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- 100 rem
- 110 rem zusaetzlicher zeichensatz
- 120 rem
- 130 rem zeichensatzprogramm aus 64'er
- 140 rem sonderheft 5/86
- 150 rem
- 160 print"[147]bitte warten"
- 170 c=118:t=0:u=7
- 180 poke 52,48:poke56,48
- 190 poke 56334,peek(56334)and 254
- 200 poke 1,peek(1)and 251
- 210 for i=49152 to 49158:reada:poke i,a:next i
- 220 data 133,95,134,96,76,191,163
- 230 qs=53248:qe=qs+4096
- 240 ze=12288+4096
- 250 a=int(qs/256):poke 781,a:poke 780,qs-256*a
- 260 a=int(qe/256):poke 91,a:poke 90,qe-256*a
- 270 a=int(ze/256):poke 89,a:poke 88,ze-256*a
- 280 sys 49152
- 290 poke 1,peek(1)or 4
- 300 poke 56334,peek(56334)or 1
- 310 poke 53272,(peek(53272)and240)or 12
- 320 s=14336+8*c
- 330 for i=0 to 7
- 340 :read a:pokes+i,a
- 350 next i
- 360 r=r+1
- 370 if r=1then c=112
- 380 if r=2then c=110
- 390 if r=3then c=108
- 400 if r=4then c=123
- 410 if r=5then c=101
- 420 if r=6then c=116
- 430 if r=7then c=117
- 440 if r=8then c=97
- 450 if r=10then c=102
- 460 if r=11 then c=92
- 470 if r=15then 680
- 480 if r=9 then c=109
- 490 if r=12 then c=104
- 500 if r=13 then c=0
- 510 if r=14 then c=125
- 520 goto 320
- 530 data 0,0,254,216,222,216,254,0
- 540 data 48,24,60,6,62,102,62,0
- 550 data 48,24,60,102,126,96,60,0
- 560 data 24,48,60,102,126,96,60,0
- 570 data 16,40,60,102,126,96,60,0
- 580 data 0,60,96,96,96,60,24,48
- 590 data 12,24,102,102,102,102,62,0
- 600 data 16,40,60,102,102,102,60,0
- 610 data 60,102,96,96,102,60,12,24
- 620 data 16,40,0,56,24,24,60,0
- 630 data 54,00,60,6,62,102,62,0
- 640 data 54,0,60,102,102,102,60,0
- 650 data 54,0,102,102,102,102,62,0
- 660 data 124,102,102,124,102,102,124,96
- 670 data 16,40,60,6,62,102,62,0
- 680 :
- 690 poke 52,150:poke 56,160
- 700 poke 808,237:printchr$(14)
- 710 print"load ";chr$(34);"vokabelprogramm";chr$(34);" ,8"
- 720 print"run"
- 730 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"