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Text File | 1989-12-12 | 33.2 KB | 768 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- By William C. Vergara
- CALENDAR WIZARD is a calendar/reminder system you can use to generate
- calendars highlighting many holidays commonly observed in the U.S. and
- Canada, as well as other Jewish, Muslim, and Christian religious holidays.
- You can also add to calendars important personal dates and events you want
- to remember. Weekly, bimonthly, or monthly calendars can be generated for
- any year from 1000 to 9999 A.D.
- CALENDAR WIZARD operates on most Apple II computers having at least
- 64K of memory, 1 or 2 disk drives, and 80-column and lower-case
- capabilities. A printer is optional, but useful. It probably won't work on
- any Apple II+.
- Files You Generate with CALENDAR WIZARD
- =======================================
- CALENDAR WIZARD uses two kinds of files: a Future Events File and a
- Calendar File. Just think of the Future Events File as your personal, com-
- puterized "memo pad." It "remembers" data for all of the holidays and for
- any of your own personal appointments. If you enter any future appointments
- in this file, you can relax, knowing that Calendar Wizard will never forget
- them!
- You will usually keep a single Future Events File for a year or
- longer. In fact, if you delete old personal appointments as you add new
- ones, you may never need more than one such file. Calendar Wizard will let
- you know when the file is full so you can delete old appointments and make
- room for new ones. Each time you edit the Future Events File, remember to
- save it!
- Calendar Wizard searches its Future Events File "memo pad" each time
- you tell the program to create a calendar, looking for any holidays or
- personal appointments which need to show up on the new calendar. If any are
- found, the program transfers the holidays or appointments to the appropri-
- ate day boxes on the calendar. If no Future Events File is found in memory,
- you will be issued a "stern" warning, and no holidays or appointments will
- be transferred to the new calendar.
- The second type of file, the Calendar File, contains the actual
- calendar page for one week, two weeks, or a month. After you create or
- edit a Calendar File, you can save it to disk, or make a "hard copy" on
- your printer.
- Calendar Wizard adds the extensions ".F" to Future Events Filenames
- and ".C" to Calendar Filenames.
- Making Selections from Menus
- ============================
- You can make a selection from any menu in Calendar Wizard in either of
- two ways. You can...
- 1. Press the number of the option you want. With the option
- highlighted, press [RETURN] to confirm your selection, or
- 2. Use the up- or down-arrow key to highlight the desired option,
- then press [RETURN].
- Special Commands
- ================
- All necessary Calendar Wizard commands are displayed on the various
- monitor screens, so you do not need to memorize them! However, four special
- commands do deserve comment:
- 1. ESC -- Pressing the [ESC]ape key terminates the current
- operation and returns you to the previous menu,
- usually the Main Menu or Other Activities Menu.
- Pressing [ESC] from the Main Menu also automati-
- cally selects option 9, "End This Session." To leave
- the program, confirm by pressing [RETURN].
- 2. Control-Reset -- Pressing the [RESET] key while the [CONTROL]
- key is depressed terminates any activity and returns
- you to the Main Menu.
- If your computer "locks up" for any reason, e.g., your
- printer has run out of paper, use [CONTROL][RESET] to
- return to the Main Menu.
- 3. Open-Apple-Closed-Apple-1 -- Pressing these keys sends a copy
- of any Calendar Wizard display screen to your printer.
- 4. Tab -- Pressing the [TAB] key toggles you between the Main Menu
- and the Other Activities Menu without your having to
- press the [RETURN] key.
- Using Open-Apple Commands
- =========================
- Calendar Wizard uses many commands consisting of the [OPEN-APPLE] key
- in combination with a letter or number key, such as [OPEN-APPLE][C], for
- example. To use such commands, hold down the [OPEN-APPLE] key while you
- press and quickly release the required letter or number key.
- Matching Calendar Wizard to Your System
- =======================================
- Before using Calendar Wizard, it is important to ensure that the
- program conforms to the configuration of your computer system. To make sure
- it does:
- [] Press the [TAB] key, or select option 8 from the Main Menu to take
- you to the Other Activities Menu.
