MiniPaint is a great 320 and 640 mode paint program for the IIGS written by teenage graphics phenom Matt Reimer. MiniPaint offers features such as scroll bars, movable windows, tremendous flexibility and speed. The name MiniPaint comes from the program╒s size, not from its feature list! At less than 85k, MiniPaint gets up and running in a hurry.
Trivia: Developers will be amazed to learn that Matt wrote MiniPaint under APW with only one 3.5-inch drive; talk about getting the maximum potential out of your hardware!
MiniPaint is a precursor to the Beagle Bros. program Platinum Paint¬. You will notice some of the menu items greyed out in this version (examples: Rotate, Free Rotate, Edit Pattern, Edit Palette, Import, Hide Tools and Stack Up). If you are a serious artist and feel constrained by these limitations, call us at 1-800-831-2694 to order the latest version of Platinum Paint.
To access a MiniPaint menu, position the cursor on the menu title at the top of the screen and press the mouse button. The menu will appear, and you can then select the desired option. Here╒s a summary of SOME of the menu choices:
File Menu
Keyboard command: command-n
Use New to start all over. New closes the current picture if there is
one, and opens a new window with the default patterns and colors, pen
and text modes, font, style and size. The status of the info bar, scroll bars, coordinates, and crosshairs remain the same. If a spare page is being used, it is erased. If a picture is open when New is selected, MiniPaint asks if you would like to save it before opening the new window.
Keyboard command: command-o
Note: Hold down the option key while selecting Open to load the picture without closing the current window. MiniPaint will open the new picture on top of the current picture.
Use Close when you╒re done with the picture you╒re working on. If the picture has been changed since it was opened, MiniPaint asks if you would like to save it first.
Keyboard command: command-s
Use Save to save the picture using the same name that it was opened with. If it wasn╒t loaded from a disk, this option is unavailable.
Save As...
Use Save As... to save the picture under a different name.
Use Revert to restore the picture to the last version you saved. If the picture wasn╒t loaded from disk, this option is unavailable.
Choose Printer...
Use Choose Printer... to tell MiniPaint what printer setup you have.
Page Setup...
Use Page Setup to tell MiniPaint how you would like your picture printed.
Keyboard command: command-p
Use Print to print your picture (what else?). If a marquee selection is active, only the area inside the box will be printed.
Press command-. to abort the printing process. Remember that MiniPaint will wait all day if your printer is on, but not online.
Keyboard command: command-q
Use Quit when you╒re all done with MiniPaint.
Edit Menu
Keyboard command: command-z
Use this to undo the last change you made to your picture. Some changes can╒t be undone. It╒s smart to save copies of pictures before making drastic changes.
Keyboard command: command-c
Use this to copy the marquee selection to the clipboard. If the whole picture is selected, the whole picture is copied to the clipboard.
Keyboard command: command-x
Use this to move the marquee selection to the clipboard, erasing it from the picture. If the whole picture is selected, the whole picture is moved to the clipboard.
Keyboard command: command-v
Use this to paste the clipboard contents into your picture. If there is a marquee selection, the image is resized to the dimensions of the marquee box. If the original image was bigger than the box, the image is shrunk. If the original image was smaller than the box, the image is expanded.
Keyboard: {delete} or {clear}
Use Clear to clear the marquee selection. If the whole picture is selected,
the whole picture is cleared.
Keyboard command: n
Use Invert to exchange the colors in the marquee selection for their palette complement. For instance, color 1 becomes color 16, colors 2 becomes color 15, color 3 becomes color 14, etc. Black becomes white and white becomes black. Invert again to restore the original colors.
Flip Horiz
Keyboard command: x
Use this to flip the marquee selection horizontally. The pixels on the left are exchanged with the pixels on the right. Flip Horiz has the effect of turning the selection backwards.
Flip Vert
Keyboard command: y
Use this to flip the marquee selection vertically. The pixels on the bottom are exchanged with the pixels on the top. Flip Vert has the effect of turning the selection upside-down.
Replace Color
Keyboard: >
Use this to replace any color within the marquee selection with any other color on the current palette.
When Replace Color is selected, the cursor changes to the color cursor. Click on the color you want to change. Then click on the color you want to replace it with. You may click on the palette or inside of the selection.
Yum menu
Use Grid to snap objects to a 9 x 9 pixel grid. If grid is on and you try to draw a box on the screen, it will force, or snap, the box to the closest vertical and horizontal grid line. Grid affects boxes, rounded boxes, ovals, polygons, and text.
