Milestones 2000 is an automobile race game played with a special deck of cards. One player plays against the computer. The program contains over 500K of digitized sound and graphics files, packed into a single 340K file for ease of use (using Apple's sound and graphics compression techniques). This game is Reliefware -- very similar to Shareware. Try it out for a week. If you enjoy it, please pay for it by sending $15 to:
Ken Franklin
5603 81st St E
Puyallup, WA 98371
All money received for this game will be given to charities working for homeless relief. Ken intends to choose charities that show a good record of truly benefiting homeless families. He does NOT intend to keep any of the money. If you enjoy having a roof over your head and a computer within it, please consider paying the Reliefware fee. If you don't enjoy it, or don't want to pay the $15, then please delete it or pass it on to a friend. This is NOT public domain software, and may not be sold without his written permission.
The game is a race to 5000 points against the GS. You and the computer are dealt cards that you either click and drag onto your car or onto the GS' car. These allow you to GO, STOP (the other player), fill up with GAS, put on a SPARE tire, REPAIR your car, etc. There are cards that will be played on you or that you play on the GS' car. The GS may play an EMPTY (as in empty gas tank) card on you. This means you must play a GAS card on yourself before you can go any further. There are also the mileage cards that you play to actually move the car through the race. For instance, a card labeled 400km will move you down the road 400km. You can monitor your status by looking at the mileage sign next to each car. Finally, there are four bonus cards offered which each have special attributes. With 46 distance cards, 13 problem cards, 38 fix cards, and 4 power cards there are plenty of variables in this game.
As you play the cards the digitized sound effects spring to life. Cheering crowds, motors roaring (or sputtering), sirens sounding, and tires screeching all bring this game that extra touch we all love. Most of the graphics are pretty good. As you race away from the starting line the scenes change behind your car. Cool. The card icons are well drawn and appropriate. Too bad there's not a flashier closing screen when you finish. Maybe a screen fade at the finish line, then a refreshed screen showing the winners circle. Game play is smooth and efficient. Cards are refreshed quickly and the "scrolling" race course is definitely worth checking out.
There is a very thorough help section and hints for better point acquisition. Try this game, I think you'll like it. If you like it and keep it, please make sure you send the money in. If you don't care for the game, fine, pass it on to someone who might enjoy it. Regardless, I think it is a worthy cause, so send the money in anyway.
Tetris dominated your waking hours. You were hooked. What's worse--you stink at it. It kept you glued to the keyboard, playing a game you could never hope to win. You almost lost your job. You prayed for revenge.
Your prayers are answered--Antetris is here! All the blocks that filled the screen in your defeat are here, plummeting downward. And what do you have? A small space fighter with extremely powerful block-busting guns! Revenge is yours! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
Antetris is fun. The object of the game is not to let a certain number of blocks reach the bottom of the screen. When you let that many get by, your ship explodes!
Interlocked shapes of various colors slowly creep down the screen. Keeping them from plummeting downward are black blocks. Black blocks don't plummet, but if you shoot them and the shape above them is set free, it WILL plummet, and you'd better do some quick shootin'!
Antetris' only problem is speed. It is great fun on a TransWarped machine, but on a normal 2.8 Megahertz GS, it is a little slow. Most people won't really mind that though--they'll appreciate the thinking time!
There are no frills here, really. The load screen is plain. After a game, all you get are two buttons: PLAY and QUIT. But the play's the thing, and Antetris is a whole lot of fun.