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- 10 rem guenther schubert
- 20 rem molnerweg 13
- 30 rem 4600 dortmund 13
- 40 rem tel.(0231) 212701
- 50 rem 22.7.88
- 60 :
- 70 print chr$ (147);
- 80 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:poke 657,128
- 90 dim na$(146),zu(146),fi$(62,2),a$(62),f(62),lg(100),rg(100)
- 100 for i=704 to 766:read q:poke i,q:next
- 110 for i=832 to 958:read ue:poke i,ue:next
- 120 for i=52992 to 53242:read m:poke i,m:next
- 130 d=1:v=53248:sp=2041:sk=13
- 140 rd$=chr$ (129):cy$=chr$ (159):we$=chr$ (150):ge$=chr$ (158)
- 150 ra$=chr$ (18):ro$=chr$ (146):lg$=chr$ (153):o$=chr$ (0)
- 160 cr$=chr$ (99):fr$=chr$ (2):zs$=chr$ (122):xp$=chr$ (120)
- 170 yp$=chr$ (121):l$=chr$ (108):v$=chr$ (118):i$=chr$ (105)
- 180 sp$=chr$ (32):re$=chr$ (13):fk$=chr$ (84)
- 190 cc$=" cover - fox (c) 7.88 by gs-soft "
- 200 poke 53265,11:poke 2040,11
- 210 for i=0 to 1:poke sp+i,sk+i:next
- 220 poke v,209:poke v+1,106
- 230 poke v+2,237:poke v+3,50
- 240 poke v+4,5:poke v+5,50
- 250 poke v+16,4:poke v+39,8:poke v+40,7:poke v+41,7
- 260 poke v+21,7
- 270 z=4:s=24:gosub 540:print ge$"cover - fox"
- 280 z=5:s=23:gosub 540:print "[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 290 z=6:s=24:gosub 540:print rd$"(c) 7.88 by"
- 300 z=7:s=22:gosub 540:print "g nther schubert"
- 310 z=9:s=5:gosub 540:print rd$"[164][164][164]"ge$"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 320 z=10:s=5:gosub 540:print rd$ra$" e "ge$" = directory / disk einseitig "
- 330 z=11:s=5:gosub 540:print rd$"[164][164][164]"ge$"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 340 z=12:s=5:gosub 540
- 350 print rd$ra$" b "ge$" = directory / disk beidseitig "
- 360 z=14:s=5:gosub 540:print rd$"[164][164][164]"ge$"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 370 z=15:s=5:gosub 540:print rd$ra$" _ "ge$" = programm beenden "
- 380 poke 53265,27
- 390 get g$:if g$="" then 390
- 400 if g$<>"_" then 430
- 410 gosub 500:z=12:s=11:gosub 540:print we$"auf wiedersehen !!"
- 420 for p=1 to 1500:next:poke v+21,0:sys 64738
- 430 if g$="e" then af=60:goto 460
- 440 if g$="b" then af=30:pz=1:goto 460
- 450 goto 390
- 460 gosub 500:z=10:s=10:gosub 540:print ge$"diskette einlegen !!"
- 470 gosub 480:gosub 570:goto 690
- 480 z=12:s=16:gosub 540:print "taste..."
- 490 poke 198,0:wait 198,1:poke 198,0
- 500 for z=8 to 15:s=0:gosub 540
- 510 print " ":next:return
- 520 get g$:if g$<>chr$ (74) and g$<>chr$ (78) then 520
- 530 return
- 540 poke 214,z:poke 211,s:sys 58732:return
- 550 ef=27:if af<10 then ef=28
- 560 z=23:s=ef:gosub 540:print we$;af:return
- 570 close 15:open 15,8,15,"i"
- 580 input# 15,f1,f$,f2,f3:if f1=0 then return
- 590 z=10:s=15-len (f$)/2:gosub 540:print f1;f$;f2;f3
- 600 gosub 480
- 610 if fk=1 then fk=0:goto 1770
- 620 goto 570
- 630 if no+en>=c then return
- 640 sys 53056,0,2,2,23,18:no=no+1
- 650 z=23:s=2:gosub 540:print na$(zu(no+en-1));:return
- 660 if no=0 then return
- 670 sys 53056,1,2,2,23,18:no=no-1
- 680 z=2:s=2:gosub 540:print na$(zu(no+1)):return
- 690 z=1:s=3:gosub 540:print "bitte warten !"
