home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke56,peek(46)+5
- 20 e=e+1:ife=1thenload"ass.80z52990",8,1
- 30 ife=2thenload"ass.term",8,1
- 31 ife=3thenload"ass.upl",8,1
- 32 clr:ee=peek(56)
- 35 print"[147]date = ";
- 36 inputda$
- 40 poke52955,224:poke52956,196:poke206*256,0
- 50 dimf$(10),fs(10),fl(10),fb(10):fa=0
- 60 mm=197*256:l$=" "
- 70 fort=0to255:pokemm+t,2:next
- 80 fort=4to7:pokemm+t,0:next
- 90 fort=eeto191:pokemm+t,0:next
- 100 poke56335,0:poke56334,0:sys52990:sys49858:poke218,0:dl%=0
- 105 poke780,13:sys49776:fort=1to100:next:poke250,peek(247):cn=0
- 106 gosub5000
- 110 sys50412:u=peek(782)
- 120 print"[147] experimental terminal";:ifcnthengosub3600:print" ("m;s")";
- 130 poke220,0:print" free memory:";
- 140 printu*256;" - used:"int((196-ee-u)/(196-ee)*100+.5)"%
- 150 [153]
- 160 [139]fa[178]0[167][153]" no files":[137]200
- 170 [129]t[178]1[164]fa:[153][200](" "[170][196](t)[170]":"[170]f$(t)[170]" ("[170][196](fb(t))[170]" )"[170]l$,40);
- 180 [130]:[139][168](1[175]fa)[167][153]
- 200 [153]:[153]" d: download ";
- 205 [139]dl%[177]0[167][153]"** active **";
- 210 [153]
- 220 [153]" u: upload ";
- 226 [153]
- 230 [153]:[153]" t: terminal mode ";
- 235 [153]" l: load file"
- 240 [153]" r: disc-drive com/err ";
- 245 [153]" v: view file"
- 250 [153]" h: hang up ";
- 255 [153]" s: save file"
- 260 [153]" b: send a break ";
- 265 [153]" e: erase file"
- 266 [153]" sh+i: initialize modem ";
- 267 [153]" m: mail a file"
- 270 [153]:[153]" sh+c: connect ";
- 280 [153]" sh+x: exit"
- 300 [161]q$:[139]q$[178]""[137]300
- 310 [139]q$[178]"t"[167][153]"load terminal-mode..":[158]50039:[153]"leaving terminal-mode":[137]110
- 320 [139]q$[178]"u"[137]1000
- 330 [139]q$[178]"d"[137]2000
- 340 [139]q$[178]"e"[137]3000
- 341 [139]q$[178]"l"[137]3200
- 342 [139]q$[178]"s"[137]4300
- 343 [139]q$[178]"r"[137]4500
- 344 [139]q$[178]"b"[137]3500
- 345 [139]q$[178]"m"[137]3800
- 346 [139]q$[178]"right$"[137]5200
- 350 [139]q$[178]"v"[137]3100
- 360 [139]q$[178]"(NULL)"[167][151]1024,0:[158]1024
- 370 [139]q$[178]"h"[137]3300
- 380 [139]q$[178]"len"[137]3400
- 400 [137]300
- 1000 [143] upload
- 1010 [153]:[153]"file to upload #";:[141]1100:[139]i[178]0[137]120
- 1045 [151]219,0:[151]220,fs(i):[151]221,fl(i)
- 1050 [158]820:[153]:[153]"<end of file>":[129]t[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[137]110
- 1100 [139]fa[178]0[167][153]" *sorry there is no file*":[129]t[178]1[164]2000:[130]:[151]198,0:i[178]0:[142]
- 1105 [161]q$:[139]q$[178]""[137]1100
- 1110 i[178][197](q$):[139]i[177]fa[176]i[179]1[167]i[178]0:[153]"-skip-"
- 1120 [153]q$" "[199](34)f$(i)[199](34):[142]
- 2000 [143] download
- 2010 [139]dl%[179][177]0[137]2100
- 2020 [158]50412:t[178][194](780)
- 2045 [139]t[178]0[167][153]"out of memory":[137]300
- 2050 [151]217,0:[151]218,t:fs[178]t:dl%[178]1:[137]120
- 2100 [139][194](218)[178]0[167][151]53280,0
- 2105 [153]:[133]"store as ";n$
- 2110 fa[178]fa[170]1:f$(fa)[178]n$:fs(fa)[178]fs:fl(fa)[178][194](217):dl%[178]0
- 2120 [139][194](218)[178]0[137]2140
- 2130 [151]mm[170][194](218),2:[151]218,0