Keyboard command: command-f
Use FatBits to zoom in on an area of the picture for fine detail work. FatBits can also be selected by double-clicking the pencil icon. FatBits only works with the hand and pencil tools. Clicking on another tool turns FatBits off. To zoom in on a particular part of the picture, hold down the Apple key and click with the pencil on the area you would like to see. Note: While using the pencil, hold down the option key to activate the hand tool and move the picture. In 320 mode, FatBits expands each pixel to a 6 x 5 pixel block. In 640 mode with dither lock on, each pixel is expanded to a 16 x 5 pixel block, showing every two pixels as one dithered color. In 640 mode with dither lock off, each pixel is expanded to a 8 x 5 pixel block, displayed in its true color.
Dither Lock
Keyboard command: command-d
This only effects 640 mode, although it can be selected in 320 mode (it just doesn╒t do anything). Use dither lock when you want to draw using dithered colors. Dither Lock makes MiniPaint draw two pixels wide. When Dither Lock is turned on and the paint window has an info bar, a padlock icon is shown.
Effects with Dither Lock on:
Lasso: makes the lasso move the image two pixels at a time,
maintaining the proper coloring. Otherwise dithered images would
change colors every other pixel movement.
Bucket: see section on Dithered colors
Lines, hollow and solid shapes: makes lines at least two pixels wide,
aligning the endpoints only on even pixels.
Marquee: aligns the marquee to even pixels, and moves the image two
pixels at a time.
Pencil: makes the pencil two pixels wide, drawing only on even-paired
Eraser: aligns the eraser to even pixels.
Dither Lock also causes FatBits to display every two pixel-pairs as
one dithered pixel.
Pen Mode
Keyboard command: command-.
Use pen mode to change the way the pen draws.
Text Mode
Keyboard command: command-a
Use text mode to change the way text is drawn.
Keyboard command: command-@
Use this to adjust how far away the shadow is drawn from the shape. The horizontal scroll bar controls the horizontal offset of the shadow, and the vertical scroll bar controls the vertical offset. Press ESC to cancel or return to accept.
Brush Shape
Use this to choose the shape the paint brush will draw. You can also double-click the brush icon to get this dialog. Click on the brush shape when you want to exit. You can also press 9 for the previous brush shape and 0 for the next brush shape in the brush table. Check ╥No gaps between brushes╙ to draw solid lines with the brush. Uncheck ╥No gaps╙ to draw broken lines with the brush. This has the same effect as the spray can.
Show Page
Use Show Page to show the current picture at a 50% reduction. You can also bring up Show Page by double-clicking the hand icon. A box that is drawn over the reduced picture shows the area in the window. Drag the box to another part of the picture and click Ok to move to that part of the picture. Click cancel to stay where you were before selecting Show Page.
640 mode or 320 mode
Use this option to switch to the mode displayed on the menu. If a picture was created in 640 mode and you switch to 320 mode, the colors are converted to their 320 mode equivalents. However, if a picture was created in 320 mode and you switch to 640 mode, the default 640 mode colors are shown instead of the original colors because of hardware limitations. In either mode, PATTERNS CANNOT BE CONVERTED. The patterns are not destroyed, but they merely don╒t display properly in the wrong mode. Switching back to the original mode cures that. Warning! A picture is saved exactly how it appears on-screen. If you make a picture in 320 mode and switch to 640 mode and save it, the picture is saved as a 640 mode picture with the 640 mode palette, and vice versa. Be careful!
Find Color
Keyboard command: k
Use find color to locate a particular color in the picture. This is useful with colors that gradually increase in brightness but look the same. The cursor is changed to the color cursor and all occurrences of the color under the cursor start flashing. Move the cursor over the colors you want to find and click when you╒re done. This can be hard on the old eyeballs; studies show that most people who have eye trouble due to using CRTs all day actually use Find Color several hours per day!
Windows menu
Whole Screen
Keyboard command: command-w
Zooms the paint window to use the whole screen. Use command-w to zoom in and out. To zoom in completely for the maximum painting area, turn off the info bar and scroll bars and press command-w.
Scroll Bars
Keyboard command: s
Use this to turn the scroll bars on and off.
Info Bar
Keyboard command: i
Use this to turn the info bar on and off.
Keyboard command: c
Use this to turn the coordinate display on and off. Coordinates are only displayed if the Info Bar is on. This is useful for precision work. For the fastest operation, leave this off.
