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The Fine Print--Legal Documents for Everyone
by Gary Brand
HPro Se is a legal term meaning, roughly, on one's own behalf; while you I
Ghave every right to argue a contested matter on your own behalf in any I
Gcourt in the land, there are sometimes reasons why the wisdom of doing G
Eso is somewhat questionable. There are, however, NO GOOD REASONS for J
Hanyone with a computer and word processing program not to prepare their E
Cown legal forms for any uncontested legal matters. Lawyers receive D
BABSOLUTELY NO TRAINING in law school with respect to proper forms K
Ipreparation, and almost exclusively leave that chore to their paralegals G
Eor secretaries, who simply fill in the blanks in either an extensive J
Hcomputer library of forms, or on a pre-printed blank form, and turn the K
Ifinished documents over to the attorney, who charges his client, in many I
cases, hundreds of dollars for several minutes of his employee's work!
ADISCLAIMER: While I believe that most of these documents will be J
Hserviceable in most jurisdictions, I make absolutely no representations A
?that any single document will be correct under the laws of any
jurisdiction in particular.
GThese forms are meant as a starting point only, as there are thousands K
Iof state-specific legal forms for each of the fifty states; in the event G
Eyou need to file legal forms for an uncontested legal matter in your 3
locality, I urge you to take the following steps:
D1. Take a printed copy of your form to the local public law library I
G(usually in the county courthouse); there you should be able to find a H
Fbook with the necessary documents, as well as checklists and practice I
Gguides, for all legal matters. Once you have found the proper form(s), G
Esimply make a copy, compare it to your form, and either 1), edit the D
computer form as necessary, or 2), fill in the blanks on the copy.
E2. Consult one of the many self-help and/or do-it-yourself law books I
Gavailable in your public library or local bookstore. Also, it has been H
Fmy experience that the Court Clerk of the jurisdiction where you must F
Dfile the document can usually be relied upon for some help with its
G 3. As a last resort, if you are unsure of your work, have an attorney D
Bcheck your documents prior to filing. My only two suggestions for K
Ifinding one who is both competent and honest are: 1), always try to find J
Ha lawyer who is board certified in the area pertaining to your problem, <
:and whose practice is devoted exclusively to that area of J
Hspecialization, and 2), NEVER retain an attorney who cannot or will not K
Igive you the names and telephone numbers of AT LEAST half a dozen recent
clients as references.
A word from the editors
And so we continue our semi-regular series of legal documents.A
This month helps in cases of catastrophic accidents or illness.
LIVING.WILL.AWP - Living Will=
POWER.ATTN.AWP - Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
They are in AppleWorks Word Processor format.
ILook for installments of The FinePrint on future issues! We've got reams
of it.