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- 10 rem **** multigrafik ****
- 20 poke 53280,0:poke53281,0
- 30 def fn a(x) = 40*sin(x/5)+100
- 32 def fn b(x) = 45*sin(x/10)+100
- 34 def fn c(x) = 50*sin(x/15)+100
- 40 rem --- basic begrenzen ---
- 50 poke 52,32:poke 56,32
- 60 rem --- farbabfrage -------
- 70 printchr$(147)chr$(30)"hintergrundfarbe";:input f0
- 80 print"vordergrund 01 ";:input f1
- 82 print"vordergrund 10 ";:input f2
- 84 print"vordergrund 11 ";:input f3
- 90 f = 16*f1 + f2
- 100 printchr$(147)
- 110 rem --- bitmapmodus einschalten ---
- 120 poke 53265,peek(53265) or 32
- 130 rem --- bitmapstart auf 8192 ------
- 140 poke 53272,peek(53272) or 8
- 142 rem --- mehrfarbenmodus ein -------
- 144 poke 53270,peek(53270) or 16
- 150 rem --- bitmap loeschen (geduld!) -
- 160 b = 8192
- 170 for i=0 to 7999
- 180 :poke b+i,0
- 190 next i
- 200 rem --- farbgebung (nochmal geduld!)
- 210 c = 1024:d=55296
- 220 for i=0 to 999
- 230 :poke c+i,f
- 232 :poke d+i,f3
- 240 next i
- 242 poke 53281,f0
- 250 rem --- punkte zeichnen -----------
- 255 pf=1
- 260 for x=0 to 159
- 270 :y = fna(x)
- 280 :gosub 400
- 290 next x
- 295 pf=2
- 300 for x=0 to 159
- 302 :y = fnb(x)
- 304 :gosub 400
- 310 next x
- 312 pf=3
- 314 for x=0 to 159
- 316 :y = fnc(x)
- 318 :gosub 400
- 319 next x
- 320 rem --- warten auf taste ----------
- 330 get a$:if a$="" then 330
- 340 rem --- normalmodus einschalten ---
- 342 poke 53270,peek(53270) and (255-16)
- 350 poke 53272,peek(53272) and (255-8)
- 360 poke 53265,peek(53265) and (255-32)
- 370 printchr$(147)
- 380 end
- 400 rem --- up punkte setzen ----------
- 410 hx=8*int(x/4)
- 420 hy=320*int(y/8)+(y and 7)
- 430 bx=4^(3-(x and 3))
- 440 bm=pf*bx
- 450 h1=b+hx+hy
- 460 poke h1,(peek(h1) and (not 3*bx)) or bm
- 470 return