- [] Select option 1 on this menu to "Describe your computer system."
- [] Specify on the next screen the default location for saving or
- loading files, i.e., by slot and drive numbers or by subdirectory
- path. (The latter question is intended primarily for hard disk
- users; however, even if you have no hard disk, you may want to
- keep Calendar Wizard in one directory and your generated files
- in another.) Make your selection and answer the prompts.
- If you select "(sub)directory path," you will be prompted for its
- pathname. If you select "slot and drive," you will be asked for
- slot and drive numbers for your data disk.
- If the default number displayed is correct, press [RETURN] to
- accept it. If not, enter the correct number, then press [RETURN].
- If you have two drives and want to use drive 2 for your data disk,
- enter 2 for the drive number. Just be sure to have a formatted
- ProDOS disk on hand before you begin Calendar Wizard!
- [] Enter the slot number for the printer, with 1 being the usual
- default slot. Press [RETURN] to accept the default, or type the
- desired slot number followed by [RETURN].
- [] Decide if you want lines ending with carriage returns to terminate
- at those points when sent out to your printer. Making this
- decision requires some explanation:
- Text lines in Calendar Wizard are designed to "wrap around" auto-
- matically when the end of the line is reached. If your printer has
- a platen length of eight inches, and you are using a character size
- of 10 characters per inch, you will generally answer [N]o to the
- question, although [Y]es will also work for many printers.
- Calendar Wizard assumes that your printer has an eight-inch platen
- and that it adds a carriage return and line feed when text reaches
- the end of the platen. If your platen length is greater than the
- length of a line of 80 characters, you will usually answer [Y]es
- to the question, and Calendar Wizard will not wrap around properly
- at the end of each line.
- For example, if you are using elite type, 12 characters per inch,
- with an eight-inch platen, a line of type will measure:
- (80 characters)/(12 characters/inch) = 6.667 inches.
- Because 6.667 inches is less than 8, Calendar Wizard will not wrap
- properly, and it must insert carriage return codes at the end of
- each line. Therefore, under these conditions, the correct answer
- to the question would be [Y]es.
- If your calendar pages are not printing correctly, try changing
- the selection for carriage returns from "Y" to "N," or vice versa.
- Doing the same thing may also be required when you are printing
- a year of monthly calendars from the Review/Add/Edit screen.
- [] Return to the Other Activities Menu for the next step in
- configuring your system.
- [] Select option 2, "Enter special codes for your printer."
- The resulting screen lists the special print codes currently in
- memory which Calendar Wizard uses when printing calendars.
- [] Press [ESC]ape to accept the current codes, or [RETURN] to elimi-
- nate all codes.
- Calendar Wizard will accept up to 30 codes to invoke special char-
- acteristics of your printer. Depending on the capabilities of your
- printer, you can select draft or letter-quality printing, change
- type size, left margin setting, or any other printer settings you
- wish.
- Print codes must be in decimal form, not hexadecimal or character
- form. (For example, the code for "Escape" is "27," and the code
- for "1" is "49.") These terms are explained in your printer
- manual. Codes must be separated by a space, so to use the codes
- Escape and 1, you would type 27 49.
- After entering your codes, terminate by pressing [SHIFT][6], which
- is the caret character "^."
- When you first receive Calendar Wizard, no special print codes
- will be residing in memory, so the program will not change your
- printer's start-up characteristics. If you have been using your
- printer, though, be sure to turn it off and on again to clear its
- memory of any print codes remaining from a previous program.
- Once printer codes are entered, they will remain a part of Calen-
- dar Wizard and will be in force whenever you run the program,
- unless you change them.
- If you are using a GS, make sure your Printer port settings are:
- Echo: no
- Buffering: no
- DCD: yes
- DSR: yes
- [] Check the ProDOS prefix currently in use.
