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- 5 close 1:close 2:close 3
- 10 print"[147]";chr$(14):input"[206]ame der [212]ext-[196]atei: ";na$
- 15 input"[206]ame der [193]usgabe-datei: ";aus$
- 20 open 2,8,2,na$+",p,r"
- 30 open3,8,3,"@:"+aus$+",s,w"
- 35 get#2,a$:get#2,a$:print"[147]"
- 36 :
- 37 for i = 1to 80:en =0
- 40 get#2,a$:ifa$="" then a$=chr$(0)
- 50 if st <> 64 then gosub 100:if en=1 then 37
- 60 if st = 64 then print#3,chr$(64):close 2:close 3
- 65 next i
- 70 print "[147][198]ertig!":end
- 90 :
- 95 :
- 100 if asc(a$)=0 then return
- 102 if asc(a$) >=1 and asc(a$) <=26 thena$ = chr$(asc(a$)+64):gosub 500:return
- 103 if asc(a$) >=32and asc(a$) <=64 then gosub 500:return
- 105 if asc(a$) >=65 and asc(a$) <=90 then a$ =chr$(asc(a$)+128):gosub500:return
- 111 ifasc(a$)=142then a$=chr$(13)+chr$(10):gosub500:gosub 200: en=1: return
- 115 if asc(a$) >=127 and asc(a$) <= 192 then return
- 150 return
- 160 :
- 200 x= 80 - i
- 205 for z = 1 to x : get#2,a$::next z:return
- 499 :
- 500 print#3,a$;:printa$;:return