What's the ultimate praise for players of BlockWords? Hint: it's reserved for those who have filled the entire block with words. Go read all about it -- then play it!
Easy Eyes
by Nate Trost
Easy Eyes is a New Desk Accessory that is designed to make long sessions in front of your computer screen easier on your eyes. Easy Eyes allows you to set the foreground (text) color and background color while in 640-mode. For example, this would allow you to have a dark blue backgroud behind white text -- much easier on the eyes then white on black for lengthy work.
The Analyst 1.1
by Bryan Pietrzak
Which IIgs do you own? The ROM »», ROM »1 or the ROM »3? How much memory do you have? 1 megabyte? 2 megabytes? Which Tool Sets do you have installed? What kind of disk drives are you using? Are you printing with Apple's drivers? How fast is your CPU running?
Acorn Font
by Bryan Pietrzak
Acorn is a nice looking correspondence quality font that we're sure you'll use. We've provided point sizes 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 28 and 36 for maximum utility.
Dinosaur Clip Art
by Keith Berdak
This month Keith has provided us with a half-dozen dinosaurs, including Velociraptor (the star of ╥Jurassic Park╙ by Michael Crichton), the dual-crested Dilophosaurus and the huge Apatosaurus.
Inside View
by Bryan Pietrzak
Quite a few new things are happening these days in the GS programming world. There's something for everyone from the beginning programmer to the hardcore professional.
Spencer's Corner: Party Pigs
by Spencer van Gulick
Learn how to flip graphic images with Spencer's monthly column.
Spencer's Bonus
by Spencer van Gulick
This month, we had extra room on the issue for a Spencer bonus. Inside the file ╥SpencerBonus╙, you'll find two Halloween bonus offerings. ╥HalloweenGrphc╙ and ╥HalloweenPgeLay╙ were both created in AWGS. The first is a 640-mode graphic, the second is an AWGS page-layout document. You should be able to load the 640-mode graphic into any paint program. The page-layout looks identical, but must be opened in AWGSs page-layout module. Enjoy!
Found under the Articles heading... Read Me!, Table of Contents, Diskovery, Review: Seven Hills, Professor, Readers Write and Credits.