- Although you have configured your system, you can check to confirm
- the current ProDOS prefix by selecting option 6, "Get or Set the
- ProDOS Prefix," on the Other Activities Menu.
- To change the prefix, enter the ProDOS pathname of the desired
- directory or subdirectory. If you want to place all of your cal-
- endar files in their own subdirectory, you can create a new sub-
- directory by selecting option 5 on the Other Activities Menu.
- If you plan to install Calendar Wizard on a hard disk, the three
- program files must be placed in the same subdirectory. The files
- you generate yourself, however, can be in any subdirectory. Just
- be sure the active prefix (default subdirectory) tells the program
- where to find them.
- Future Events Files
- ===================
- You can get to the Main Menu from the Other Activities Menu by
- pressing the [ESC]ape key, the [TAB] key, or the [CONTROL][RESET] key
- combination.
- To start a new Future Events File, or computerized "memo pad:"
- [] Select option 1 from the Main Menu and press [RETURN].
- [] Press [RETURN] again to confirm that you want a future events
- file.
- [] When asked to enter a name for the file, enter a legal ProDOS
- file- or pathname.
- Use only upper- or lower-case letters, numbers, or periods, and
- slashes, if a pathname. Calendar Wizard will not accept other
- characters, nor will it accept a "null" filename, i.e., if you
- happen to press [RETURN] for the first character.
- Calendar Wizard automatically adds the suffix ".F" to a filename to
- mark it as a Future Events File. Filenames can then have a maxi-
- mum length of 13 characters.
- [] After a file- or pathname is entered, a screen appears with the
- message:
- "There is provision for automatic insertion of U.S., Canadian,
- Christian, Jewish, and Muslim holidays."
- When you press [RETURN], the Future Events File appears on screen
- with the available commands defined below it.
- A total of 56 "automatic" holidays are built into Calendar Wizard,
- but only 13 of these can appear on the screen at one time. The
- cursor is located to the left of the first entry, "Abraham Lin-
- coln."
- Use the up- and down-arrows to move among the entries in the list.
- When you reach the top or bottom of the list, the screen will
- scroll up or down if there are more entries in that direction.
- In combination with the Open-Apple key, the arrow keys move the
- cursor up or down through all the entries, a full screen at a
- time, for more rapid movement through the list.
- As initially set up, each holiday appearing in the list will be
- placed automatically in the appropriate day box in any calendar
- you generate. This "accepted" status is indicated by an asterisk
- "*" in the left-most column.
- If you want to prevent the appearance of a specific holiday on
- your calendar, move the cursor to that holiday in the list, and
- press [R] to tell Calendar Wizard to "reject" or ignore it. The
- asterisk at the left end of the rejected holiday listing then dis-
- appears.
- To reverse your decision, move the cursor to the rejected holiday,
- press A to "accept" it, and the asterisk will reappear. If you
- want to permanently delete a specific holiday, be sure the cursor
- is on same line as the holiday, and use the [OPEN-APPLE][DELETE]
- command. The deleted holiday disappears from both the screen and
- the Future Events File.
- NOTE: The delete decision is not reversible! To retrieve the holi-
- day, you have to start a new Future Events File.
- To select or reject built-in holidays by groups, use the command
- [OPEN-APPLE][G]. Pressing this key combination displays the
- "Select Holiday Groups" screen, which lists five groups. Press the
- Spacebar to highlight any groups you want to activate, then press
- [RETURN]. All unmarked groups will be rejected.
- After marking a group, you can unmark it by pressing [U]. [OPEN-
- APPLE][G] can be used as often as you like to change the accepted
- and rejected holidays.
- [] You may also enter future personal dates or engagements which will
- also appear on your calendars on the appropriate days and dates.
- Calendar Wizard will allow a total of 169 future entries, including
- the holidays. If you try to insert or add a 170th entry, a warning
- message will appear to let you know you must delete an entry
- before you can add another one.
- To insert a personal entry at a specific place in the file, hold
- down the [OPEN-APPLE] key, and press [I] for "insert." To add an
- entry at the end of the file, use [OPEN-APPLE][A] for "add."
