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Turbo Pascal Chain module | 1989-06-15 | 31.6 KB | 157 lines |
- N
- G BIG BLUE DISK - The Monthly Software Collection for the PC enthusiast
- Status file for BIG BLUE DISK
- Read It
- Run It
- Copy It
- Back to Main Menu
- midnight
- three
- seven
- eight
- eleven
- five minutes past
- ten minutes past
- quarter past
- twenty minutes past
- twenty-five minutes past
- half past
- twenty-five minutes to
- twenty minutes to
- quarter to
- ten minutes to
- five minutes to
- o'clock
- 0123456789ABCDEF
- 0123456789ABCDEF
- <<< User abort >>>
- 0Program, text, picture, or data file is missing.
- 4Program, text, picture, or data file has bad format.
- (Insufficient disk space for output file.
- )Cannot do this while within TURBO PASCAL.
- I/O error encountered.
- Insufficient memory available.
- &Unexepected runtime error encountered.
- -Error in MENU.TXT file: Invalid menu option.
- -Error in MENU.TXT file: Invalid side number.
- $Status data file has been corrupted.
- !Fatal internal error encountered.
- #Unexpected error of unknown nature.
- ^0Scrolls
- ^0 Selects
- ^1F1^0 Help
- ^1F3^0 Silence
- ^1F3^0 Sound
- ^1F4^0 Light
- ^1F4^0 Dark
- ^1F5^0 Prints
- ^1F9^0
- Menu
- Exits
- X ^1PgUp^0, ^1PgDn^0 page -- ^1Home^0 goes to top -- ^1End^0 goes to end
- ;WARNING: Status data has been corrupted; status not saved.
- Text key functions
- Menu key functions
- ^0 move up and down through the
- ^0 move up and down through the
- ' ~CHome^0 goes to the beginning of the
- ~CEnd^0 goes to the end of the
- ( ~CPgUp^0 and ~CPgDn^0 page through the
- ^0 (Enter or Return key) Selects choice from menu.
- + ~CF1^0 displays this page of instructions.
- * ~CF3^0 toggles between sound and silence.
- G ~CF4^0 toggles video mode between light characters on dark background,
- , and dark characters on light background.
- ~CF5^0 outputs
- to printer.
- 2 ~CF9^0, ~CF10^0, or ~CESC^0 returns to main menu.
- * ~CF9^0, ~CF10^0, or ~CESC^0 exits to DOS.
- . Press space bar to return to where you were.
- -->
- TEMP.$$$
- Unable to open output file.
- Unable to write output file.
- TEMP.$$$
- TEMP.$$$
- Press any key for menu.
- Big Blue Disk Sampler
- End of menu
- Top of menu
- runs program
- End of text
- Top of text
- %Get printer ready and press space bar
- " or press ^1ESC^0 to abort.
- Printing... <ESC> to abort.
- - from
- - from
- (Continued)
- Please insert:
- 1 and press ^1SPACE^0. Press ^1ESC^0 to abort.
- Big Blue Disk Sampler
- Disk
- Checking disk...
- You inserted:
- " That is the wrong disk.
- Top of text
- End of text
- "Loading and running the program...
- 0Color graphics are required to run this program.
- Press any key to return to menu.
- | Copying files to your own disk.
- |G Single-drive users: type ^1B:^0; some disk swapping will be necessary.
- 1|N During the copy, insert your own disk when prompted for the disk for drive B,
- {I and BIG BLUE DISK SAMPLER when prompted for the disk for drive A. Don't
- v{I swap disks at any time other than when a swap is specifically requested.
- {N Dual drive users: select a drive other than the one containing BIG BLUE DISK,
- zM SAMPLER and insert your own disk in that drive. Replace the DOS master disk
- Sz% when you are finished with the copy.
- z= Hard disk users can type a subdirectory, like ^1C:\STUFF\^0.
- y( Press ^1ENTER^N with no input to abort.
- oy Enter drive/path of your disk:
- ^BRunning^N program.
- ^BLoading^N text.
- v ^BLoading^N program.
- t%Do you really want to quit now? <Y/N>
- Lt'^BExiting^N from BIG BLUE DISK SAMPLER.
- :yYAt
- ^BLoading^N text file.
- ^BRunning^N program.
- Top of menu
- End of menu
- zm5The Monthly Software Collection for the PC enthusiast
- Press Any Key
- Big Blue Disk Sampler
- l$Copyright (C) 1989 by Softdisk, Inc.
- Bl+Available on two 5
- " disks or one 3
- " disk.
- kDSome programs on this disk were compiled using Microsoft QuickBASIC.
- kGRuntime modules included are copyright (C) 1982-1987 by Microsoft Corp.
- If you have:
- kJA: One floppy disk drive -- Run BIG BLUE DISK in drive A. Be sure to keep
- jByour MS-DOS system disk handy; some swapping will be needed later.
- dj@B: Two floppy disk drives -- leave MS-DOS system disk in drive A
- j!and run BIG BLUE DISK in drive B.
- i<C: One floppy and one hard disk drive -- boot your hard disk
- i!and run BIG BLUE DISK in drive A.
- Ni.See the enclosed paper sheet for more details.
- Press Space Bar for Menu
- 1.53s
- menu.csc
- menu.msc