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- 1 :if l=1 then 20
- 2 :
- 3 :rem ********************************
- 4 :rem * koala-change *
- 5 :rem * *
- 6 :rem * uwe huedepohl *
- 7 :rem * scheckertstr.19 *
- 8 :rem * 8702 zell/am main *
- 9 :rem ********************************
- 10 :
- 11 :
- 12 print"[147]koala-pic[146] schon absolut geladen";:input"(j/n)";a$:ifa$<>"j" then end
- 14 :
- 16 :
- 18 l=1:load"msp-koala",8,1
- 19 :
- 20 poke 53280,7:poke 53281,7:poke 646,9
- 22 hcol=peek(24576)-240
- 24 for i=0 to 15
- 26 : read farbzuweisung
- 28 : if i=hcol then hcol=fa:goto 30
- 29 next i
- 30 poke49380,hcol
- 32 :
- 34 :
- 36 print"[147]neuverteilung der grauwerte";:input"(j/n)";a$:if a$<>"j" then 78
- 38 print"[147]":poke 53281,1:poke 53280,1
- 39 poke 646,0:restore
- 40 for i=0 to 15:poke 646,i
- 42 : print chr$(18);" ";
- 44 : if i<>7 and i<>15 then 56
- 45 : print:print:poke 646,0
- 46 : for j=(i-7)to i
- 48 : read farbzuweisung
- 50 : print" [157]";fa;"[157] ";
- 52 : next j
- 53 : print:print
- 56 next i
- 58 :
- 59 input">return<[146]";a$
- 63 add=121:print:print
- 64 for i=0 to 15
- 66 : a=peek(1024+add):a=val(chr$(a))
- 68 : poke(49386+i),a:add=add+3
- 70 : if i=7 then add=281
- 72 next i
- 73 poke 53280,7:poke 53281,7:poke 646,9:goto 36
- 74 :
- 76 :
- 78 print:print
- 79 input" ziel [146]adresse 16384[157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";z
- 80 zlow=z-(int(z/256)*256)
- 82 zhihg=int(z/256)
- 83 poke 49239,zlow:poke 49240,zhigh
- 84 :
- 86 sys 49152
- 87 print"[147] > ok < ":end
- 88 :
- 90 data 3,0,3,1,2,2,3,1,2,3,2,3,2,1,2,1