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- 10 rem--------------------------------
- 11 rem rahmenprogramm zum test von
- 12 rem m o d u l a t o r
- 13 rem
- 14 rem thomas kraetzig februar 1985
- 15 rem--------------------------------
- 20 rem sid f pw port wf a d s r
- 21 data 110, 50, 32, 64, 1,10, 8,10
- 22 data 220, 50, 48, 64, 1,10, 8,10
- 23 data 440, 50, 64, 32, 1,10, 8,10
- 24 :
- 25 rem filter f res filt mod laut
- 26 data 64, 12, 7, 1, 15
- 27 :
- 28 rem lfo f p a c f p a c
- 29 data 5000,128, 6, 6,7000,128, 6, 6
- 30 data 800,128,128, 6,9000,128, 8, 6
- 31 data 6000,128,103,30,1000,128,196, 6
- 32 data 15,128,128, 0
- 33 :
- 34 rem eg a d s r ega egc
- 35 data 20, 15, 32, 20, 128, 06
- 36 :
- 37 rem ksv
- 38 data 00000001,f1, 00000010,f2
- 39 data 00001000,f3, 00000100,pw1
- 40 data 00000000,pw2, 00000000,pw3
- 41 data 10000000,filt, 00000000,laut
- 245 :
- 250 b=12*4096 :rem basis fuer parameter
- 255 si=13*4096+1024 :rem sid-basis
- 260 :
- 265 rem datas einlesen, sid- und
- 270 rem modulator-register besetzen
- 275 :
- 280 for ss=0 to 2 :rem 3 stimmen
- 285 :
- 290 : rem frequenz
- 295 : read f:f=int(f*17.0284+0.5)
- 300 : hi=int(f/256):lo=f-256*hi
- 305 : poke b+7*ss,lo:poke b+1+7*ss,hi
- 310 : bf(ss)=f :rem basisfrequenz
- 315 :
- 320 : rem pulsweite
- 325 : read p:p=int(p*40.95+0.5)
- 330 : hi=int(p/256):lo=p-256*hi
- 335 : poke b+2+7*ss,lo
- 340 : poke b+3+7*ss,hi
- 345 :
- 350 : rem porta
- 355 : read p:poke b+4+7*ss,p
- 360 :
- 365 : rem wellenform
- 370 : read wf(ss):wf(ss)=wf(ss) and 254
- 375 :
- 380 : rem a d s r - huellkurve
- 385 : reada:readd:pokesi+7*ss+5,16*a+d
- 390 : reads:readr:pokesi+7*ss+6,16*s+r
- 395 :
- 400 next ss
- 405 :
- 410 rem filter, lautstaerke
- 415 read f:hi=int(f/8):lo=f-8*hi
- 420 poke b+21,lo:poke b+22,hi
- 425 read res:read filt
- 430 poke si+23,16*res+filt
- 435 read mod:read laut
- 440 poke b+23,16*mod+laut
- 445 :
- 450 rem lfo
- 455 for i=0 to 6
- 460 : read f:hi=int(f/256):lo=f-256*hi
- 465 : poke b+32+5*i,lo
- 470 : poke b+33+5*i,hi
- 475 : read p:poke b+34+5*i,p
- 480 : read a:poke b+35+5*i,a
- 485 : read c:poke b+36+5*i,c
- 490 next i
- 495 :
- 500 rem eg (a d s r)
- 505 for i=0 to 4:read x:poke b+67+i,x
- 510 next i
- 515 read ec :rem steuerbyte merken
- 520 ec=ec and 254:rem gate=0
- 525 poke b+72,ec
- 530 :
- 535 rem ksv
- 540 for i=0 to 7
- 545 : read a$:a=0
- 550 : for j=1 to 8
- 555 : a=2*a
- 560 : if mid$(a$,j,1)="1"then a=a+1
- 565 : next j
- 570 : poke b+24+i,a
- 575 : read a$ :rem ueberlesen
- 580 next i
- 585 :
- 590 rem eingabezeichen fuer noten
- 595 n$="q2w3er5t6y7ui9o0p@-*\^"
- 600 :
- 610 rem relative tonhoehen
- 615 dim th(21)
- 620 for i=0 to 21
- 625 : th(i)=2^(i/12)
- 630 next i
- 635 :
- 640 sys b+1024+9 :rem modulator starten
- 642 :
- 645 rem zeitmessung auswerten
- 650 t=peek(b+113)+256*peek(b+114)
- 655 t1=int(t/100)/10
- 660 t2=int(1000*t/16421)/10
- 665 print"zeitbedarf:";t1;"ms";
- 670 print" auslastung:";t2;"%[145][145][145]";
- 671 :
- 672 rem tasteneingaben auswerten
- 673 rem q-^ toene (weisse tasten)
- 674 rem 2-\ toene (schwarze tasten)
- 675 rem space gate aus
- 676 rem f1,2,3 stimme 1,2,3
- 677 :
- 680 s=0
- 685 get a$:if a$="" then 685
- 690 if a$<>" " then 715
- 695 poke b+72,ec :rem eg gate aus
- 700 poke si+4+7*s,wf(s):rem gate aus
- 705 goto 685
- 710 rem n$ nach eingabe durchsuchen
- 715 i=0
- 720 i=i+1:if i>=22 then 770
- 725 if a$<>mid$(n$,i,1) then 720
- 730 f=bf(s)*th(i-1)
- 735 hi=int(f/256):lo=f-256*hi
- 740 poke si+4+7*s,wf(s):rem gate aus
- 745 poke b+72,ec :rem eg gate aus
- 750 poke b+7*s,lo :poke b+1+7*s,hi
- 755 poke si+4+7*s,wf(s)+1
- 760 poke b+72,ec+1:rem eg gate an
- 765 goto 685
- 770 if a$="[133]" then s=0 :rem f1,stimme 1
- 775 if a$="[134]" then s=1 :rem f3,stimme 2
- 780 if a$="[135]" then s=2 :rem f5,stimme 3
- 785 goto 685