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- |A╔══════════╗════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╔══════════╗
- |A║ |6Helpware |A║════════════════════════ ^1Jacket |A════════════════════════║ |6Helpware |A║
- |A╚══════════╝════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╚══════════╝
- ^Cby
- ^CHerbert Bronner and Jim Row
- ^1Jacket^0 is a streamlined program that will list the files on a floppy
- disk and print them within a template on your printer, which you can then cut
- out and assemble into a jacket sleeve for the diskette. This allows you to
- have a list of the files on a given disk right at your fingertips, eliminating
- the "Gee, I wonder what is on this disk" questions which inevitably arise.
- Jacket is driven from a menu bar on the top line of the screen which offers
- the following options:
- ReadDir Select Print Clear Help Quit
- ^1ReadDir
- This option allows you to specify the drive and path from which to get
- the list of files. It also allows you to select the mask to use in obtaining
- the file listing. See "File Mask" below for an explanation of how a mask is
- used.
- The current drive/path and mask are displayed in a box in the center of
- the screen. To accept the information displayed, press the "Enter" key. If
- you wish to change the drive and/or path, move the cursor to that field using
- the up arrow key and type in the new information. To change the file mask,
- move the cursor to that field and type in the new mask to be used. Once you
- are satisfied with the drive/path and mask, press the "Enter" key to execute
- the directory read. Control will return to the main menu and the chosen files
- will be listed in the center of the screen in bright white.
- Drive/Path Examples:
- a:
- specifies drive "a" as the drive to use for the file listing.
- b:\games\
- specifies drive "b", directory "games", as the drive and path
- to use for the file listing.
- A file mask is a combination of the DOS wild cards, * and ?, and
- filename characters and is used to specify a group of files. Consult
- your DOS manual for further information about wild cards.
- File Mask Examples:
- *.* This is Jacket's default file mask. It specifies that all files
- in the directory are to be listed. The * before the period says
- to include all file names; the * after the period says to include
- all extensions.
- *.txt Specifies that all files with the extension "txt" are to be
- included.
- a*.* Specifies that all files beginning with an "a" are to be included.
- test?.* Specifies that files beginning with the word "test" and followed
- by any single character are to be included.
- ^1Select
- Once you have read the directory (by performing the ReadDir command), use
- this option to select the specific files to be printed on the jacket. The
- default is for all files listed to be printed. If this is what you want, you
- can go directly to "Print" after reading the directory without performing a
- "Select" (if you have already chosen Select, press the Esc key to return to
- the menu). If you want to further limit the files to be printed on the
- jacket, continue with this option to deselect the files you do not want to
- include.
- A highlight bar appears over the first file in the listing. To deselect
- a file, move the highlight bar to it and press the spacebar. When you are
- finished selecting the files to be printed, press the Esc key to return to the
- main menu. The bottom of the screen is a brief help bar explaining how to
- move around the file listing and how to select and deselect files:
- F1 - Pops up a box with information on selecting files.
- F2 - Toggles all of the files between selected (bright white)
- and deselected (dull white).
- Space - Toggles the file the highlight bar is on between selected
- Bar and deselected.
- Arrow - Move the highlight bar (Up arrow moves the bar up, etc.)
- Keys
- PageUp - Previous page of file listing (if any).
- PageDn - Next page of file listing (if any).
- Esc - Return to the main menu.
- ^1Print
- This option will print the jacket template. If you have selected files
- to be printed, they will be printed on the front of the jacket sleeve. If you
- have not read a directory or have not selected any files, a blank jacket will
- be printed. Remember, if there is a list of files on the screen, those
- displayed in bright white will be printed--dull white ones will not.
- NOTE : There is a limited amount of space on the front of a jacket
- sleeve. If you have selected more files than will fit on the sleeve, only the
- first 46 (approx.) will be printed.
- Once the jacket template has been printed, remove the paper
- from your printer. Cut around the outer edges. Horizontal outer
- edges are designated by dashes--vertical edges by exclamation
- points. The inner lines, made up of dots, are the fold lines.
- Fold the jacket along these lines. Fold the two large sections
- toward each other with the file listing facing out. The two
- smaller flap-like sections protruding from the face of the jacket
- should be folded around the back and taped or glued in place.
- Your jacket is now finished and ready for use. If these
- instructions are not sufficiently clear, simply examine one of
- your old disk sleeves.
- ^1Clear
- This option clears the screen and memory. Any previous file listing is
- erased from the screen and is no longer available.
- ^1Help
- This option pops up a box with overall help on using Jacket.
- ^1Quit
- This option allows you to exit Jacket, and causes a prompt to appear
- confirming that you wish to quit. Press "Y" to continue quitting or "N" if
- you wish to return to Jacket.
- To run this program outside ^1Big Blue Disk^0, type: ^1JACKET^0.