home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem" [213][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][201]
- 11 [143]" peek peek
- 12 rem" [194] knobelaufgabe 3 [194]
- 13 [143]" peek peek
- 14 rem" [194] aus 64'er sonderheft 47 [194]
- 15 [143]" -lenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlen<
- 16 rem" [194] [194]
- 17 [143]" peek manfred werner peek
- 18 rem" [194] zimmermannstr. 27 [194]
- 19 [143]" peek 1000 berlin 41 peek
- 20 rem" [194] [194]
- 21 [143]" peek 1990 peek
- 22 rem" [194] [194]
- 23 [143]" mid$lenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlen(NULL)
- 24 rem"
- 25 [143]"
- 100 goto 550
- 104 rem ------------------------------
- 105 print " [146][157]";
- 106 get c$: if c$="" goto 106
- 107 c=asc(c$): print " [157]";: return
- 109 rem ------------------------------
- 110 gosub 105: e=-(c=17)-2*(c=145): e=e-3*(c=157)-4*(c=133)
- 111 if e>0 then print " [157]";
- 112 return
- 114 rem ------------------------------
- 115 gosub 105: if c=13 then print " [157]";: return
- 116 goto 115
- 159 rem ------------------------------
- 160 x$="": xl=0
- 170 gosub 110: if e>0 then return
- 171 if g and f goto 202
- 175 if f1 and xl=0 and (c=63) then g=-1: print c$;:x$=x$+c$:xl=1:goto170
- 180 al=c>64 and c<91: za=c>47 and c<58
- 190 if (al or za) and xl<4 then print c$;: x$=x$+c$: xl=xl+1
- 200 if xl=0 goto 170
- 202 if c<>20 goto 214
- 204 print " [157][157]";: xl=xl-1: x$=left$(x$,xl): g=0: goto 170
- 214 if c<>z1 and c<>z2 goto 170
- 215 print c$;: z1=c+1-(c=91): z2=z1
- 216 if xl=4 then return
- 217 x$=x$+" ": xl=xl+1: goto 216
- 219 rem -------------------------------
- 220 for m=1 to h: p%(k,m,1)=val(mid$(a$(k),11+m,1))
- 221 if p%(k,m,1)=0 then m=m-1: goto 223
- 222 next m
- 223 z%(k)=m: f%(k)=5:if m=1 then f%(k)=1
- 224 return
- 225 rem -------------------------------
- 226 for m=1 to h-1: p%(k,m,1)=m: p%(k,m,2)=m+1
- 227 next m: z%(k)=h-1: f%(k)=2: return
- 229 rem -------------------------------
- 230 for m=1 to h-1: p%(k,m,1)=m+1: p%(k,m,2)=m
- 231 next m: z%(k)=h-1: f%(k)=2: return
- 234 rem -------------------------------
- 235 for m=1 to h: p%(k,m,1)=m: p%(k,m,2)=m
- 236 next m:z%(k)=h: if c=0 then f%(k)=7: return
- 237 kl$=mid$(a$(k),16,1): if kl$="[" then f%(k)=6: return
- 238 f%(k)=2: return
- 239 rem -------------------------------
- 240 for m1=1 to h-2
- 241 : for m2=1 to 2: m=2*m1+m2-2: p%(k,m,1)=m1+1
- 242 : p%(k,m,2)=m1-2+2*m2: p%(k,m,3)=m1+4-2*m2
- 243 next m2,m1: z%(k)=2*(h-2): f%(k)=3: return
- 244 rem -------------------------------
- 245 for m1=1 to h-1: for m2=1 to 2: m=2*m1+m2-2
- 246 : p%(k,m,1)=m1+m2-1: p%(k,m,2)=m1-m2+2
- 247 next m2,m1: z%(k)=2*(h-1): f%(k)=4: return
- 249 rem -------------------------------
- 280 for i=1 to an: a$(i)="": next i
- 281 for i=1 to r: bn%(i)=0: r$(i)="": for j=1 to h: i%(j,i)=0: b$(j,i)=""
- 282 next j,i: rn=0: return
- 329 rem -------------------------------
- 330 n%(i)=n%(n1):n%(n1)=ih:n1=n1+1: return