- 700 close 1:open 1,8,15,"i":open 2,8,2,"#"
- 710 s=1:c=1:f(d)=0
- 720 print# 1,"u1 2 0 18"s
- 730 get #2,t$:get #2,s$:s=asc (s$+o$)
- 740 for bp=0 to 7:print# 1,"b-p 2";bp*32+2
- 750 sys 52992,2,3,x$:f=asc (left$ (x$,1)) and 15
- 760 if f<>2 then next:goto 790
- 770 sys 52992,2,16,x$:na$(c)=x$
- 780 zu(c)=c:c=c+1:next
- 790 if t$<>"" then 720
- 800 open 8,8,15,"i":open 9,8,2,"#"
- 810 print# 8,"u1 2 0 18 0":print# 8,"b-p 2 144"
- 820 dn$(d)="":for i=1 to 23:get #9,n$
- 830 if n$=chr$ (160) then n$=chr$ (32)
- 840 dn$(d)=dn$(d)+n$:next
- 850 close 8:close 9
- 860 id$(d)=mid$ (dn$(d),19,2)
- 870 z=0:s=0:gosub 540:print cy$"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 880 z=1:s=0:gosub 540:print ra$;dn$(d);ro$
- 890 close 2
- 900 print chr$ (19);chr$ (17);chr$ (17);chr$ (62);chr$ (145);
- 910 cp=2:no=0:nu=0:en=c
- 920 if en>23 then en=23
- 930 print re$spc(2)na$(nu+1);:nu=nu+1:if nu<en-1 then 930
- 940 z=10:s=21:gosub 540:print lg$"return"we$" = einlesen"
- 950 z=12:s=21:gosub 540:print lg$"f1"we$" = einlesen"
- 960 z=13:s=30:gosub 540:print "beenden"
- 970 z=15:s=21:gosub 540:print lg$"_ "we$"= neu starten"
- 980 z=18:s=21:gosub 540:print lg$"crsr/right"we$" = auf"
- 990 z=20:s=21:gosub 540:print lg$"crsr/down"we$" = ab"
- 1000 z=23:s=21:gosub 540:print lg$"frei =";we$;af;lg$;"files";cy$
- 1010 get ta$:if ta$="" then 1010
- 1020 if ta$=chr$ (145) or ta$=chr$ (29) then if cp>2 then cp=cp-1:goto 1100
- 1030 if ta$=chr$ (145) or ta$=chr$ (29) then if cp=2 then gosub 660
- 1040 if ta$=chr$ (17) then if cp<en then if no+cp<c then cp=cp+1:goto 1110
- 1050 if ta$=chr$ (17) then if cp>=23 then gosub 630
- 1060 if ta$=re$ then 1120
- 1070 if ta$=chr$ (133) then 1420
- 1080 if ta$=chr$ (95) then poke v+21,0:run
- 1090 goto 1010
- 1100 sys 53056,0,2,0,23,0:goto 1010
- 1110 sys 53056,1,2,0,23,0:goto 1010
- 1120 te=zu(no+cp-1)
- 1130 if af=0 and left$ (na$(te),1)<>rd$ then 1010
- 1140 a=a+1
- 1150 a$(a)="":if left$ (na$(te),1)=rd$ then u=1:goto 1190
- 1160 if na$(te)="" then 1010
- 1170 af=af-1:f(d)=f(d)+1
- 1180 gosub 550
- 1190 for i=1 to len (na$(te))
- 1200 z$=mid$ (na$(te),i,1)
- 1210 t=asc (z$)
- 1220 if t=160 then 1240
- 1230 a$(a)=a$(a)+chr$ (t)
- 1240 next i
- 1250 if u=0 then 1390
- 1260 na$(te)=mid$ (a$(a),2,len (a$(a))-2)
- 1270 u=0:k=0
- 1280 for i=1 to a
- 1290 b$=rd$+a$(i)+cy$
- 1300 if a$(i)="" then 1340
- 1310 if b$=a$(a) then a$(i)="":a$(a)="":goto 1340
- 1320 k=k+1
- 1330 a$(k)=a$(i)
- 1340 next i
- 1350 af=af+1:f(d)=f(d)-1:a=k
- 1360 gosub 550
- 1370 z=cp:s=2:gosub 540:print cy$;na$(te)
- 1380 goto 1010
- 1390 na$(te)=rd$+na$(te)+cy$
- 1400 z=cp:s=2:gosub 540:print na$(te)
- 1410 goto 1010
- 1420 for z=0 to 1:s=0:gosub 540
- 1430 print " ":next
- 1440 for z=2 to 8:s=0:gosub 540
- 1450 print " ":next
- 1460 for z=9 to 23:s=0:gosub 540
- 1470 print " ":next
- 1480 z=12:s=6:gosub 540:print we$"alphabetisch sortieren j/n ?"
- 1490 gosub 520
- 1500 if g$=chr$ (78) then 1670
- 1510 gosub 500:z=12:s=12:gosub 540:print we$"moment bitte.."
- 1520 z=0:lg(1)=1:rg(1)=a
- 1530 gosub 1550
- 1540 goto 1670
- 1550 z=z+1:if lg(z)>=rg(z) then 1660
- 1560 x=lg(z):y=rg(z)
- 1570 vg$=a$(int ((x+y)/2))
- 1580 if x>y then 1640
- 1590 if a$(x)<vg$ then x=x+1:goto 1590
- 1600 if a$(y)>vg$ then y=y-1:goto 1600
- 1610 if x>y then 1640
- 1620 s$=a$(x):a$(x)=a$(y):a$(y)=s$
- 1630 x=x+1:y=y-1:goto 1580
- 1640 rg(z+1)=y:lg(z+1)=lg(z):gosub 1550
- 1650 lg(z+1)=x:rg(z+1)=rg(z):gosub 1550
- 1660 z=z-1:return
- 1670 for i=1 to a
- 1680 fi$(i,d)=a$(i):a$(i)=""
- 1690 next
- 1700 a=0
- 1710 gosub 500
- 1720 if pz=0 then 1770
- 1730 d=d+1:af=30
- 1740 if d=3 then d=2:goto 1770
- 1750 z=10:s=11:gosub 540:print ge$"diskette wenden !!"