- In either case, you will be prompted for information by a series
- of requests. The first prompt asks for a long text message (17
- characters maximum) which will appear on one- and two-week
- calendars, and the second for an abbreviated version (9 characters
- maximum) which will appear on monthly calendars. The program will
- not accept longer entries for either message.
- The third prompt asks if you have a specific date in mind for the
- current entry. If your entry is for a certain date, e.g., the 5th,
- the 16th, or the 30th, enter [Y]es. If you have in mind a specific
- day of the month, e.g., Monday, Thursday, or Saturday, enter [N]o.
- If you press [Y], you will be asked to enter a day of the month,
- i.e., a number from 1 to 31. If you answer [N], you will be asked
- for the day of the week, as well as for the occurrence of that day
- of the week in the month, e.g., the 1st Monday or the 2nd Friday.
- You can press [0] for all such occurrences, or [9] for the last
- occurrence. (NOTE: You need not memorize these prompts! They are
- identified on the screen.)
- After your entry of either the [Y] or [N] response, you will be
- asked to designate the month of the entry. To do so, type the
- first three letters of the name of the month, e.g., Jan, Feb, Mar,
- and so on, in upper- or lowercase.
- The final prompt asks for the year. Enter a four-digit year from
- 1000 to 9999 A.D. As you strike the key for the last digit, you
- will be returned to the Future Events File with the cursor on the
- new entry.
- Most of the religious holidays in the list are based on their own
- lunar calendars and hence require special mathematical calculation
- by Calendar Wizard. For this reason, these lunar holidays are cal-
- culated only for the years from 1980 to 2050 A.D. All other en-
- entries, including your own personal entries, are calculated for
- the full range of years from 1000 to 9999 A.D.
- With Calendar Wizard, you can also obtain the date of any event on
- the list by placing the cursor on that event and holding down the
- [OPEN-APPLE] key while pressing [D]. If necessary, you may be
- asked to enter the year or month you are interested in before the
- requested date appears on the screen.
- If you ask for the date of a lunar religious holiday for years
- before 1980 or after 2050 A.D., Calendar Wizard will reply by
- showing the date as "???."
- Finally, you can obtain a list of events for any date you specify
- by using the [OPEN-APPLE][L] command. You are then asked if you
- want the list sent to the screen display or the printer. Make your
- selection from the menu in the usual way.
- If you try to start a new Future Events File while another, unsaved
- Future Events File is in memory, Calendar Wizard will ask if you really
- want to lose the old file.
- You can return to a Future Events File which is in memory by selec-
- ting option 7 from the Main Menu. As always, use of the [ESC]ape key
- returns you to the previous menu from any step in the program.
- Calendar Files
- ==============
- Generating a calendar requires only a few simple steps:
- [] First, select option 1 from the Main Menu. You will be asked if
- you want to create a Future Events File or a Calendar File.
- [] Select "Calendar File," option 2. (If you select this option when
- no Future Events File is in memory, you will be given a warning
- outlining the disadvantages of continuing.)
- [] At the new screen prompt, enter the ProDOS filename or pathname
- of the new file. Calendar Wizard filenames can contain a maximum
- of 13 characters. [Remember that a filename may consist only of
- upper- or lowercase letters, numbers, periods, and slashes (for
- pathnames.)]
- [] Press [RETURN]. (The program will automatically add the extension
- ".C" to the end of your filename.)
- [] Indicate whether you want a one-week, two-week, or monthly calen-
- dar by pressing the number key [1], [2], or [3] followed by
- [RETURN], or by using the arrow keys to highlight your choice
- before pressing [RETURN].
- [] Indicate the year of the calendar by entering a four-digit num-
- ber from 1000 to 9999. Calendar Wizard will accept only numbers as
- digits, and only four of them.
- [] Enter the first three letters of the month of your calendar in
- upper- or lowercase.
