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- 10 rem programm einzelzeichen
- 20 rem startadresse fuer zeichen
- 30 rem 24576 + (ascii-32) *47
- 40 open3,4
- 50 print#3,chr$(27);chr$(120);chr$(49):rem nlq ein
- 60 print#3,chr$(27);chr$(58);chr$(0);chr$(0);chr$(0):rem download
- 65 close3
- 70 input "ascii-wert? ";a
- 80 if a=0 then 300
- 90 if a<33 then 40
- 100 if a>127 then 40
- 110 b=a-32
- 120 b=24576+b*47
- 125 open3,4
- 130 print#3,chr$(27);chr$(38);chr$(0);:rem eigenes zeichen
- 140 print#3,chr$(a);chr$(a);
- 150 for i=0 to 46
- 160 c=peek(b+i)
- 170 print#3,chr$(c);
- 180 nexti
- 190 close3
- 200 goto70
- 300 geta$
- 310 if a$<>""then300
- 320 print "testen j/n"
- 330 get a$
- 340 if a$=""then 330
- 350 if a$="j" then 400
- 360 stop
- 400 open3,4
- 410 print#3,chr$(27);chr$(37);chr$(49);chr$(0)
- 420 for i=32 to 127
- 430 print#3,chr$(i);
- 440 nexti
- 445 print#3
- 450 close3
- 460 stop