- 1760 gosub 480:gosub 570:goto 690
- 1770 z=10:s=8:gosub 540:print we$"datendiskette einlegen !"
- 1780 gosub 480:gosub 570
- 1790 if d=1 then 1820
- 1800 x1$="=98 ":x2$="=158 "
- 1810 if f(1)<f(2) then yp=int (int (30-(f(2)))*9/2)+126:goto 1830
- 1820 yp=int (int (30-(f(1)))*9/2)+126
- 1830 y$="="+right$ (str$ (yp),3)+sp$
- 1840 if d=1 then 1860
- 1850 goto 1890
- 1860 if d=1 and f(1)<31 then ap=1:goto 1880
- 1870 x1$="=108 ":y$="=126 ":x2$="=168 ":goto 1890
- 1880 x1$="=180 ":x2$="=240 "
- 1890 z=12:s=4:gosub 540
- 1900 print ge$"printfox-textfile = dir."+id$(1)+sp$+id$(2)+".tf"
- 1910 close 1:close 15
- 1920 open 15,8,15:open 1,8,2,"dir."+id$(1)+sp$+id$(2)+".tf,p,w"
- 1930 print# 1,fk$;fr$;cr$;cc$
- 1940 for x=1 to d
- 1950 if x=2 then x1$="=321 ":x2$="=381 "
- 1960 print# 1,fr$;zs$;"=40 ";xp$;x1$;yp$;y$;l$;"=60"
- 1970 print# 1,id$(x)
- 1980 print# 1,fr$;zs$;"=101 ";xp$;x2$;yp$;y$;v$;"=1 ";l$;"=140";
- 1990 if ap=1 or pz=1 then print# 1,re$;:goto 2010
- 2000 print# 1,sp$;i$;"=395 ";xp$;"=331 ";yp$;"=126 ";l$;"=140"
- 2010 for i=1 to f(x)
- 2020 print# 1,fi$(i,x)
- 2030 next i,x
- 2040 print# 1,o$:close 1:gosub 500:fk=1:gosub 580:poke v+21,0:run
- 2050 data 204,,,,,,204,,
- 2060 data 204,,,204,,,204,,
- 2070 data 120,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- 2080 data 255,255,255,255,255,255,192,,63
- 2090 data 195,255,255,195,255,240,195,255,240
- 2100 data 195,255,240,195,255,240,195,,48
- 2110 data 195,252,48,195,252,48,195,252,63
- 2120 data 195,252,63,195,252,63,192,,63
- 2130 data 255,255,255,192,,,255,255,255
- 2140 data 255,,,255,255,255,255,255,255,
- 2150 data 255,255,240,255,255,240,255,255,240
- 2160 data 255,255,240,,15,240,255,255,240
- 2170 data 192,,48,195,255,240,195,255,240
- 2180 data 195,255,240,,15,240,195,15,240
- 2190 data 192,,48,255,12,48,255,12,48
- 2200 data 255,12,48,,12,48,255,252,48
- 2210 data ,,48,255,255,240,255,255,240
- 2220 data 32,253,174,32,158,183,32,30,225,32,253,174,32,158,183,138,72,32
- 2230 data 253,174,32,139,176,133,73,132,74,32,163,182,104,32,117,180,160,2
- 2240 data 185,97,,145,73,136,16,248,200,32,18,225,145,98,200,196,97,208,246
- 2250 data 32,204,255,96,,,,,
- 2260 data 32,245,207,138,72,32,245,207,224,,176,3,76
- 2270 data 72,178,224,24,176,249,134,251,32,245,207,224,0,144,240,224,39
- 2280 data 176,236,134,253,32,245,207,224,25,176,227,134,252,232,138,56,229
- 2290 data 251,144,218,240,216,133,250,32,245,207,224,40,176,207,228,253,144
- 2300 data 203,134,254,104,170,165,172,72,165,173,72,165,174,72,165,175,72
- 2310 data 224,,208,22,166,251,198,250,240,44,32,240,233,232,189,240,236,133
- 2320 data 172,181,217,32,219,207,48,236,202,240,3,76,72,178,166,252,198,250
- 2330 data 240,16,32,240,233,202,189,240,236,133,172,181,217,32,219,207,48
- 2340 data 236,164,254,32,240,233,32,36,234,169,32,145,209,136,196,253,16
- 2350 data 249,76,88,233,41,3,13,136,2,133,173,32,224,233,164,254,177,172
- 2360 data 145,209,177,174,145,243,136,196,253,16
- 2370 data 243,96,32,253,174,76,158,183