Apple IIGS SH3/SHR | 1991-02-18 | 13.7 KB | 320x200 | 4-bit (12 colors) | [C0] Apple IIgs Packed Super HiRes (0x0001)
ocr: PGOASO DONOT MARE ILLEGAL COPIES OF THS SOFTWARE. The software you are using was produced through the ettorts of many peope/desgners,ar35, programmers, OBtrioutors,retalers, and other dedicated workers. The costs of developing this and other sottware programs are recovered through software sales. The unauthorized duplication of personal computer sottware raises the costs to all - legitimate users. This sottware IS protected by federalcopyright law. Copying sottware for anyr reason other than to make a backup IS a violation of law. Individuals who make unauthorized copies ot sottware may be sub ...