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Text File | 1993-02-10 | 4.3 KB | 299 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- You reach a small town and see
- houses on both sides of you.
- Many villagers are milling
- about.
- You talk to many villagers and
- the last one gives you a fire
- staff.
- You have now entered the
- Duke's Castle. Two witches
- are standing before you. They
- say "You must defeat us to
- pass."
- The witches have beat you.
- You have been turned into a
- frog!
- You have defeated the witches.
- You may pass, and continue
- your quest to find Princess
- Penelope.
- You come upon a dying wizard.
- He gives you a scroll that has
- magical powers.
- You now encounter an ugly
- troll who tries to convince
- you to give up your search.
- To pass him, and continue your
- journey, you must answer his
- riddle.
- The troll, angered with your
- disturbance, pounces upon you
- and rips your limbs apart.
- Toying with the troll was a
- mistake!
- You meet a dwarf along your
- trecherous journey. He is
- standing in front of you and
- you comment about his height.
- The dwarf gets annoyed, now
- you must fight him.
- You sense mystical powers in
- this field. All around you
- there seems to be whispering.
- From out of nowhere a figure
- of a woman appears.
- She says "Evil forces lay in
- thy domain. Beware of
- undesireables. The Princess
- awaits your arrival."
- You arrive in a Druidic grove.
- A man in a long, hooded white
- robe hands you a piece of
- parchment. Then he turns, and
- leaves.
- He senses you, turns around
- and your parchment disappears.
- You are going toward the other
- end of towm when you come
- across an old woman. She
- steps in front of you and asks
- for money for food.
- The old woman can finally eat!
- The old woman jumps on your
- back and kills you!!!
- You enter a grove of apple
- trees. A Druid is sitting
- under one of them.
- You ate the poisonous apple!
- You now die a slow, painful
- death.
- You come to a fork in the
- path. The two paths wind
- northeast and southeast. Your
- thoughts wander to the
- Princess as you decide which
- direction to travel in.
- As you cross the river, you
- come to a 4-way intersection.
- On the sides of the roads, you
- see many large rocks and
- shrubs.
- You have looked in one of the
- shrubs and found a healing
- potion.
- You are in a desert. You see
- a skeleton lying in the middle
- of your path. A path lies to
- the South and to the East.
- As you approach the skeleton,
- he comes to life, and pulls
- out a very sharp dagger from
- his chest. He is ready for
- battle.
- The skeleton pulls the dagger
- out of his chest and begins to
- attack.
- You have defeated the
- skeleton. You must now
- proceed. There are paths to
- the South and to the East.
- You enter a forest. You
- become drowsy and fall asleep
- under a tree. You wake-up
- two days later.
- You enter a castle and see the
- princess! You run over to her
- but she turns into a demon and
- kills you.
- You walk up to the shore of a
- lake. You look down and see a
- mirage of the princess in the
- water. The lake is surrounded
- by trees and shrubs.
- You have found a healing
- potion.
- You have come upon a kender.
- He has fallen to the ground,
- and you help him to his feet.
- He wants to repay you for your
- hospitality.
- The peasant says: Trees can
- make you sleepy.
- There is a wild pack of wolves
- feasting on another traveler.
- A thought runs through your
- mind. You could be next. The
- pack senses that you are
- there. They charge in.
- You are victorious over the
- wolves. You venture over to
- see the traveler. You notice
- that his feet are floating in
- a puddle. You wonder if the
- boots are magical.
- You try to run but the wolves
- tackle you. You scream as you
- feel your flesh being ripped
- from your body. You should
- have fought the wolves!
- You have found a Long Bow to
- add to your weapon collection.
- You have met your death, and
- failed on your quest to save
- the Princess. At this
- instant, Mordak is taking her
- to a very hungry Demon Dragon!
- You have discovered a
- protective helmet.
- A box without a door, hinges
- or lid, yet a golden treasure
- inside is hid.
- You have entered the King's
- Throne room. Mordak looks at
- you and laughs. The only way
- to save the Princess is to
- defeat him.
- You have fought gallantly, but
- you have been defeated. The
- Princess will now be the
- Dragon's dinner.
- You have defeated Mordak and
- saved the Princess. The two
- of you can now live happily
- ever after.
- You are victorious over the
- Dwarf. You may continue on
- your journey.