Keyboard command: +
Use this to turn the crosshairs on and off. This is useful for lining up precise objects or making a precise marquee selection.
Clean Up
Use this to put all the windows back in their proper place.
Get Spare/Kill Spare
Use this to get a spare page or to kill one if you╒ve already got one. This is useful when you run out of memory.
Spare Page
Keyboard command: command-^
Use this to switch between the spare page and the picture.
Pic to Spare
Keyboard command: command->
Use this to copy the picture to the spare page.
Spare to Pic
Keyboard command: command-<
Use this to copy the spare page to the picture.
Font Menu
Choose Font
Keyboard: t
Use this to choose a certain font, size and style. This is useful if you need a certain size that╒s not in the Size menu, or if you have too many fonts to be displayed in the Font menu. The rest of the menu lists any fonts installed. If the menu overflows, the remaining fonts can only be accessed through Fine Tune.
Style Menu
Use these to stylize the current font:
Keyboard command: command-t
Keyboard command: command-b
Keyboard command: command-i
Keyboard command: command-u
Align Left
Keyboard command: command-l
Use this to type from left to right.
Align Middle
Keyboard command: command-m
Use this to center some text. This is useful for labeling an object. Click where you want the center of the text to be and type the label.
Align Right
Keyboard command: command-r
Use this to right justify the text. This is useful for labelling the left side of an object. Click where you want the right edge to be and type.
Size Menu
8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 or ??
Selects the size of the current font. The last size is the weird size, which can be set by using Fine tune.
This section describes each one of MiniPaint╒s powerful tools. They are pictured in the icons on the left side of the MiniPaint screen. In the following reference, the tool name is given first, then the keyboard equivalent, then an explanation (if necessary).
To use a tool, either press the keyboard equivalent or click inside the icon on the left of the screen. The icon will be inversed, signifying that it is now active. The info bar (if showing) at the top of the screen will also depict the current tool.
Keyboard command: l
Use the lasso to move an irregularly shaped object.
To select an object:
o Hold down the mouse button and surround the object you want to
move. The smaller the area you surround, the faster it works.
o When you release the button, MiniPaint collapses the edges around
the object unless you used option-click to start drawing. In that case
the lassoed object will be exactly what you selected.
o The object is removed from the picture and now ╥floats╙ above the
To move an object:
o Move the cursor inside the object until the cursor changes from the
lasso to the arrow and hold down the button.
o Drag the shape to its new location and release the button.
Special option:
o option-click selects an object without collapsing the outer edges
Options available after surrounding the lasso image:
From the Edit menu:
o Clear (keyboard {delete} or {clear})
o Flip horizontal (keyboard x)
o Flip vertical (keyboard y)
o Invert (keyboard n)
o Replace color (keyboard >)
o option-click to leave a copy behind
o SHIFT-click to drag on a horizontal or vertical line
o ESC while dragging hides the cursor and the flashing outline of the
Keyboard command: m
Use the marquee to move a rectangular object. Double-click the marquee icon to select the whole window, and triple-click to select the whole picture.
To select an object:
o Hold down the button and surround the object you want to move. The
smaller the area you surround, the faster it works.
To move an object:
o Move the cursor inside the object until the cursor changes from the
crosshair to the arrow and hold down the button.
o Drag the shape to its new location and release the button.
Note: Before an object is moved, it is still on the canvas. Once it is
moved, however, it floats above the canvas. This is useful when you
want to move something to another part of the picture. Move the
marquee selection, making it float. Then use the scroll bars to move
to the other part of the picture.
Options available:
o Double-clicking the marquee icon selects the whole window
o Triple-clicking the marquee icon selects the whole document
o SHIFT-click when starting to surround a square instead of a
Once you╒ve selected an area and released the mouse button:
From the Edit menu:
o Copy (command-c)
o Cut (command-x)
o Paste (command-v)
o Clear (keyboard {delete} or {clear}
o Flip horizontal (keyboard x)
o Flip vertical (keyboard y)
o Invert (keyboard n)
o Replace color (keyboard >)
o option-click to leave the original behind when dragging
o SHIFT-click to drag on a horizontal or vertical line only
o CTRL while dragging to use OR mode
o ESC while dragging hides the cursor and the flashing outline of the
Keyboard command: h
Use the hand to move to the window to a different part of the picture. To move the picture, hold down the button and move the mouse. Note: When the pencil is selected, the hand may be activated by holding down option key. When you release option, the pencil returns.
