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- 0 ifpeek(901)=1then3
- 1 goto400
- 2 poke901,1:load"message-f.",8,1
- 3 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or12
- 5 i=14340:poke53281,0:poke53280,11:print"";chr$(142):gosub200
- 10 geta$:ift=1anda$<>chr$(13)anda$<>""anda$<>""anda$<>""anda$<>""then10
- 11 ifa$=""then10
- 12 ifa$<>"@"anda$<>"_"anda$<>"^"thenprinta$;
- 13 ifi<09700-100thenpoke53281,11
- 14 ifi=09700thena$="_"
- 17 gosub300
- 20 ifa$="_"thenpokei,0:goto500
- 21 ifa$="\"then5
- 22 ifa$="^"theni=i-10:print"":a=14340:b=i-1:goto100
- 23 ifa$="@"thenprint"":a=14340:b=i-1:goto100
- 28 pokei,asc(a$):i=i+1:gosub200
- 30 goto10
- 100 fori=atob:a$=chr$(peek(i)):gosub300:printchr$(peek(i));:gosub200
- 101 nexti:goto10
- 200 x=peek(211):y=peek(214):ifx=39thent=1
- 201 ifx<39thent=0
- 205 a=y*40+x:z=peek(1024+a):pokea+1024,42:b=a:return
- 300 a=asc(a$)
- 301 ifa=13ora=17ora=29ora=141ora=145ora=157ora=148then303
- 302 return
- 303 poke1024+b,z:return
- 400 print"":poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 410 print"welcome to reiner stein's..."
- 420 print
- 432 print" B BB B BBBBBB B BBBBBB BB "
- 440 print" (c) 1987 64'er magazin "
- 442 print"written by reiner stein in 1987 "
- 443 print"mit dem message maker koennen sie "
- 444 print"nachrichten, botschaften an andere "
- 445 print"auch mit musikuntermalung verschicken "
- 446 print"-------------------------------"
- 447 print"! these are the commands for editing the text: "
- 448 print"press 's' to start writing"
- 449 print"press '_' to save the message"
- 450 print"press '\' to clear the message"
- 451 print"press '@' to show the message"
- 452 print"press '^' to delete 10 characters"
- 460 geta$:ifa$<>"s"then460
- 470 goto2
- 500 print"Do you want to insert a sound?":print"[Soundmonitor @ by 64'er (10/86)]"
- 502 input" (y/n) : ";a$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then502
- 503 ifa$="n"thenpoke4162,48:goto510
- 504 input"Name of S. (1-15!): ";a$:iflen(a$)>15then504
- 505 fori=1tolen(a$):poke4178+i,asc(mid$(a$,i+0,1))
- 506 next:poke4178+i,42
- 510 input"Name of Message: ";a$:iflen(a$)>16thenprint"Smaller than 16!":goto510
- 520 aa=2049:open1,8,1,a$:hb=int(aa/256):lb=aa-hb*256:print#1,chr$(lb);chr$(hb);
- 525 forg=4050to4505:print#1,chr$(peek(g));:nextg
- 530 forg=14340to24122:print#1,chr$(peek(g));:nextg
- 535 forg=12288to14335:print#1,chr$(peek(g));:nextg
- 540 close1:printchr$(142):goto5
- 590 end
- 591 goto595
- 592 :
- 593 : was made with message-maker : written 1987 by reiner stein !
- 594 :
- 595 ifa<>2thena=1
- 596 ifa=1thena=2:load"
- *xxxxaxelxxxxx",8,1
- 597 ifa=2thensys49152
- 598 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or12
- 600 s=02505:poke53281,0:poke53280,0:print"";chr$(142):gosub630
- 610 ifpeek(s)=0thensys64738
- 612 a=peek(s):ifa=13ora=17ora=29ora=141ora=145ora=157ora=148thenpoke1024+b,z
- 615 printchr$(a);
- 616 a=peek(214)*40+peek(211):z=peek(1024+a):pokea+1024,42:b=a
- 620 s=s+1:goto610
- 630 a=peek(214)*40+peek(211):z=peek(1024+a):pokea+1024,42:b=a:return