- If you misspell an entry, Calendar Wizard will give you another
- chance to correct it after three characters are entered. As you
- type the third letter of a correct entry, Calendar Wizard will
- proceed to the next screen.
- If you selected a monthly calendar, that calendar screen will
- appear. If you selected a one- or two-week calendar, Calendar
- Wizard will present a list of possible starting dates for each
- calendar period having days in the selected month. (The first date
- on the list will sometimes be near the end of the preceding
- month, if that period spans two months.)
- [] Select the desired starting date of your calendar in the usual
- way, i.e., by using a number key or the arrow keys and [RETURN],
- and the calendar's "Review/Add/Edit" screen appears almost
- instantly.
- On this screen, you can use the built-in word processor to make
- changes, deletions, or additions to any day box on the screen.
- On weekly calendars, you can also add comments in the special
- "Notes" box. Press [RETURN] to begin a new line.
- The Review/Add/Edit screen displays the name of the Calendar File
- in the lower-left area of the screen. The central part of the
- screen presents a row of days of the calendar. The cursor is
- located at the home position in the first day box of the calendar
- row of days.
- Beneath the row of days is a list of commands available for use
- on this screen. Pressing any of the four arrow keys moves the
- cursor one space in any direction within a day box. Pressing an
- arrow key with the [OPEN-APPLE] key depressed moves the cursor to
- a new day in the designated direction, if such a move is possible.
- For example, [OPEN-APPLE][DOWN-ARROW], moves the cursor down to
- a new row of days with the cursor in the day box just below its
- original location.
- On the bottom row appear miniature calendars for the previous and
- next month and, for one-week- and two-week calendars, the current
- month as well.
- To enter a message, just type characters in the normal way and
- your text will appear in the day box. Other key functions within
- a day box are:
- Arrow Keys -- move the cursor back and forth
- [DELETE] -- deletes the character to the left of the cursor
- [OPEN-APPLE][C] -- deletes text from the cursor location to the end
- of the line
- [OPEN-APPLE][X] -- deletes all text on the line on which the cursor
- is located
- [OPEN-APPLE][Y] -- prints 12 monthly calendar pages, beginning with
- the monthly calendar in memory. (If you have not
- previously created or loaded a monthly calendar,
- a warning message appears.)
- [ESC]ape -- stops printing
- NOTE: If your calendars are printing incorrectly or are too long to
- fit on a page, go back to option 1 on the Other Activities Menu
- and try changing the prompt for adding carriage returns at the
- ends of lines from [Y]es to [N]o. Or try turning the printer
- off for a few seconds. GS users, turn buffering and echo off.
- [OPEN-APPLE][S] -- saves a Calendar File to disk. (The file will be
- saved in the default drive or subdirectory.)
- [OPEN-APPLE][P] -- sends the file to your printer for printing
- If your Future Events File ever has more messages for a given day than
- there is space available for that day, the excess, or overflow, messages
- are presented to you before the Review/Add/Edit screen appears. You can
- always get another look at the overflow messages by holding down the
- [OPEN-APPLE] key while pressing [O]. They will also be printed when you
- send a file to the printer. However, keep in mind that overflow messages
- are not saved to disk when you save the Calendar File!
- If you try to create a new Calendar File while another, unsaved
- calendar is in computer memory, Calendar Wizard will print a warning to
- that effect and ask if you want to lose the old file. Answer [Y]es or [N]o
- and the program will proceed according to your wishes. To return to a cal-
- endar file in memory, select option 2 from the Main Menu.
- Saving Files to Disk
- ====================
- To save a Calendar or Future Events File to a ProDOS-formatted disk,
- select option 4 from the Main Menu. When you so do, a second screen asks
- you which type of file you wish to save. Make your selection from the menu,
- and Calendar Wizard will save the file using the filename or pathname you
- specified when you started or loaded the file.
- If the name is a simple filename, the file will be saved in the
- default drive or subdirectory, depending upon how you have described your
- system. If the name is a pathname, it will be saved in that directory.