Options available:
o Double-click the hand icon to use Show Page.
Keyboard command: a
Use the text tool to type on the picture. Double-click the text icon to use Fine Tune fonts feature. To use the text tool, click where you want to start typing. Type away. To type a character not on the keyboard, hold down option and press a key.
o Return accepts current text and moves to the next line
o Delete erases the last character typed
o Clear deletes everything since the last Return
o Escape deletes everything since the last Return and leaves text
entry mode
o Apple-Return accepts current text and leaves text entry mode (this
is handy when the tools are hidden and you╒re using keyboard
To change the color of the text, click on a color in the color window.
To change the font, choose a font in the Font menu. To change the
style, choose a style in the Style menu. To change the size, choose a
size in the Size menu. Use Fine Tune in the Font menu to choose
different sizes, etc.
Try Align Left, Align Middle, and Align Right in the Style menu. Also
try Text Mode in the Yum menu. It allows your text to act in rather
unusual ways.
Note: If Grid is on, text is aligned to the grid.
Options available:
o Double-click the text icon to use Fine Tune
o Apple-click to use foreOR mode
o click in color window to change the font color
o change modes with Text Mode... in Yum menu
o Fine tune in the font menu to change font, style and size
o choose any font in the Font menu to switch fonts
o change Styles and alignment in the Style menu
o changes Sizes in the Size menu
Paint Bucket
Keyboard command: f
Use the Paint Bucket to fill any shape with a color or pattern. To use the Paint Bucket, select the color or pattern you want to fill with. Then click the button inside the shape you want to fill. In 640 mode, the bucket will only fill non-dithered colors. If you accidentally try to fill a dithered color, press ESC. Pressing ESC will abort a fill.
Paint Brush
Keyboard command: ,
Use the Paint Brush to apply a color or pattern using one of 32 brush shapes. Select the tool, then hold down the button and drag the brush. To change brush shapes, press the keypad *, double-click the brush icon, or select Choose Brush from the Yum menu. Click on the brush shape you want. If you would like broken instead of solid lines, uncheck the ╥No gaps between brushes╙ box. This in effect gives you 32 spray can patterns to work with.
Options available while drawing with the brush:
o Double-click the brush icon to select a different brush
o SHIFT-click to draw on a horizontal or vertical line only
o press ESC to hide the cursor
o press ╥+╙ to toggle the crosshairs on/off while drawing
Spray Can
Keyboard command: :
Hold down the mouse while using the spray can to apply a mist of the current color on the page.
Keyboard command: .
Use the pencil to draw free-form. To draw, click the button and drag it around. If the pencil is clicked on the same color as the pen color, the pencil will erase, using the background color. The pencil is especially useful in FatBits (see Fatbits).
Options available:
o Double-click the pencil icon to turn FatBits on
o SHIFT-click to draw on horizontal or vertical lines
o option changes the cursor to the hand to move around the
o Apple-click zooms in where the pencil was clicked;
Apple-click turns FatBits off if it╒s on
o ESC while drawing hides the cursor
o press ╥+╙ to toggle the crosshairs on/off while drawing
Keyboard command: /
Use this to draw straight lines. Select it, then click the button at one end of the line and drag the line to where you want it and release the button. Lines are drawn using the current pen size and border color.
Options available:
o SHIFT-click for horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines
o option-click to draw the line in the pen color instead of
the border color
o Apple-click to use OR as the pen mode
Keyboard command: e
Use this to erase an area. To erase, click the button and drag the eraser over the area you want to obliterate. The eraser uses the background pattern.
Options available:
o Double-click the marquee icon to erase the whole window
o SHIFT-click to erase on horizontal or vertical lines
o ESC hides the cursor while erasing
o press ╥+╙ to toggle the crosshairs while drawing
Hollow Boxes
Keyboard command: shift-b
Hollow Ovals
Keyboard command: shift-o
Use these tools to draw hollow shapes. To draw, click the button at one edge of the shape and drag it to where you want it and release the button. Hollow shapes are drawn using the current pen size and border color.
Options available when starting to draw:
o SHIFT-click for square shapes (circular ovals)
o option-click to draw the shape in the pen color instead of
the border color
o Apple-click to use OR as the pen mode
o CTRL-click to draw a shadow under the shape
Solid Boxes
Keyboard command: b
Solid Rounded Boxes
Keyboard command: r
Solid Ovals
Keyboard command: o
Use these tools to draw solid shapes. To draw, click the button at one edge of the shape and drag it to where you want it and release the button. The interiors of solid shapes are drawn using the current pen color and the borders are drawn using the current pen size and border color. Hold down the option key to draw the border with the same color as the interior.