- 334 rem -------------------------------
- 335 n%(k)=n%(n1):n%(n1)=kh:n1=n1+1: return
- 359 rem -------------------------------
- 360 for i=1 to h: if i%(i,r%(n,2))=b%(n,2) goto 362
- 361 next i
- 362 a$=a$(n): r0=r%(n,1): i0=i%(i,r0)
- 363 a$(n)=left$(a$,5)+""+b$(i0,r0) +"[146]"+right$(a$,12): return
- 364 rem ------------------------------
- 365 for i=1 to h: if i%(i,r%(n,1))=b%(n,1) goto 367
- 366 next i
- 367 r0=r%(n,2)
- 368 a$(n)=left$(a$(n),16)+"" +b$(i%(i,r0),r0)+"[146])": return
- 369 rem ------------------------------
- 370 for i=1 to h: if i%(i,r%(n,1))=b%(n,1) goto 372
- 371 next i
- 372 a$(n)=left$(a$(n),11)+""+str$(i) +"[146]": return
- 374 rem -------------------------------
- 375 a$=a$(n):r0=r%(n,1):i0=i%(l%(n),r0)
- 376 a$(n)=left$(a$,5)+""+b$(i0,r0) +"[146]"+right$(a$,3)
- 377 return
- 404 rem -------------------------------
- 405 for i=2 to x: t$=t$+t0$: next i: t$=t$+x$: print t$: return
- 434 rem -------------------------------
- 435 z=21:s=1: m$=le$: gosub 440: m$=m0$
- 439 z=21: s=1
- 440 poke 214,z: poke 211,s: sys 58640: print m$;: return
- 459 rem -------------------------------
- 460 r0=r%(n,h0): b0=b%(n,h0): p1=v%(n,vn%(n)): p0=p%(n,p1,h0)
- 461 i%(p0,r0)=b0: return
- 469 rem -------------------------------
- 470 for i=1 to 3: h0=h%(n,i): if h0=0 goto 474
- 471 : r0=r%(n,h0): p1=v%(n,vn%(n)): p0=p%(n,p1,h0)
- 472 : i%(p0,r0)=0
- 474 next i: return
- 489 rem -------------------------------
- 490 c$=mid$(a$,i,1): c=asc(c$+chr$(0)): if c=32 then i=i+1: goto 490
- 495 i=i+1: return
- 499 rem -------------------------------
- 500 x$="": xl=0
- 501 gosub 490: if c<>63 then f=0: goto 512
- 502 gosub 490: if c<>z1 and c<>z2 then e=-1: return
- 503 a0$=a0$+"? )": f=-1: goto 517
- 510 x$="": xl=0
- 511 gosub 490
- 512 zb=c>64 and c<91 or c>47 and c<58
- 513 if zb then x$=x$+c$:xl=xl+1:goto 511
- 514 if c<>z1 and c<>z2 or xl=0 then e=-1: return
- 515 if xl<4 then x$=x$+" ": xl=xl+1: goto 515
- 516 x$=left$(x$,4): a0$=a0$+x$+c$
- 517 m$=str$(k)+" "+a0$: gosub 439: e=0: return
- 549 rem -------------------------------
- 550 t0$="[195]": t1$="[213]": t2$="[201]": t3$="[202]": t4$="[203]": t5$="[194]": t6$="[171]": t7$="[179]"
- 551 t8$="[195][195][195][195]"
- 552 le$=" "
- 558 poke 53280,6: poke 53281,6
- 559 rem -------------------------------
- 560 dim a$(60),i%(7,8),b$(7,8),r$(8), bn%(8),p%(60,12,3)
- 561 dim z%(60),jn%(60),l%(60),f%(60), n%(60),ma%(60),mb%(60),v%(60,12)
- 562 dim vn%(60),vm%(60),v1%(60),v2%(60), r%(60,3),b%(60,3),h%(60,3)
- 599 rem -------------------------------
- 600 t$="[147][213]": x=30: x$=t2$: gosub 405
- 610 t$= "[194] l o g i c a l ": t$=t$+"b r i c k s [194]": print t$
- 620 t$=t3$: x$=t4$: gosub 405
- 640 poke 214,20: poke 211,0: sys 58640
- 650 t$=t1$: x=38: x$=t2$: gosub 405
- 670 t$= "[194] [194]": print t$
- 680 t$=t3$: x$=t4$: gosub 405: goto 810
- 699 rem -------------------------------
- 700 m0$="einheiten: ?[146][157]": gosub 435
- 710 get c$: if c$="" goto 710