- You can also save files from the Review/Add/Edit screen with the
- [OPEN-APPLE][S] command. If you try to save a file when no file is in
- memory, Calendar Wizard will print a warning message.
- If Calendar Wizard in unable to save a file, it will print an error
- message on the screen describing the reason why. You will be given the
- choice of trying again (option 1 on the menu), or of going back to the
- previous menu (option 2 or [ESC]ape).
- Loading Files from Disk
- =======================
- To retrieve a Calendar or Future Events File from disk and place it in
- computer memory...
- [] Select option 3 from the Main Menu. The program will ask
- whether you want to load a Calendar File or a Future Events
- ("memo pad") File.
- [] Make the appropriate selection from the menu. A screen will
- appear asking where Calendar Wizard should look for the file:
- in the default (sub)directory or in a specific slot and drive.
- [] Answer the prompt and press [RETURN]. Calendar Wizard will
- search the specified location on disk and present a screen
- displaying the filenames of all files matching your require-
- requirements.
- If you are looking for your Future Events File, for example,
- only Future Events File names will appear on the screen.
- [] Move the cursor to the file you want, and highlight its file-
- name by pressing the [SPACEBAR].
- [] Press [U] to undo the marking or [RETURN] to get the file.
- If you try to mark two files, or if you press [RETURN] without
- marking a file, Calendar Wizard will give you a warning mes-
- sage. When you press [RETURN] after marking a file, Calendar
- Wizard will obtain the file and present it on screen. You can
- then proceed as described under Future Event Files or Calendar
- Files above.
- NOTE: Calendar Files loaded from disk do not have additional
- messages added to them from the Future Events File.
- If the program has difficulty finding your file, it will print
- an error message on screen describing the problem.
- Printing Calendars
- ==================
- Before attempting to print a calendar, be sure you have configured
- Calendar Wizard correctly as described above in the section, "Matching
- Calendar Wizard to Your System."
- If your computer and printer have been in use before running Calendar
- Wizard, it is a good idea to turn the printer off for a second or two, then
- on again to reset the printer to its normal operating condition to
- eliminate any printer codes which may still reside in the printer's memory
- from the previous program.
- To initiate printing...
- [] Select option 5 from the Main Menu, or [OPEN-APPLE][P] from the
- Review/Add/Edit screen. The screen will display the message
- "Printing... Press [ESC]ape to stop printing".
- If all is well, the printer will make a hard copy of the Calendar
- File in computer memory. To stop any printing job in progress,
- press the [ESC]ape key. If you try to print a calendar with no
- printer connected, or with no paper in the printer, the computer
- will "lock up" and wait for your to rectify the problem.
- If you cannot fix the problem, don't despair! Just press [CONTROL]
- [RESET] to unlock the computer and return to the Main Menu.
- You can print an entire year of monthly calendars by pressing
- [OPEN-APPLE][Y] from the calendar Review/Add/Edit screen. (See
- the "Calendar Files" section above.)
- Printing Calendar Wizard's Screens
- ==================================
- To make a printed copy of any Calendar Wizard display screen...
- [] Hold down the [OPEN-APPLE] and [CLOSED-APPLE] keys, and press the
- [1] key. [CLOSED-APPLE] is the same as the [OPTION] key.
- The program will obey your instructions regarding the addition
- of a carriage return at the end of each line, but it will not send
- special printer codes to the printer. These codes can be loaded
- into the printer's memory for the printing of a Calendar Wizard
- screen by first printing a calendar.
- Listing Files on a Disk
- =======================
- Calendar Wizard allows you to list (or catalog) all of the files in
- a ProDOS (sub)directory on disk. To do so...
- [] Select option 3 from the Other Activities Menu. A menu appears
- asking whether you want to: 1) use the default (sub)directory,
- or 2) enter slot and drive.
- If you select slot and drive, you will be prompted for the slot
- and drive numbers, and the list of files will appear on screen.
- In any case, the desired listing appears showing the volume
- directory name, the appropriate list of file names, and the
- number of free blocks remaining on the disk.
