For all those people constantly creating maps for their weekly parties --look no further than this month's clip art. We bring to you easy-to-use map icons to cut and paste. Including road symbols, buildings, signs, and other landmarks. Load these into a paint program and splice them together to create professional looking maps for all your gatherings.
Two different ways to import SDGS clip art to AWGS page layout documents without changing the palettes:
1. Use the Hot Paste function of AWGS v1.1 (this requires lots of memory)
-Have both documents (the clip art page and the page layout docoument) on the desktop.
-Lasso or Marquee the image you want to import.
-Place the Arrow in the image and press the CONTROL key. The arrow will change to a lightning bolt.
-Drag the image to the page layout document.
2. Using the IMPORT feature of AWGS v1.1 (doesn't need lots of memory)
-Open the clip art document you want to use.
-Delete everything except the image you want.
-Type OA-A for select all.
-Press and hold the SHIFT key and click the mouse in the image.
-Press DELETE to get rid of all the other objects on the page.
-Save the document
-Open a new PL document and import the one you just saved.
-Answer YES to the change colors question.
The graphics page may be loaded into paint programs and AppleWorks GS. Look in the /SDGS.17/CLIP ART/ directory, or use the â•¥File Copierâ•™ function in the File menu (or press Open-Apple-F) to copy the file to your own disk.