- 720 h=asc(c$)-48:if h<2 or h>7 goto 710
- 730 print c$+" rubriken: ?[146][157]";
- 740 get c$: if c$="" goto 740
- 750 r=asc(c$)-48:if r<2 or r>8 goto 740
- 761 print c$+" aussagen: ?[146][157]";
- 762 get c$: if c$="" goto 762
- 763 print c$;: a1=asc(c$)-48: if a1<0 or a1>9 goto 762
- 764 print "?[146][157]";: get c$: if c$="" goto 764
- 765 print c$;: a0=asc(c$)-48: if a0<0 or a0>9 goto 764
- 766 an=a0+10*a1: if an<10 or an>60 then print "[157] [157][157]?[146][157]";: goto 762
- 767 goto 985
- 769 rem -------------------------------
- 810 m0$="aussagen als daten lesen ": gosub 435
- 811 gosub 105: on -(c=17)-2*(c=13) goto 813,900
- 812 goto 811
- 813 m0$="aussagen-editor ": gosub 435
- 814 gosub 105: on -(c=17)-2*(c=13) goto 810,700
- 815 goto 814
- 899 rem -------------------------------
- 900 read h,r,an
- 901 for i=1 to an: read a$(i): next i
- 910 m0$="syntax-test": gosub 435
- 915 for k=1 to an: a$=a$(k): if a$="" goto 930
- 920 : gosub 1102
- 925 : if e then m0$="syntax-fehler": gosub 435:gosub 105: goto 990
- 926 : a$(k)=a0$
- 930 next k: goto 2000
- 984 rem ------aussageneditor-----------
- 985 k=1
- 990 a$(k)="": f=0
- 994 a$=a$(k): al=len(a$)
- 995 m0$=str$(k)+" "+a$: gosub 435: ae=0
- 1000 gosub 105: on -(c<32)-2*(c>95) goto 1020,1025
- 1005 if al=33 goto 1000
- 1010 print c$;: a$=a$+c$: al=al+1: ae=-1: goto 1000
- 1020 on -(c=13)-2*(c=17)-3*(c=20) goto 1100,1045,1035
- 1021 goto 1000
- 1025 on -(c=133)-2*(c=145)-3*(c=157) goto 1200,1055,990
- 1030 goto 1000
- 1035 if al=0 goto 1000
- 1040 print " [157][157]";: al=al-1: ae=-1: a$=left$(a$,al): goto 1000
- 1045 if ae then a$(k)=""
- 1046 k=k+1: if k>an then k=1
- 1050 goto 994
- 1055 if ae then a$(k)=""
- 1056 k=k-1: if k=0 then k=an
- 1060 goto 994
- 1100 if a$="" goto 1000
- 1101 gosub 1102: goto 1190
- 1102 i=1: a0$="": m$=le$: gosub 439
- 1103 z1=40: z2=z1: gosub 510: if e then return
- 1105 z1=41: z2=z1: gosub 500: if e then return
- 1110 gosub 490: o=c: on -(c=43)-2*(c=61) goto 1150,1175
- 1120 if f then e=-1: return
- 1125 on -(c=0)-2*(c=60 or c=62 or c=35) -3*(c=58) goto 1130,1150,1135
- 1130 e=0: return
- 1135 a0$=a0$+c$: z1=40: z2=z1: gosub 510 : if e then return
- 1140 z1=41: z2=z1: gosub 510: if e then return
- 1145 gosub 490: if c<>44 then e=0: return
- 1150 a0$=a0$+c$: z1=40: z2=z1-51*(not f and o=43)
- 1151 gosub 510: if e then return
- 1155 z1=c-(c=91)+1: z2=z1: on 1-(z1=93 or f) gosub 500,510
- 1160 if e then return
- 1165 gosub 490: if c<>0 then e=-1: return
- 1170 e=0: return
- 1175 a0$=a0$+c$: c1=0
- 1176 gosub 490
- 1178 if c>48 and c<(49+h) and c>c1 then a0$=a0$+c$: c1=c: goto 1176
- 1180 if f or c1>0 goto 1184
- 1182 if c=63 then a0$=a0$+c$: gosub 490
- 1184 gosub 517: e=(c<>0): return
- 1190 if e then m0$="syntax-fehler": gosub 435: gosub 105: goto 990
- 1195 a$(k)=a0$: goto 1046
- 1999 rem -----aussagencodierung--------
- 2000 m0$="codieren ": gosub 435: gosub 115: kn=0: km=an+1
- 2005 for k=1 to an: a$=a$(k): y1=-1: c$=mid$(a$,12,1): y2=(c$<>"?")