- All files in the (sub)directory are listed whether they are
- Calendar Wizard data files, or not. If there are more files
- than can fit on the screen at one time, just press a key to see
- the next screenful. Calendar Wizard describes its own files as
- either Calendar or Future Events Files.
- Deleting Files
- ==============
- To delete a file from disk...
- [] Select option 4 from the Other Activities Menu.
- When the "Delete Files from Disk" screen appears, you will be
- asked whether Calendar Wizard should look for the files in:
- 1) the default (sub)directory, or 2) a specific slot and drive.
- [] Make a selection, and you will be presented with all of the file-
- names in the specified location, even non-Calendar-Wizard files.
- [] Highlight all of the files to be deleted by pressing the [SPACE-
- BAR].
- You can undo selections by pressing [U]. If you press [RETURN]
- without marking any files, you will see a warning message.
- [] Press [RETURN] and all marked files will be deleted.
- As each file is deleted, the highlighted name of that file will
- change to normal video.
- If there are too many files (over 60) to fit on a screen, Calendar
- Wizard will present an additional screen of filenames with each
- press of the [S] key.
- If an error occurs, a message will appear on screen describing the
- problem encountered by the program, and you will be given the
- option of trying again. Use the [ESC]ape key to leave the delete
- mode and return to the Other Activities Menu.
- Creating a Subdirectory
- =======================
- To create a ProDOS subdirectory...
- [] Select option 5 from the Other Activities Menu. Calendar Wizard
- prompts for the name of the subdirectory to be created.
- The subdirectory name must be a legal ProDOS file name or path-
- pathname consisting of upper- or lowercase letters, numbers,
- periods and slashes (for pathnames).
- [] Press [RETURN], and Calendar Wizard will create the subdirec-
- tory.
- If you enter a filename, i.e., a name not beginning with
- a slash, Calendar Wizard will append that name to the active
- (default) ProDOS prefix. If an error occurs, an error message
- will appear on screen.
- Setting the Active ProDOS Prefix
- ================================
- A ProDOS prefix is the pathname leading to a directory or
- subdirectory. Maintaining a ProDOS prefix in Calendar Wizard is a timesaver
- because you can then enter simple filenames, instead of complete ProDOS
- pathnames, when naming files.
- To determine the active prefix...
- [] Select option 6 from the Other Activities Menu.
- The ProDOS Prefix screen gives the name of the current prefix
- and the prompt: "Press Escape to accept current prefix, or
- enter desired ProDOS prefix:".
- [] Press the [ESC]ape key to leave the prefix unchanged, or enter
- a legal ProDOS prefix.
- To enter a new ProDOS prefix...
- [] Start by typing a slash (/).
- [] Add the volume directory name, and any subdirectory names,
- each preceded by a slash.
- [] Press [RETURN] to complete the process.
- As with the creation of any pathname, use only letters, numbers,
- periods, and slashes.
- Changing Filenames
- ==================
- To change the name of a Calendar File in memory, select option 7 from
- the Other Activities Menu. To change a Future Events File name, use option
- 8.
- For either file type, you will be given the current filename and
- prompted for the new name. Enter a legal ProDOS file or pathname and press
- [RETURN]. Calendar Wizard will automatically add the suffix ".F" or ".C" to
- distinguish between Future Events Files and Calendar Files. A filename must
- have a length of 13 characters or less.
- Ending a Session with Calendar Wizard
- =====================================
- It is advisable to always end work with Calendar Wizard by selecting
- option 9, "End This Session," from the Main Menu.
- If any files in memory have been changed since the last time you saved
- files to disk, Calendar Wizard will let you know and allow you an
- opportunity to return to the Main Menu.
- Printing Program Instructions
- =============================
- The printed instructions will fill 15 pages. If you have entered
- special printer codes into program memory, Calendar Wizard will send them
- to the printer when printing the instructions. During printing, you can
- press the [ESC]ape key to abort printing.
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