
- 78 td%=td%+(int((yt%*365.25))+dt%)
- 90 ph=td%/23:ph=(ph-int(ph))*(2*(NULL)):ph=sin(ph)
- 92 em=td%/28:em=(em-int(em))*(2*(NULL)):em=sin(em):ifem<-.005orem>.005thengoto94
- 93 em=0
- 94 in=td%/33:in=(in-int(in))*(2*(NULL)):in=sin(in)
- 96 ph$=str$(ph):em$=str$(em):in$=str$(in):ph$=left$(ph$,4):em$=left$(em$,4)
- 98 in$=left$(in$,4)
- 100 print"[147] you have been alive"td%;"days!!"
- 102 print" your physical cycle value is "ph$
- 104 print" your emotional cycle value is "em$
- 106 print" your intellectual cycle value is "in$
- 108 print" a value close to 1. is an 'up' value."
- 110 print" a value close to -1. is a 'down' value."
- 112 print" a value of 0 is considered critical!!"
- 114 print" hit [n] for another date."
- 118 print" hit space for 7 day forecast."
- 120 getk$:ifk$=""then120
- 122 ifk$="n"thenrun18
- 130 print"[147] day","physi.","emoti.","intel."
- 132 print" "td%,ph$,em$,in$
- 134 fori=1to7:td%=td%+1
- 136 ph=td%/23:ph=(ph-int(ph))*(2*(NULL)):ph=sin(ph)
- 138 em=td%/28:em=(em-int(em))*(2*(NULL)):em=sin(em):ifem<-.005orem>.005thengoto140
- 139 em=0
- 140 in=td%/33:in=(in-int(in))*(2*(NULL)):in=sin(in)
- 142 ph$=str$(ph):em$=str$(em):in$=str$(in):ph$=left$(ph$,4):em$=left$(em$,4)
- 144 in$=left$(in$,4)
- 146 print" "td%,ph$,em$,in$
- 148 next
- 150 printspc(14);"**commands**"
- 151 print" [n] = new date."
- 152 print" [e] = end program."
- 154 print" [c] = to convert day # to date."
- 155 print" space = continue to next 7 days."
- 162 getk$:ifk$=""then162
- 164 ifk$="n"thenrun18
- 166 ifk$="c"then200
- 168 ifk$="e"thenend
- 170 goto130
- 200 input"[147] enter day # to be converted";dc%
- 205 td%=td%-7:iftd%<=dc%thengoto220
- 210 print" invalid day # !!!"
- 215 print" day # must be greater than";td%;"!!":fori=0to3500:next:goto200
- 220 ct%=dc%-td%:cm%=dm%+1:cd%=dd%:cy%=dy%
- 225 ifct%>(m(cm%)-cd%)thenct%=ct%-(m(cm%)-cd%):cm%=cm%+1:cd%=0
- 230 ifcm%>12thencm%=0:cy%=cy%+1:m(2)=28:ifcy%/4=int(cy%/4)thenm(2)=29
- 235 ifct%<=(m(cm%)-cd%)thencd%=cd%+ct%:goto245
- 240 goto225
- 245 print" date:"cm%;"/";cd%;"/";cy%
- 250 print" hit space to return to 7 day forecast."
- 255 print" hit [c] to convert another day."
- 260 getk$:ifk$=""then260
- 265 ifk$="c"thentd%=td%+7:goto200
- 270 goto130
- 275 print""
- 280 fori=1to5:print" error!!";:next
- 285 print" you must enter the complete date!!!"
- 290 print" all zeros must be included!!!"
- 300 print" hit space to reset."
- 305 getk$:ifk$=""then305
- 310 run18