- 2010 : if a$="" goto 2220
- 2020 : o$=mid$(a$,11,1)
- 2021 : c=asc(o$+chr$(0))
- 2030 : j=-(c=43 or c=60 or c=62 or c=35)-2*(c=58): jn%(k)=j+1
- 2031 : on -(c=0 or c=43)-2*(c=61) gosub 235,220
- 2032 : on -(c=60)-2*(c=62)-3*(c=35) gosub 225,230,245
- 2033 : if c=58 then gosub 240
- 2040 : for i=0 to j: p=11*i+1: : r$=mid$(a$,p,4)
- 2050 : for i1=0 to rn
- 2051 : if r$=r$(i1) then r%(k,i+1)=i1: goto 2120
- 2060 : next i1
- 2070 : rn=rn+1:if rn<=r goto 2110
- 2080 : m1$="zu viele rubriken": goto 2250
- 2110 : r$(rn)=r$: r%(k,i+1)=rn
- 2120 : b$=mid$(a$,p+5,4)
- 2121 : if b$="? " then f%(k)=i+1: y1=0: goto 2210
- 2129 : for j1=0 to bn%(i1)
- 2130 : if b$=b$(j1,i1) then b%(k,i+1)=j1: goto 2210
- 2140 : next j1
- 2150 : bn%(i1)=bn%(i1)+1: if bn%(i1)<=h goto 2190
- 2160 : m1$="zu viele begriffe/": m1$=m1$+"rubr"
- 2170 : goto 2250
- 2190 : b$(bn%(i1),i1)=b$: b%(k,i+1)=bn%(i1)
- 2210 : next i
- 2211 : if y1 and y2 then kn=kn+1: n%(kn)=k: goto 2220
- 2212 : if o$="=" then f%(k)=3-y2: l%(k)=val(c$)
- 2213 : km=km-1: n%(km)=k
- 2220 next k
- 2229 e1=-1
- 2230 for i1=1 to r: e1=(bn%(i1)=h) and e1
- 2240 next i1: if e1 and rn=r goto 3000
- 2245 m1$="zu wenige begriffe"
- 2250 m0$=m1$+" - korrektur ": gosub 435
- 2251 gosub 105: on -(c=17)-2*(c=13) goto 2253,2260
- 2252 goto 2251
- 2253 m0$=m1$+" - abbruch ": gosub 435
- 2254 gosub 105: on -(c=17)-2*(c=13) goto 2250,5000
- 2255 goto 2254
- 2260 gosub 290:gosub 281: goto 994
- 2999 rem --------ordnen 1/2------------
- 3000 m0$="aufgabe loesen ": gosub 435: k0=kn: n0=1: k=1
- 3010 oa=0: ob=0: ua=kn+1: ub=kn+1
- 3015 n=n%(k): on f%(n) goto 3020,3080,3040,3045,3065,3050,3055
- 3020 r0=r%(n,1):b0=b%(n,1):p0=p%(n,1,1)
- 3021 if i%(p0,r0)=b0 goto 3060
- 3025 if i%(p0,r0)<>0 goto 4990
- 3030 for p1=1 to h: if i%(p1,r0)=b0 goto 4990
- 3035 next p1: gosub 461: goto 3120
- 3040 oa=oa+1: ma%(oa)=n: goto 3060
- 3045 ua=ua-1: ma%(ua)=n: goto 3060
- 3050 ob=ob+1: mb%(ob)=n: goto 3060
- 3055 ub=ub-1: mb%(ub)=n
- 3060 n%(k)=n%(k0): k0=k0-1: goto 3067
- 3065 n%(k)=n%(n0): n%(n0)=n: n0=n0+1
- 3066 k=k+1
- 3067 if k<=k0 goto 3015
- 3068 goto 3130
- 3080 for l=1 to 2
- 3081 for p1=1 to z%(n)
- 3085 : if i%(p%(n,p1,l),r%(n,l))=b%(n,l) goto 3095
- 3090 next p1,l: goto 3066
- 3095 r0=r%(n,3-l): b0=b%(n,3-l): p0=p%(n,p1,3-l)
- 3100 if i%(p0,r0)=b0 goto 3120
- 3105 if i%(p0,r0)<>0 goto 4990
- 3110 for p2=1 to h: if i%(p2,r0)=b0 goto 4990
- 3115 next p2: gosub 461
- 3120 n%(k)=n%(k0):k0=k0-1:k=n0:goto 3015
- 3130 k2=k0: if oa=0 goto 3136
