home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;set cursor on screen position
- :setcur lda #$00
- sta $d6
- lda #$00
- sta $d3
- jsr 58640
- rts
- ;where is the cursor?
- :curver lda $d6
- cmp #$01 ;oberer rand erreicht ?
- bcc cur1 ;wenn kleiner dann
- cmp #$15 ;unterer rand erreicht ?
- bcs cur2 ;wenn groesser
- rts
- :cur1 lda #$14
- sta $d6
- jsr 58640
- rts
- :cur2 lda #$01
- sta $d6
- jsr 58640
- rts
- ;lange warteschleife in assembler
- :ab1 ldx #$00
- :ab2 ldy #$00
- :ab3 iny
- cpy #$ff
- bne ab3
- inx
- cpx #$ff
- bne ab2
- rts
- ;---------------------------------------
- ;nur fuer profis: der tictac-effekt
- ;schwingt bildschirmbereich hin und
- ;her. dazu muss das logo im bekannten
- ;tictac-format im speicher liegen
- ;---------------------------------------
- ste = $xxxx
- swa = $yyyy
- tzae = $zzzz
- tictac lda ste ;ste=1.tabelement
- sta swa
- lc lsr swa
- lsr swa
- lsr swa
- lda ste
- and #$07
- eor #$07
- clc
- adc #%00010000
- sta $d016 ;scroll flag
- lda swa
- tax
- ldy #$00
- coloo1
- lda $2600,x
- sta $0540,y
- lda $2640,x
- sta $0568,y
- lda $2680,x
- sta $0590,y
- lda $26c0,x
- sta $05b8,y
- lda $2700,x
- sta $05e0,y
- lda $2740,x
- sta $0608,y
- lda $2780,x
- sta $0630,y
- lda $27c0,x
- sta $0658,y
- inx
- iny
- cpy #$27
- bne coloo1
- ldx tzae ;tab element zae
- lda rltab,x
- sta ste
- lda tzae
- clc
- adc #$02 ;swing-speed
- sta tzae
- coend rts
- ;---------------------------------------
- tictab1 .byte $c7,$c6,$c6,$c6,$c5,$c4
- .byte $c3,$c1,$c0,$be,$bc,$ba
- .byte $b7,$b5,$b2,$af,$ac,$a9
- .byte $a5,$a2,$9e,$9b,$97,$93
- .byte $8f,$8b,$86,$82,$7e,$79
- .byte $75,$71,$6c,$68,$63,$5f
- .byte $5b,$56,$52,$4e,$4a,$46
- .byte $42,$3e,$3a,$37,$33,$30
- .byte $2d,$29,$27,$24,$21,$1f
- .byte $1d,$1b,$19,$18,$16,$15
- .byte $14,$13,$13,$13,$13,$13
- .byte $13,$14,$14,$15,$17,$18
- .byte $1a,$1b,$1d,$20,$22,$25
- .byte $27,$2a,$2d,$31,$34,$38
- .byte $3b,$3f,$43,$47,$4b,$4f
- .byte $53,$58,$5c,$60,$65,$69
- .byte $6d,$72,$76,$7b,$7f,$83
- .byte $88,$8c,$90,$94,$98,$9c
- .byte $9f,$a3,$a6,$aa,$ad,$b0
- .byte $b3,$b5,$b8,$ba,$bc,$be
- .byte $c0,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6
- .byte $c6,$c6,$c6,$c6,$c6,$c5
- .byte $c4,$c3,$c2,$c1,$bf
- .byte $bb,$b9,$b7,$b4,$b1,$ae
- .byte $ab,$a8,$a4,$a1,$9d,$99
- .byte $96,$92,$8e,$89,$85,$81
- .byte $7d,$78,$74,$6f,$6b,$66
- .byte $62,$5e,$59,$55,$51,$4d
- .byte $48,$44,$41,$3d,$39,$35
- .byte $32,$2f,$2c,$29,$26,$23
- .byte $21,$1e,$1c,$1a,$19,$17
- .byte $16,$15,$14,$13,$13,$13
- .byte $13,$13,$13,$14,$15,$16
- .byte $17,$18,$1a,$1c,$1e,$20
- .byte $23,$25,$28,$2b,$2e,$32
- .byte $35,$39,$3c,$40,$44,$48
- .byte $4c,$50,$54,$59,$5d,$62
- .byte $66,$6a,$6f,$73,$78,$7c
- .byte $80,$85,$89,$8d,$91,$95
- .byte $99,$9d,$a0,$a4,$a7,$ab
- .byte $ae,$b1,$b4,$b6,$b9,$bb
- .byte $bd,$bf,$c1,$c2,$c3,$c4
- .byte $c5,$c6,$c6,$c6,$00
- ;---------------------------------------