- 2140 t[178]fs(fa):x[178][171]1
- 2150 i[178][194](mm[170]t):x[178]x[170]1:[139]i[179][177]2[167]t[178]i:[137]2150
- 2160 fb(fa)[178]x[172]256[170]fl(fa):[137]110
- 3000 [143] erase
- 3010 [153]:[153]"file to erase #";
- 3020 [141]1100
- 3040 [139]i[178]0[137]120
- 3045 t[178]fs(i):[153]"erasing "f$(i)
- 3046 [129]x[178]i[170]1[164]fa:f$(x[171]1)[178]f$(x):fs(x[171]1)[178]fs(x):fl(x[171]1)[178]fl(x):fb(x[171]1)[178]fb(x):[130]
- 3047 fa[178]fa[171]1
- 3050 i[178][194](mm[170]t):[151]mm[170]t,0:[139]i[178]2[137]110
- 3060 t[178]i:[137]3050
- 3100 [143] view
- 3110 [153]:[153]"file to view #";
- 3120 [141]1100
- 3140 [139]i[178]0[137]120
- 3145 [151]219,0:[151]220,fs(i):[151]221,fl(i)
- 3150 [158]50326:[153]"<eof>":[137]3195
- 3160 [153][199]([194](780));:[137]3150
- 3195 [146]198,1:[151]198,0:[137]120
- 3200 [143] disk-load
- 3205 n$[178]"":[153]:[133]"load-filename,type ";n$,b$:[139]n$[178]""[137]120
- 3210 [141]3280:[159]1,8,5,n$[170]","[170]b$:[159]15,8,15
- 3215 [132]15,er,er$:[141]3290
- 3216 [139]er[177]1[167][153]"disc>"er;er$:[141]3280:[160]1:[160]15:[141]3290:[137]110
- 3220 [158]50412:t[178][194](780)
- 3245 [139]t[178]0[167][153]"out of memory":[137]110
- 3250 [151]217,0:[151]218,t:fs[178]t
- 3260 [141]3280:[158]50272:[160]15:[141]3290
- 3265 fl[178][194](217):f[178][194](218):[139][194](783)[175]1[167][153]"sys > i/o error #"[194](780)
- 3270 [153]"local:":[137]2100
- 3280 [151]56333,127:[151]56334,192:[142]
- 3290 [151]56327,60:[151]56335,1:[151]56334,193:[151]56333,138:[142]
- 3300 [143] hang-up
- 3305 b$[178]ti$:[153]:[153]"hang up..."
- 3320 [141]3550:a$[178]"ath"[170][199](13):[141]3420:[141]5066:[139]a$[178]"no carrier"[137]3325
- 3321 [139][168]a[167][153]"not okay ?":[137]110
- 3325 [139]cn[178]0[137]110
- 3330 cn[178]0:[141]3600:[153]"you've been connected for "m"m"s"s";
- 3335 x[178][181](m[173]2[170]1)[172].23:[153]" ("x"- dm )
- 3336 fort=1to500:next
- 3340 gosub3280:open1,8,2,".modlog,s,a"
- 3350 print#1,right$(" "+str$(m),2)+"m"+right$(" "+str$(s),2)+"s,date="+da$
- 3360 close1:gosub3290:goto110
- 3400 rem connect (insert the tel-number to be called)
- 3410 a$="atdt...."+chr$(13):gosub3420:goto3450
- 3420 fort=1tolen(a$)
- 3430 poke780,asc(mid$(a$,t)):sys49776:ifpeek(783)and1goto3430
- 3440 next:return
- 3450 print:print"dialing..."
- 3455 a$="":ti$="000000"
- 3460 gosub4000:ifagoto3480
- 3465 ifti$<"000130"goto3460
- 3470 print"time out - hang up":a$="+++ath":gosub3420
- 3472 ti$="000000":poke198,0:a$=""
- 3474 getq$:ifq$<>""goto120
- 3475 gosub4000:ifathenprint"modem> "a$:a$=""
- 3476 ifti$<"000100"goto3474
- 3478 goto3410
- 3480 print"modem> "a$:ifleft$(a$,2)="no"goto3472
- 3481 ifa$="busy"goto3472
- 3485 ifleft$(a$,7)<>"connect"thena$="":ti$="000000":goto3460
- 3490 m=0:s=15:gosub3700
- 3495 q$="t":cn=-1:fort=1to100:next:a$=chr$(13):gosub3420:fort=1to100:next
- 3496 print"send login..."
- 3497 a$="--your username--"+chr$(13):gosub3750:fort=1to200:next
- 3498 a$="--your passwd--"+chr$(13):gosub3750:goto310
- 3500 rem send break
- 3505 print:print"send break..."