- 3135 for i=1 to oa:n%(k0+i)=ma%(i):next: k2=k0+oa
- 3136 if ua=kn+1 goto 3150
- 3140 for i=1 to kn-ua+1: n%(k2+i)=ma%(ua+i-1)
- 3145 next i: k2=k2+kn-ua+1
- 3150 k1=k2: if ob=0 goto 3400
- 3155 for i=1 to ob:n%(k1+i)=mb%(i):next: k1=k1+ob
- 3399 rem ------ordnen 3/4--------------
- 3400 n0=1: k=k0+1: q=0: goto 3405
- 3401 if k>n0 then n%(k)=n%(n0):n%(n0)=n
- 3403 n0=n0+1
- 3404 k=n0
- 3405 if k<=k2 goto 3510
- 3406 if q goto 4500
- 3407 q=-1: k=n0
- 3510 n=n%(k)
- 3525 for l=1 to jn%(n)
- 3526 : for p1=1 to h
- 3527 : if i%(p1,r%(n,l))=b%(n,l) goto 3534
- 3528 : next p1
- 3529 next l: if not q then k=k+1: goto 3405
- 3530 vn=0: h%(n,1)=1
- 3531 for p2=1 to z%(n)
- 3532 : if i%(p%(n,p2,1),r%(n,1))=0 then vn=vn+1: v%(n,vn)=p2
- 3533 next p2: l%(n)=1: goto 3543
- 3534 vn=0: h%(n,1)=0
- 3535 for p2=1 to z%(n)
- 3536 : if p%(n,p2,l)=p1 then vn=vn+1: v%(n,vn)=p2
- 3537 next p2: if vn=0 goto 3640
- 3542 l%(n)=l
- 3543 vn%(n)=1: v1%(n)=vn
- 3545 if h%(n,1)=1 then h0=1: gosub 460
- 3546 if jn%(n)=1 goto 3401
- 3547 h%(n,2)=0: h%(n,3)=0
- 3549 if jn%(n)=3 goto 3570
- 3550 l1=3-l%(n):r0=r%(n,l1):b0=b%(n,l1): p1=v%(n,vn%(n)): p0=p%(n,p1,l1)
- 3555 if i%(p0,r0)=b0 goto 3401
- 3560 if i%(p0,r0)<>0 goto 3630
- 3565 for p2=1 to h: if i%(p2,r0)=b0 goto 3630
- 3567 next p2: h%(n,2)=l1: h0=l1: gosub 460: goto 3401
- 3570 l1=1: if l%(n)=1 then l1=2
- 3571 r0=r%(n,l1): b0=b%(n,l1): p1=v%(n,vn%(n)): p0=p%(n,p1,l1)
- 3575 if i%(p0,r0)=b0 goto 3590
- 3580 if i%(p0,r0)<>0 goto 3630
- 3585 for p2=1 to h: if i%(p2,r0)=b0 goto 3630
- 3587 next p2: h%(n,2)=l1: h0=l1: gosub 460
- 3590 l2=6-l%(n)-l1
- 3591 r0=r%(n,l2): b0=b%(n,l2): p0=p%(n,p1,l2)
- 3600 if i%(p0,r0)=b0 goto 3401
- 3605 if i%(p0,r0)<>0 goto 3630
- 3610 for p2=1 to h: if i%(p2,r0)=b0 goto 3630
- 3620 next p2: h%(n,3)=l2: h0=l2: gosub 460: goto 3401
- 3630 gosub 470
- 3640 vn%(n)=vn%(n)+1
- 3641 if vn%(n)<=v1%(n) goto 3545
- 3645 n0=n0-1: if n0=0 goto 4990
- 3646 n=n%(n0):gosub 470:vn%(n)=vn%(n)+1
- 3648 if vn%(n)>v1%(n) goto 3645
- 3650 k=n0: goto 3545
- 4499 rem ---------ordnen 5-------------
- 4500 k=k2
- 4505 k=k+1: n=n%(k): if k>k1 goto 4800
- 4510 h%(n,1)=0: h%(n,2)=0: h%(n,3)=0: v1%(n)=0: v2%(n)=0
- 4515 for p0=1 to h: b0=i%(p0,r%(n,1))
- 4520 : if b0=b%(n,1) then p%(n,1,1)=p0: v1%(n)=1: goto 4535
- 4525 : if b0=0 then v1%(n)=v1%(n)+1: p%(n,v1%(n),1)=p0
- 4530 next p0
- 4535 for p0=1 to h: b0=i%(p0,r%(n,2))
- 4540 : if b0=b%(n,2) then p%(n,1,2)=p0: v2%(n)=1: goto 4560
- 4550 : if b0=0 then v2%(n)=v2%(n)+1: p%(n,v2%(n),2)=p0
- 4555 next p0
