The other day Jay, half jokingly, said, ╥It sure would be nice if the menu bar wasn╒t visible in Finder, so I could move icons and stuff up there!╙ Well, I thought about it and realized that it would be an incredibly simple thing to do. So I wrote BarNone.
What does it do and How do I do it?
BarNone toggles the visibility of the menu bar whenever Spacebar is pressed at the desktop, as long as the application doesn╒t use Spacebar for something else. (For example, Platinum Paint uses Spacebar for toggling full screen view╤╤BarNone won╒t interfere in this case.) If a dialog box is on the screen, BarNone will not work.
Also, note that while you won╒t be able to pull down the menus when the menu bar is hidden, you╒ll still be able to use any key equivalents. So, for example, Q will still quit an application, and in Finder you╒ll still be able to double-click programs and documents.
Lastly, BarNone does not keep track of the menu bar state from program to program╤╤nor does it remember between restarts.
Uh-Oh... a bug!?!?
It seems that Finder 6.0 doesn╒t like anyone hiding the menu bar on it, so when BarNone tries to do its thing, it doesn╒t always work. Your system won╒t crash or anything, but it will look like the menu bar is still there╤╤even though you won╒t be able to click on it. So, if it doesn╒t seem towork for you, don╒t use it!
What good is this program?!?
Honestly? Not much. But, it only took me a couple of hours to write (in fact, it took me longer to design the icon that is displayed while starting up than it took to write the code itself!) and it╒s fun. Softdisk G-S is not supposed to be nothing but big stuffy programs. We╒re going to keep the big programs (eg, MiniPaint on this issue), but we hope to include more of these little, sometimes-useless, always-neat programs in the future. Let us know what you think of this idea!
Copying BarNone
Select ╥Installer...╙ from the File Menu (or press I) and the Installer will be launched. Then highlight ╥BarNone╙ by clicking on it. Next, be sure the disk you want to copy the files to is inserted and click on the Disk button until that disk comes up. Click on the Install button and the copying will be done.
Remember: there is a paragraph on using the Installer in the Help article. Check it out if you are confused by the terminology.