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- 1000 rem graph-64 demo
- 1010 input "demo 1,2,3 oder 4";de
- 1020 _clear:_colour 1,5,7
- 1030 on de gosub 2000,3000,4000,5000
- 1040 _zoom:_graphic
- 1050 end
- 1999 :
- 2000 rem demo 1
- 2010 for i=-(NULL)/4 to (NULL)/4 step (NULL)/15
- 2020 for j=0 to 2*(NULL) step (NULL)/15
- 2030 _line cos(i)*319+320,sin(i)*199+200,cos(j)*319+320,sin(j)*199+200
- 2040 next j,i
- 2050 return
- 2999 :
- 3000 rem demo 2
- 3010 for i=0 to 2*(NULL) step (NULL)/50
- 3020 _line cos(i)*50+320,sin(i)*50+200,sqr(i/(2*(NULL)))*639,i/(2*(NULL))*399
- 3030 next
- 3040 return
- 3999 :
- 4000 rem demo 3
- 4010 _poly 2,2,637,2,637,397,2,397
- 4020 _line 10,200,630,200
- 4030 _line 320,10,320,390
- 4040 _line 320,10,316,15
- 4050 _line 320,10,324,15
- 4060 _line 630,200,626,205
- 4070 _line 630,200,626,195
- 4080 for i=10+620/32 to 630-620/32 step 620/32
- 4090 _line i,196,i,204:next
- 4100 for i=10+380/40 to 390-380/40 step 380/40
- 4110 _line 316,i,324,i:next
- 4120 _char 42,26,asc("[255]")
- 4130 _char 38,13,asc("1")
- 4140 _char 78,26,asc("x")
- 4150 xc=35:yc=1:a$="f(x)":gosub 6000
- 4160 xc=6:yc=5:a$="f(x)=sin(x)+sin(x*1.1)":gosub 6000
- 4170 _poly 44,36,228,36,228,50,44,50
- 4180 def fns(x)=sin(x)+sin(x*1.1)
- 4190 y1=fns((0-310)/310*16*(NULL))*(-95)+200
- 4200 for i=1 to 620
- 4210 y2=fns((i-310)/310*16*(NULL))*(-95)+200
- 4220 _line i+9,y1,i+10,y2
- 4230 y1=y2
- 4240 next
- 4250 return
- 4999 :
- 5000 rem demo 4
- 5010 dim x1%(68),x2%(68),z1%(68),z2%(68)
- 5020 co=cos((NULL)/9):si=sin((NULL)/9)
- 5030 y=-168
- 5040 for x=-272 to 272 step 8
- 5050 gosub 5240
- 5060 x1%(x/8+34)=xp:z1%(x/8+34)=zp
- 5070 next
- 5080 for y=-160 to 168 step 8
- 5090 for x=-272 to 272 step 8
- 5100 gosub 5240
- 5110 x2%(x/8+34)=xp:z2%(x/8+34)=zp
- 5120 next
- 5130 for i=0 to 67
- 5140 _epoly x1%(i),z1%(i),x1%(i+1),z1%(i+1),x2%(i+1),z2%(i+1),x2%(i),z2%(i)
- 5150 _poly x1%(i),z1%(i),x1%(i+1),z1%(i+1),x2%(i+1),z2%(i+1),x2%(i),z2%(i)
- 5160 next
- 5170 for i=0 to 68
- 5180 x1%(i)=x2%(i):z1%(i)=z2%(i)
- 5190 next
- 5200 next
- 5210 xc=22:yc=3:a$="f(x,y)=cos(x^2+y^2)/exp((x^2+y^2)/4)":gosub 6000
- 5220 _poly 172,20,468,20,468,34,172,34
- 5230 return
- 5240 tp=(x*x/73984*(NULL)+y*y/28224*(NULL))
- 5250 z=cos(tp*2)/exp(tp/2)*200
- 5260 xq=x*co+y*si:yq=-x*si+y*co:zq=z
- 5270 xp=xq:yp=zq*si+yq*co:zp=zq*co-yq*si
- 5280 xp=320+xp:zp=250-zp
- 5290 return
- 5999 :
- 6000 rem
- 6010 for i=0 to len(a$)-1
- 6020 _char xc+i,yc,asc(mid$(a$,i+1,1))
- 6030 next
- 6040 return