- 4560 if v1%(n)=0 or v2%(n)=0 goto 4610
- 4565 vn%(n)=1
- 4570 p1=p%(n,vn%(n),1): vm%(n)=1
- 4575 p2=p%(n,vm%(n),2): if p1=p2 goto 4600
- 4580 b0=b%(n,1): r0=r%(n,1): p0=p1
- 4581 if i%(p0,r0)=0 then h%(n,1)=1: gosub 461
- 4585 b0=b%(n,2): r0=r%(n,2): p0=p2
- 4586 if i%(p0,r0)=0 then h%(n,2)=2: gosub 461
- 4590 goto 4505
- 4600 vm%(n)=vm%(n)+1: if vm%(n)<=v2%(n) goto 4575
- 4605 vn%(n)=vn%(n)+1: if vn%(n)<=v1%(n) goto 4570
- 4610 k=k-1: n=n%(k): if k<=k2 goto 3640
- 4615 gosub 470
- 4620 vm%(n)=vm%(n)+1: if vm%(n)>v2%(n) goto 4630
- 4625 goto 4575
- 4630 vn%(n)=vn%(n)+1: if vn%(n)>v1%(n) goto 4610
- 4635 goto 4570
- 4799 rem --------ordnen 6--------------
- 4800 k=ub
- 4801 if k>kn goto 4900
- 4802 n=mb%(k): r0=r%(n,1): b0=b%(n,1)
- 4805 for p0=1 to h
- 4806 : if i%(p0,r0)=0 then gosub 461: goto 4820
- 4807 : if i%(p0,r0)=b0 goto 4820
- 4810 next p0: goto 4990
- 4820 k=k+1: goto 4801
- 4899 rem ------------------------------
- 4900 if km=an+1 goto 5100
- 4910 m0$="loesung ": gosub 435: z=2: s=1
- 4916 for k=km to an: n=n%(k): on f%(n) gosub 360,365,370,375
- 4918 : z=z+2: m$=a$(n): gosub 440
- 4920 next k: goto 5100
- 4989 rem ------------------------------
- 4990 m1$="widerspruch: aussage"+str$(n): goto 2250
- 4999 rem ------------------------------
- 5100 poke 214,22: sys 58640: end
- 5105 poke 214,22: sys 58640: end
- 8999 rem ------------------------------
- 9000 data 6,5,32
- 9001 data "name(elm)+tier(kein)"
- 9002 data "spei(supp)+hobb(les)"
- 9003 data "name(har):name(andy),name(elm)"
- 9004 data "hobb(auto)+spei[kuch]"
- 9005 data "haar(brau)=6"
- 9006 data "haar(kein)=2456"
- 9007 data "haar(schw)>name(nick)"
- 9008 data "tier(aal)+spei[fish]"
- 9009 data "tier(katz):haar(schw),haar(grau)"
- 9010 data "haar(grau)#hobb(prog)"
- 9011 data "name(elm)#name(nick)"
- 9012 data "name(stef)=135"
- 9013 data "name(stef)+spei(sal)"
- 9014 data "name(elm)+spei(stek)"
- 9015 data "tier(pfer)=23456"
- 9016 data "name(andy)+haar(grau)"
- 9017 data "name(nick)+haar[rot]"
- 9018 data "tier(katz)+spei(supp)"
- 9019 data "haar(rot)#hobb(tv)"
- 9020 data "haar(grau)<tier(hund)"
- 9021 data "name(nick)=1"
- 9022 data "tier(katz)>haar(schw)"
- 9023 data "hobb(bast)+haar(grau)"
- 9024 data "tier(vog)+hobb(koch)"
- 9025 data "tier(katz)#tier(aal)"
- 9026 data "haar(blon)+spei(pomm)"
- 9027 data "name(gott)"
- 9028 data "name(gott)=?"
- 9029 data "name(andy)+tier(?)"
- 9030 data "name(nick)+haar(?)"
- 9031 data "name(?)+spei(kuch)"
- 9032 data "name(?)+hobb(auto)"
- 9099 rem ------------------------------