- 3515 gosub3550:a$="at\b"+chr$(13):gosub3420
- 3520 gosub5066:ifa$="no carrier"goto110
- 3521 ifnotagoto110
- 3525 a$="ato"+chr$(13):gosub3420
- 3530 a$=""
- 3535 gosub4000:ifnotagoto3535
- 3540 print"modem> "a$:goto110
- 3550 fort=1to1500:next:a$="+++":gosub3420:fort=1to2000:next:return
- 3600 rem gettime m,s
- 3610 a=peek(56331):a=peek(56330)
- 3620 m=int(a/16)*10+(aand15)
- 3630 a=peek(56329):s=int(a/16)*10+(aand15):a=peek(56328):return
- 3700 rem puttime m,s
- 3710 poke56334,193:poke56331,0:poke56330,6*int(m/10)+m:poke56329,6*int(s/10)+s:poke56328,0
- 3720 return
- 3750 fort=1tolen(a$):x=asc(mid$(a$,t)):ifx>64andx<91thenx=x+32:goto3770
- 3760 ifx>191andx<219thenx=x-128
- 3770 poke780,x:sys49776:if1andpeek(783)goto3770
- 3780 next:return
- 3800 rem mail
- 3810 print:print"file to mail #";:gosub1100:ifi=0goto120
- 3820 poke219,0:poke220,fs(i):poke221,fl(i)
- 3830 print"how's the receiver:
- 3840 [153]"1:name1 2:name2 3:name3 4:name4 5:name5 6:name6 7:name7
- 3850 print"dest=";
- 3860 poke198,0:wait198,1:getq$:x=val(q$):ifx<1orx>7thenpoke220,0:goto120
- 3870 printq$:onxgosub3891,3892,3893,3894,3895,3896,3897
- 3875 a$="mail "+a$+chr$(13):gosub3750
- 3877 fort=1to3000:next
- 3880 a$="---"+chr$(13):gosub3420:fort=1to1500:next
- 3885 goto1050
- 3891 a$="---mailadr1---":return
- 3892 a$="---mailadr2---":return
- 3893 a$="---mailadr3---":return
- 3894 a$="---mailadr4---":return
- 3895 a$="---mailadr5---":return
- 3896 a$="---mailadr6---":return
- 3897 a$="---mailadr7---":return
- 4000 rem getstring
- 4010 x=peek(250)
- 4020 ifx=peek(247)thena=0:poke250,x:return
- 4030 i=peek(49408+x):x=255and(x+1)
- 4040 ifi=13anda$<>""thena=-1:poke250,x:return
- 4050 ifi<32goto4020
- 4060 a$=a$+chr$(i):goto4020
- 4300 rem disk-save
- 4310 print:print"file to save #";:gosub1100:ifi=0then120
- 4350 n$="":print:input"save-filename,type ";n$,b$:ifn$=""goto120
- 4360 gosub3280:open1,8,1,n$+","+b$:open15,8,15
- 4370 input#15,er,er$:gosub3290
- 4380 ifer>1thenprinter;er$:gosub3280:close1:close15:gosub3290:goto110
- 4390 poke220,fs(i):poke221,fl(i):poke219,0
- 4400 gosub3280:sys50308:gosub3290
- 4410 if1andpeek(783)thenprint"sys > i/o error #"peek(780)
- 4420 gosub3280:input#15,er,er$:gosub3290:print"disc>"er;er$
- 4430 gosub3280:close15:gosub3290:goto110
- 4500 rem disc-com/err
- 4510 print:print"disc-command ";:gosub4550
- 4520 gosub3280:open1,8,15,a$:input#1,er,er$,t,i:close1:gosub3290
- 4530 print"disc>"er","er$","t","i
- 4540 poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:goto120
- 4550 a$="":print"? ";
- 4560 getq$:ifq$=""goto4560
- 4570 ifq$=chr$(13)thenprint:return
- 4580 ifasc(q$)<32goto4560
- 4585 printq$;:a$=a$+q$:goto4560
- 5000 rem startup
- 5010 print"[147] terminal startup"
- 5020 print:print:print
- 5030 print"initialize terminal ? (y/n) ";
- 5040 poke198,0:wait198,1:getq$
- 5050 ifq$<>"y"andq$<>"n"goto5040
- 5060 printq$:ifq$="n"thenreturn
- 5061 a$="at&f0w2s7=30"+chr$(13):gosub3420
- 5062 rem ---replace it with your init-string!
- 5063 gosub5066:ifathenreturn
- 5065 goto5000
- 5066 rem wait for 'ok'
- 5070 a$="":ti$="000000"
- 5080 gosub4000:ifagoto5110
- 5090 ifti$<"000010"goto5080
- 5100 a=0:return
- 5110 print"modem> "a$:ifa$="no carrier"thena=0:return
- 5115 ifa$<>"ok"thena$="":goto5090
- 5120 return
- 5200 print:print"initializing..."
- 5210 gosub3550:gosub5061:goto110