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- 100 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0
- 110 input"[147][158]eingabe jahreszahl";j
- 120 a=int(j/100)
- 130 j2=int(val(right$(str$(j),4))/100)
- 140 c=j2 and 3
- 150 j1=j-a*100
- 160 if c=1 then wt=5
- 170 if c=2 then wt=3
- 180 if c=3 then wt=1
- 190 if c=0 then wt=6
- 200 if a=j/100 then 290
- 210 if wt<6 then wt=wt-1
- 220 c=int(j1/28)*28
- 230 if c=j1 then 290
- 240 for e=c+1 to j1:wt=wt+1
- 250 if wt=7 then wt=0
- 260 if ((e-1)and 3)=0 then wt=wt+1
- 270 if wt=7 then wt=0
- 280 next e
- 290 y1=wt
- 300 for dj=1 to 3
- 310 print"[147]kalender"dj"[157].drittel"j:print
- 320 for a=1 to 2
- 330 for b=7 to 25 step 18
- 340 read m$
- 350 print tab(b)m$;
- 360 next b
- 370 print
- 380 for tg=1 to 7
- 390 read tg$
- 400 if tg$="so" then print"[154]";
- 410 print tg$"[158]"
- 420 next tg
- 430 print:print
- 440 next a
- 450 print" 64'er / h.thisius (taste druecken)"
- 460 for y=3 to 13 step 10
- 470 for x=2 to 20 step 18
- 480 read tg
- 490 if(j1 and 3)=0 and tg=28 then tg=29
- 500 if j2*100=j and (j2 and 3)<>0 and tg=29 then tg=28
- 510 for t=1 to tg
- 520 poke 211,x+x1:poke 214,y+y1
- 530 if t<10 then poke 211,peek(211)+1
- 540 if y1=0 then poke 646,14
- 550 sys 58732
- 560 print t:poke 646,7
- 570 y1=y1+1
- 580 if y1>6 then y1=0:x1=x1+3
- 590 next t
- 600 x1=0
- 610 next x,y
- 620 poke 198,0
- 630 wait 198,1
- 640 next dj
- 650 poke 198,0
- 660 restore
- 670 goto 100
- 680 data januar,februar,so,mo,di,mi,do,fr,sa
- 690 data maerz,april,so,mo,di,mi,do,fr,sa,31,28,31,30
- 700 data mai,juni,so,mo,di,mi,do,fr,sa
- 710 data juli,august,so,mo,di,mi,do,fr,sa,31,30,31,31
- 720 data september,oktober,so,mo,di,mi,do,fr,sa
- 730 data november,dezember,so,mo,di,mi,do,fr,sa,30,31,30,31