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Text File | 1994-06-11 | 3.3 KB | 72 lines | [5D] Entertainment (0x800B) |
- * ==========================
- * Puzzle Name: Creatures
- * -------------
- * by Steve Hughes
- * --------------------------
- * Created: 11-Jul-1994
- * --------------------------
- * * Games *
- * Targets...
- *
- * + Find 30 Mammals
- * + Find 30 Birds
- * + Find 30 Fish
- * + Find 30 Insects
- * --------------------------
- # First the GAME title:
- Creatures
- 4 = Number of puzzles in this document
- # Puzzle Number 1 title:
- Find XX Mammals
- 69 = total words
- 30 = target number of words to find
- 350 = seconds; easy mode
- 300 = seconds; med. mode
- 250 = seconds; hard mode
- # Words for Puzzle #1; 69 total
- Aardvark,Alpaca,Antelope,Armadillo,Badger,Bison,Bobcat,Camel,Caribou,Chamois,Chinchilla,Cougar,Coyote,Deer,Dingo,Dormouse,Eland,Ermine,Ferret,FlyingLemur,Gazelle,Giraffe,Groundhog,GuineaPig,Hare,Hippopotamus,Hyena,Jackal,Jackrabbit,Jerboa,Kangaroo,Karakul,Koala,Lemming,Leopard,Llama,Lynx,Mammoth,Marmot,Marten,Mongoose,Mouflon,Ocelot,Opossum,Otter,Panda,Peccary,Pig,Platypus,Polecat,Pronghorn,Puma,Rat,Reindeer,Rhinoceros,Roebuck,Sable,Sheep,Shrew,Sloth,Stoat,Vole,Wallaby,Weasel,Wildebeest,Wolverine,Wombat,Yak,Zebra
- # Puzzle #2 title
- Find XX Birds
- 77 = total words in puzzle
- 30 = target number of words to use
- 350 = seconds; easy mode
- 300 = seconds; med. mode
- 250 = seconds; hard mode
- # Words for puzzle #2; 77 total
- Albatross,Auk,BaldEagle,BarnOwl,Bittern,Blackbird,BlueJay,Bobolink,Bullfinch,Bunting,Buzzard,Canary,Cardinal,Chickadee,Cockatiel,Condor,Cormorant,Crane,Crow,Cuckoo,Dodo,Duck,Egret,Emu,Flamingo,Flycatcher,Goose,Grouse,Gull,Gyrfalcon,Harrier,Hawk,Heron,Hummingbird,Ibis,Jackdaw,Killdeer,Kingfisher,Kookaburra,Lammergeier,Lapwing,Lark,Loon,Macaw,Magpie,Mallard,Martin,Myna,Nightingale,Nutcracker,Oriole,Osprey,Ostrich,Owl,Parakeet,Partridge,Pelican,Penguin,Pheasant,Pigeon,Puffin,Quetzal,Raven,Razorbill,Roadrunner,Rook,Sapsucker,Shrike,Snipe,Starling,Tanager,Tern,Thrush,Toucan,Turtledove,Whippoorwill,Wren
- # Puzzle #3 title
- Find XX Fish
- 46 = total words in puzzle
- 30 = target number of words to use
- 350 = seconds; easy mode
- 300 = seconds; med. mode
- 250 = seconds; hard mode
- # Words for puzzle #3; 46 total
- Albacore,Anchovy,Barracuda,Bass,Bluegill,Carp,Chimaera,Cichlid,Cod,Crappie,Eel,Flounder,Grouper,Grunion,Haddock,Halibut,Herring,Hippocampus,Kingfish,Lamprey,Mackerel,Manta,Marlin,Minnow,MorayEel,Perch,Pickerel,Pike,Piranha,Pompano,Puffer,Ray,Salmon,Sardine,Scup,Shark,Smelt,Snapper,Snook,Sole,Sturgeon,Tarpon,Trout,Tunny,Walleye,Yellowtail
- # Puzzle #4 title
- Find XX Insects
- 47 = total words in puzzle
- 30 = target number of words to use
- 350 = seconds; easy mode
- 300 = seconds; med. mode
- 250 = seconds; hard mode
- # Words for puzzle #4; 47 total
- Ant,Aphid,Bedbug,Bee,Blowfly,BollWeevil,Butterfly,Chigger,Chinch,Cicada,Cockroach,Cricket,Damselfly,Dragonfly,Drosophila,DungBeetle,Earwig,Ephemerid,Firefly,Flea,Gadfly,Glowworm,Gnat,Grasshopper,Hornet,Horsefly,Jigger,Katydid,Ladybug,Locust,Louse,Mantis,Mealworm,Mealybug,Midge,Mosquito,Moth,PotatoBug,Scarab,Silverfish,Stinkbug,Termite,TsetseFly,Walkingstick,Wasp,WoodTick,YellowJacket