Are you happy with your subscription to Softdisk G-S? Well, now╒s your chance to let us know. How do you like the mixture of offerings? Are we doing anything right? Are we doing anything wrong? Do you have any program requests? Topics for Inside View? You really should let us know. We are anxious to become your one-stop shop for hot Apple II programs. Help us provide you with software to last a lifetime.
Go ahead and print out this page. At the bottom, you will find our Report Card. It lets you rate each feature on this month╒s issue. Rate each feature, with A being ╥excellent,╙ C meaning ╥average,╙ and F meaning ╥bad beyond belief.╙ To get a form, all you need is to have a printer. If your printer is online, you can make one right now by pressing P. Fill it out and let us know what you think!