This is a monthly column for Softdisk G-S that will cover the issues (past and present) from a Technical Support point of view. Look here for bug fixes, solutions to commonly asked questions and the like.
General Troubleshooting:
Chances are that you are looking at this on a fairly old computer. Maybe you bought one of the first out. I know it doesn╒t seem like it, but that was seven years ago. Almost an eternity in computer years. If you don╒t intend to get a new system any time soon, you need to think about keeping this one going.
Solid state electronics are great. If they don╒t fry immediately, they usually last for years. The number one enemy of computer chips is heat buildup (Okay, maybe small human beings are number one, but I can╒t help you there.) Heat causes stress which leads to component breakdown, including flaky behavior and death.
If you read Jay╒s Diskovery a couple of months ago, you know that we had air conditioning problems. Well, one of our computers would intermittently flake out and we couldn╒t isolate the problem. When the air conditioning brought the temperature below 80í, it was miraculously cured.
Unfortunately, the IIGS did not come with a built-in fan. This doesn╒t usually cause problems in a standard configuration, but if you add any cards, heat build-up can be a real problem. If you don╒t already have one, I strongly suggest buying a computer fan. The Kensington System Saver at Quality Computers is only $30 or so.
It╒s also a good idea to periodically open up the case and ╥reseat╙ all of the boards and chips. They tend to wiggle loose as time goes by. A loose board or chip can really wreak havoc with your system and if the wrong pieces short together it could be a really big repair bill.
To reseat the boards and chips: Be sure to turn the computer off, but leave it plugged in. Open the case and then touch the power supply (it╒s the rectangular box on the left side.) This will remove any static electricity from your body. Just don╒t do the moonwalk on the carpet before touching anything. Firmly press the boards into their slots and chips into their sockets. This isn╒t something you have to do every week or every month, just once or twice a year (unless you live by the railroad tracks.)
Another major problem for computers is dust and smoke particles. This increases heat buildup problems and can seriously affect mechanical devices such as disk drives and printers (not to mention lungs). While you╒ve got the case off reseating the chips, you can either vacuum it out or use a can of compressed air to spray it out. Unless you are very comfortable taking things apart, leave drive and printer cleaning to the pros. My experience is that they generally charge one, sometimes two, labor hour(s) to clean equipment.
So, keep it clean and cool and your IIGS should serve you well for a long time to come.
I will cover more topics next issue. In the meantime, if you have any trouble, give the folks in Tech Support a call. That╒s why they╒re there. Oh, the number? 1-800-831-2694.