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- 1 poke 53280,0 : poke 53281,0 : print "[147][142] widerstaende international"
- 2 print " decodieren nach e6/e12/e24":print" (w)'90 by kester habermann"
- 3 print " 1. 2. 3. 4." : print " [213][178][192][192][178][192][192][178][192][192][178][192][192][178][192][201]"
- 4 print " [221][221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221]" : print " [192][192][192][192][179][221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [171][192][192][192][192]"
- 5 print " [221][221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221]" : print " [202][177][192][192][177][192][192][177][192][192][177][192][192][177][192][203]"
- 6 d=1 : a$=" [157][157] [157][157] [145][145][146]" : for i=0 to 9 : read c$(i),rc(i),p(i) : next
- 7 data "schwarz",0,20,"braun ",9,1,"rot ",2,2,"orange ",8,20,"gelb ",7,5
- 8 data"gruen ",5,.5,"blau ",6,20,"violett",4,20,"grau ",12,10,"weiss ",1,20
- 9 print "";:for i=1 to 4 : poke 646,rc(c(i)) : print a$; : next
- 10 print "" : for i=1 to 4 : if i=d then print "";
- 11 printi"[157]. ring: ";c$(c(i)):next:print" "
- 12 print "[145][145]":r=int((10*c(1)+c(2))*10^c(3)):ifr=>10e8thenprintr/10e8"g";:goto16
- 13 if r => 1e6 then print r/1e6"m";:goto16
- 14 if r => 1000 then print r/1000"k";:goto16
- 15 print r;
- 16 print "ohm +-";p(c(4));"%":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:getk$:if k$= "q" then end
- 17 if k$= "+" then c(d)=c(d)+1 : ifc(d)=10 then c(d)=0
- 18 if k$= "-" then c(d)=c(d)-1 : ifc(d)=-1 then c(d)=9
- 19 if k$=chr$(13) then d=d+1:if d=5 then d=1
- 20 goto 9