Options available when you start drawing:
o SHIFT-click for square shapes (circular ovals)
o option-click to draw the border with the same color as the
o Apple-click to use OR as the pen mode
o CTRL-click to draw a shadow under the shape
Hollow Regions
Keyboard command: shift-q
Use this to draw hollow regions. To draw, click the button and drag the mouse any which way. When you release the button a line is automatically drawn to the starting point, completing the shape. Hollow regions are drawn using the current pen size and border color.
Options available:
o SHIFT-click to draw on horizontal or vertical lines only
o option-click to draw the shape in the pen color instead of
the border color
o Apple-click to use OR as the pen mode
o + or keypad + toggles the crosshairs while drawing
o CTRL-click to draw a shadow under the shape
Solid Regions
Keyboard command: q
Use this tool to draw solid regions. To draw, click the button and drag the mouse. When you release the button a line is automatically drawn to the starting point, closing the shape. The interior of a solid region is drawn using the current pen color and the border is drawn using the current pen size and border color. Hold down the option key to draw the border with the same color as the interior.
Options available:
o SHIFT-click to draw on horizontal or vertical lines only
o option-click to draw the shape in the pen color instead of
the border color
o Apple-click to use OR as the pen mode
o + or keypad + toggles the crosshairs while drawing
o CTRL-click to draw a shadow under the shape
Hollow Polygons
Keyboard command: shift-p
Use this to draw hollow polygons (polygons are a series of connected lines). To draw, click the button and draw a line. Release the button and draw another line, clicking again when the new line is positioned. When you want to close the polygon, click outside the window or double-click inside the window. Hollow polygons are drawn using the current pen size and border color.
Options available:
o SHIFT-click for horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines
o option-click to draw the line in the pen color instead of
the border color
o Apple-click to use OR as the pen mode
Solid Polygons
Keyboard command: p
Use this to draw solid polygons (polygons are a series of connected lines). To draw, click the button and draw a line. Release the button and draw another line, clicking again when the new line is positioned. When you want to close the polygon, click outside the window or double-click inside the window. The interior of a solid polygon is drawn using the current pen color and the border is drawn using the current pen size and border color. Hold down the option key to draw the border with the same color as the interior.
Options available:
o SHIFT-click for horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines
o option-click to draw the line in the pen color instead of
the border color
o Apple-click to use OR as the pen mode
o CTRL-click to draw a shadow under the shape
o + or keypad + toggles the crosshairs while drawing
When the eye sees two adjacent pixels in 640 mode, it sees them as one pixel whose color is the average of the two pixels. For instance, if a black pixel is next to a white pixel, it will appear to be gray.
Because of this effect, we can fool the eye into thinking we have 16 colors in 640 mode by making one dithered ╥pixel╙ out of two alternately colored pixels.
With the default 640 palette, any pixel can be black or white. Even pixels can also be blue or yellow, and odd pixels can be red or green. So if we alternate blue and white we see a light blue, or a violet color if we alternate blue-red.
However, when we╒re drawing with dithered colors, our resolution is actually cut down to 320 pixels wide, since each dithered "pixel" is made up of two pixels. The Dither Lock feature makes MiniPaint draw using dithered pixels by drawing two pixels wide on even pixel boundaries. Turn the Dither Lock on when you want to make the pencil draw dithered pixels, or make FatBits show dithered pixels, or when you want to move image with dithered colors.
One problem with dithered pixels is with the paint bucket. A dithered pixel is actually a pattern made of vertical lines like this: || and if you try to to fill in between the vertical lines, the next pixel || is seen as a boundary, so the only direction it can fill is up or down. Because of this, the bucket allows you to abort the fill by pressing ESCape. If it seems like it╒s taking a while to fill a dithered color, press ESCape. Note: this also affects the lasso.
The Info Bar shows the cursor coordinates, delta coordinates, current tool, current pen, border, background color and the dither lock status.
Depending where the window is on the screen, you may not be able to see all of the info bar. One way to solve this is by using Whole Screen mode. Or, select Clean Up from the Window menu, and then turn the scroll bars off.
There are several types of color selections which can be set using the color/pattern palette on the bottom of the MiniPaint screen. The left part of the palette shows the paint or pen color framed by the border color, which is in turn framed by the background color. This is also echoed on the info bar. The shadow color can only be seen by creating a shadowed shape.
Paint/Pen Color
o click on a color or pattern to set the pen color
o used by pencil, brush, spray can, fill bucket, solid shapes
o used by lines if option-click is used to start drawing the
Border Color
o apple-click on a color or pattern to set the border color
o used by borders, lines
Background Color
o click on a color, then press option and release the button
to set the background (this will also change your pen color
unless you start with the cursor on the current pen color)
o used by eraser
Shadow Color
o control-click on a color to set the shadow color
o used by shadows when solid shapes are started with
The Spare Page is like having two completely different pictures in one window. You can instantly switch between them by pressing command-^. Use the spare page for experimentation, and when you╒re ready to use the image you╒ve created, copy it into your picture. You can move pictures to and from the spare page via the clipboard or the two copy commands in the Windows menu (see Pic to Spare and Spare to Pic).
Or you can use the spare page to backup your picture. Copy the picture to the spare with the Pic to Spare command, and if you really mess up the original, use the Spare to Pic command (or Revert, if you╒ve already saved the picture).
However, using the spare page has its drawbacks. The spare page takes up about 62K of memory, so you may not be able to use it on your system.
NOTE: You can only Save, Save As..., Revert, or Print... the picture page, not the spare page.
o For the fastest operation, turn off scroll bars, info bar, coordinates, and crosshairs, and don╒t leave any windows overlapping. Press escape while using most tools to hide the tool.
o Use the spare page to experiment, and copy it to the original on the other page when you╒re done experimenting.
o If you run low on memory, kill the spare page if you╒re using one (see Get/Kill Spare in the Windows menu). If that doesn╒t free up enough, copy a very small area to the clipboard. This will shrink the clipboard. If that doesn╒t help, save your picture and try restarting.
o To move the marquee or lasso selection to or from the spare page, make sure the selection is floating (by moving it) and then press command-^. This works much faster than using the clipboard.
o Move the tool, pen size, or color windows by option-clicking inside the window and then dragging to the desired position.
o To lighten an image, select the third pattern (not color), and draw a solid shape over the image using OR mode by holding down the Apple key as you draw.
o To color a pattern on the picture, first draw the patterned shape. Then choose the color you want. Draw over the image using OR mode by Apple-clicking as you draw. You can also use the OR mode to draw a pattern over a color.
o CTRL-click on a color to sets the shadow pattern or color
o Load the file Samples and try some of its suggestions.
o Surround some text with the lasso, release the mouse button, move the mouse until you get an arrow cursor, then press the button followed by Escape. Now you can drag the text around quite nicely.
o When starting MiniPaint, hold down the option key until you see the ╥Please wait╙ message and you╒ll be in 640 mode
o If you find a bug in MiniPaint, spray Raid¬ all over your keyboard. If that doesn╒t solve the problem, take a hammer and smash your monitor. If that still doesn╒t solve the problem, write a nice letter to Softdisk Publishing and explain how they might duplicate the problem.
Press Apple-. to choose one of eight QuickDraw pen modes. These modes affect shapes and lines. If you understand any of this, you╒re really quite strange.
Copy: copy source to destination (normal mode)
notCopy: copy inverse of source to destination
OR: nondestructively overlay source with destination
notOR: nondestructively overlay inverse of source with destination
XOR: exclusive OR source with destination
notXOR: exclusive OR inverse of source with destination
BIC: bit clear source with destination (erase colored pixels)
notBIC: bit clear inverse of source with destination
Press command-a to choose one of eight QuickDraw text modes.
ForeCopy: copies only foreground pixels, not background
notForeCopy: copies only background pixels, not foreground
ForeOR: ORs foreground pixels into destination
notForeOR: ORs background pixels into destination
ForeXOR: XORs foreground pixels into destination
notForeXOR: XORs background pixels into destination
ForeBIC: BICs foreground pixels into the destination
notForeBIC: BICs background pixels into destination
Select ╥Installer...╙ from the File Menu (or press command-I) and the Installer will be launched. Then highlight ╥MiniPaint╙ by clicking on it. Next, be sure the disk you want to copy the files to is inserted and click on the Disk button until that disk comes up. Click on the Install button and the copying will be done.
Remember: there is a paragraph on using the Installer in the Help article. Check it out if you are confused by the terminology.